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The Ups & Downs Of Home Ownership

For the majority of people, home ownership is the goal in life. There is something so very secure about the feeling of being a homeowner, of knowing that you have your own place in the world that is just yours. You don’t have to worry about what your landlord will think if you decide to put up artwork and you can make decisions regarding your own decor like never before. It’s no wonder ownership is the goal for so many people.

Of course… then there’s the downside.

The truth is that home ownership is not a cure-all, a guarantee that life from this point onwards will be simple. There are moments when a homeowner will desperately wish for the freedom of renting again; perhaps even to the point they wish they were back living with their parents.

So if you’re contemplating your first purchase – or have already bought, and just want to know others go through the same range of emotions as you do – then it’s worth taking the time to examine the ups and the downs.

UP: Your Status Is Improved

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[Photo courtesy of TeroVesalainen/]

There is something about the mere idea of being a homeowner that makes people take you a little bit more seriously. You have proven that you are able to convince a bank to lend you money, so you must be a serious, reliable person. You have undertaken a huge responsibility, and there’s no doubt about it: you will be treated differently – better – because of it.

You’ll find it easier to secure finance in the future, be it for a car or poor credit homeowner loans to spend on household renovations. You will also be offered preferable rates by insurance companies. So yes, there’s definitely a status boost to being a homeowner.

DOWN: You’re Responsible If Something Goes Wrong

If you have a problem with an aspect of a house while renting, it’s not really your problem. If the boiler breaks down or a window needs replacing, your entire involvement is based around calling the landlord and then waiting for them to do the work.

If you’re a homeowner, you have to rectify these – often expensive – problems yourself. It’s not an enjoyable experience. You have to learn to have an emergency fund on hand for those sudden, unavoidable household repairs, as well as the knowledge that you can’t just move out if the problems become intolerable.

UP: The Sense Of Permanence

Real Estate, Mortgage Bond, House Sales, Estate Agent

[Photo courtesy of stevepb/]

Even if you live in a rented home for a long period of time, it is rarely with a feeling of permanence. You are always subject to the whims of the landlord. They might decide to sell, to raise your rent, or just to evict you to use the house for their own purposes.

As a homeowner, providing you pay your mortgage, the only person whose whims you are subject to is you. You can truly put down roots, become a part of the community, become friendly with your neighbors. You know you’re going to be there for awhile, which can be reassuring and help to provide a sense of safety

DOWN: You Can’t Move Quickly

When you rent, the only thing holding you back is the notice period you have to give – other than that, you’re free to move as you please. If you get a job offer that requires a cross-country move, you can take it without a second thought.

As a homeowner, you don’t have that luxury. That same permanence that is such a benefit in some ways, suddenly becomes cloying and restrictive. While there’s always a chance you will be lucky and be able to rush through a quick sale of your home, the reality is that house sales take around six weeks if you’re lucky, as well as the possible delays with the legal side of things. If things don’t progress as quickly as you would hope, there’s a chance you will have to turn down a lucrative job offer solely because your house won’t sell – and that’s no fun at all.

Overall, home-ownership is the goal because of the safety and security it provides – but to pretend it’s all smooth sailing is to misrepresent the reality somewhat. So enjoy the ups and try to survive the downs as best as you can. Keep a small emergency fund for all of those repairs, and ensure you keep the house in good order and condition in case you one day need a quick sale. With these steps, you should be able to ensure you have far more ups than downs.

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Laws Of Stunning Garden Design

Have you ever wondered how professionals seem to be able to create stunning garden designs? It’s not just because they’re consummate artists. It’s also to do with the fact that they learn certain laws of design, and stick to them.

The good thing about these rules is that they can be applied by anybody, whether you’re a professional garden designer, an amateur enthusiast or a parent. They’re unambiguous and easily adapted to most situations.

Law #1: Plant Similar Plants Together

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[Photo courtesy of SJ8358/]

Cottage gardens with dozens of different varieties of flowers and plants emerging from a single bed have a certain charm. But, in general, the power of clustering plants together is better than mixing them up and spreading them around the garden. According to Russell Page, one of the most famous landscaping designers of the last century, it is more aesthetically pleasing to see one element in a garden repeated over and over again than to have many competing against each other. In simple English, he was saying to put your pansies in one bed and your tulips in another.

Law #2: Plant Big First, Then Small


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[Photo courtesy of SJ8358/]

Most gardens have a range of large plants, like trees, medium-sized bushes and small shrubs and flowers. But if you’re starting from scratch, the order in which you plant these items really matters. Planting big first and then going small is important not only to ensure that you get the right composition but also from a purely practical perspective. Many larger plants, such as trees, could require mechanical diggers to plant. Hence, you don’t want delicate shrubs which could be damaged already in the ground before you get started.

Law #3: Go Big And Be Bold

Some gardeners are rather timid when it comes to the size of the features in their garden. But according to experts, it’s almost always better to go bigger. For instance, if you’re deciding whether to go with a tall or a short summer house, a long or a short pool or a wide or a narrow path, the former is almost always the better, even if you feel that you’re space-constrained. Visit Soulscape for ideas.

Law #4: Use The Golden Number

Knot Garden at Little Moreton Hall: Cheshire

[Photo courtesy of SJ8358/]

For centuries, something called the Golden Ratio has dominated artistic work. You can find it in the ancient pyramids, the Greek Parthenon and many other places all over the world. In fact, it’s so universal, many archaeologists think it’s about the closest thing there is to objective beauty in the known universe.

The Golden Ratio is just a number which describes the proportions of an object. Numerically, it’s 1:1.6, meaning that the length of one dimension is 1.6 times as long as the other. Gardeners can use this principle in their garden to create beauty, almost free of charge. For instance, raised beds can be carefully calibrated to observe the Golden Ratio, as can patios, terraces, and lawns. The ratio helps to bring a sense of order and stability and always looks good, no matter what the application.

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Prying Eyes: Tips and Tricks for Improved Garden Privacy

Most homeowners would agree they don’t want their neighbours spying on them in the garden. However, due to the layout of many housing developments these days, that task can seem impossible. Still, there are lots of things anyone can do to avert those prying eyes and create a secluded outdoor sanctuary. Some of the best ideas are in this article. So, anyone who’s struggling with their neighbours at the moment should consider the tips and tricks below. When all’s said and done, most folks spend a lot of money when purchasing their properties. So, the last thing anyone wants is to end up with an open garden that doesn’t offer any privacy.

[Photo courtesy of Akuppa John Wigham/]

Plant some large trees

One of the easiest ways to keep any garden away from prying eyes involved planting some tall and bushy trees according to experts like those at The issue is that it can take many years for them to grow. For that reason, it’s sensible to search online for specialists who provide mature species to homeowners. Sure, those items will cost more than seeds, but the people get to benefit from a fully-grown evergreen that will create privacy straight away. Some of the best trees for residential gardens are:

  • Blueberry ash
  • Bunya bunya
  • Finger lime
  • Queensland lacebark

Still, there are many other species available, and the final decisions should come down to the homeowner’s preferences.

Invest in some new screen fencing

Erecting a new fence around the garden is always a wise move. Just be sure to opt for something that is at least six-feet high for the best results. It won’t stop people from looking out of their first-floor windows into the garden. However, it will stop those in neighboring homes from being able to see into the outdoor space when they’re hanging their washing out. Specialists from and similar sites say screen fencing doesn’t have to break the bank if people opt for a company that uses recycled timber. The benefits of new screen fencing include:

  • Improved privacy
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Easy maintenance

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[Photo courtesy of Archie Binamira/]

Build a solid roof structure

Sometimes the only way to hide away from prying eyes in a modern garden is to create a solid roof structure. That move could also help people to make their outdoor spaces look unique. Think of the construct as a gazebo that isn’t going to blow away during high winds. Homeowners can use the design to create a part of their garden where it’s impossible for neighbours to see what they are doing. Anyone who enjoys sunbathing outside should consider that option. The structure won’t require any sides, and so it remains open to the elements. It’s also possible to use translucent plastic for the roof to ensure the sunshine manages to break through.

All three of those concepts should assist homeowners to create more privacy in their gardens. Of course, depending on the size and shape of the space, there are many other techniques people could try. Just use some common sense and read as many articles like this one as possible for inspiration. Also, take a look around before leaving this site today as there are some fantastic garden posts readers won’t want to miss. See you next time!

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Green Living in Bali

Bali remains one of the most famous tourist destinations, and it means hundreds and thousands of tourists come here every year. It also means that island needs to place more efforts in keeping itself clean and green, especially with the multitude of resorts, hotels, clubs and tourist facilities coming up.

It needs to make extra efforts to preserve the natural environment, which it is famous for. Bali entrepreneurial projects and programs are well aware of the new emerging challenges and are already embracing the modern concept of sustainable or the green living. It is making use of new technologies to protect its natural environment and encourage sustainable living.

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[Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto/]

Bali and its culture are based on “Tri Hita Karana,” a Sanskrit phrase which means harmony between human, God, and environment. Today, the island is indeed setting an example in the truism industry the way to go green and make tourism eco-friendly.

Green construction

Bali villas and residential homes are turning green as they make use of local and sustainable materials such as straw and bamboo.

Green School is a classic example of green and sustainable living. The school, founded in 2008 is made of bamboo. It prepares its students to be the green leaders of tomorrow and teaches them green living along with the regular curriculum. It is a model of sustainability in education that teaches its students environmental issues very early on in its open-walled classrooms.

Green Village builds further on the positive efforts of the Green School and has expanded the eco-friendly sustainable bamboo homes in the jungle. The project is currently under construction, and some of the villas are near completion. Each villa is made off the ground and placed on bamboo sticks so that it doesn’t interrupt the natural contour of the land.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Bali springs are lodgings made out natural materials such as coconut wood and bamboo with thatch roofs. Located in the green heart of Bali, you get astonishing views from the springs of rice paddies, Mt Batur and Mt. Abang plus a river gorge. Bedrooms are natural but luxurious, and there is a pristine environment within the rooms. Fresh meals are prepared from organic vegetables and fruits grown locally on the property.

Green living

Little Tree has come up as Bali’s first Green building supply store that promotes the green living and sells related products.

People are refusing plastic bags in the grocery stores and use cloth bags. They are buying organic food for personal and commercial use.

Solar panels, water, geothermal, and wind sources are being used as sources of energy.

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[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

Bali is already promoting the use of renewable materials in its festivals, PT Akarumput; a green youth culture movement is already a buzz word.

Eco Bali Recycling organization tackles local pollution and waste management problems. A team of environmental and educational professionals motivates recycling.

Ubud Organic Farmers Market sells organic produce grown by local, independent growers. The idea is to motivate and promote organic food produce and its consumption.

Green tourism

Some of the lodges and resorts in Bali are now known as the longest-running eco-establishment, and one good example is Sarinbuana Eco Lodge, which is located at the foot of Mt Batukaru. This is just the right spot to begin your exploring the largest stand of the jungle. When you stay here, you also contribute to the rehabilitation of the endangered Bali Starling bird and offer orangutan protection. Bali Eco Stay is another green option and being eco doesn’t mean that you need to compromise on your luxuries. You get to enjoy sumptuous organic meals, great body massage and waterfall swims. The Organic Farm is an organic foodie’s paradise. Situated in the scenic mountains of Munduk, Balinese chefs grow their organic produce, and the best part is that guests can go and pick their own fresh and favorite food. Other buildings and villas are coming up in Bali that are made entirely of local bamboo and recycled wood. Their rooms offer not just the best mountain views, sunrises and sunsets but also catch the nicest breezes. As their pavilions are placed on huge stones sit about 10 feet above the ground, the construction makes them safe to any earthquake activity.

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[Photo courtesy of Jatuphon Buraphon/]

Eating green

Eating green doesn’t mean eating only veggies. It means that you get to eat fresh organic meals made from local produce. There are already several restaurants, farms, and cafes in Bali that serve only organic food.  Some good examples are Bali Buddha Café and Embun Life Café. Bali Buddha Café serves only organic food whether it is New York-style bagels or its famous traditional turmeric detox drink. The open-aired Embun Life Café offers an adventurous menu filled with hearty recipes prepared from local and chemical free ingredients. A trip to the Sari Organik Farm takes you across rice paddies and offer you a panoramic view of mountains from a deck chair. Contemplate the delicious organic menu amidst all that greenery.

Volunteering to make Bali Green

WWOOF, a global organization, encourages sustainable ways of living and motivates volunteer help for about a couple of hours a day. The organization offers food and accommodation to the volunteers as it teaches them about organic lifestyles. Volunteers make a visit to the Nusa Penida Bird Sanctuary, to rebuild populations of endangered bird species, or they can plant trees or teach English in schools. ROLE or The Rivers, Oceans, Land, Ecology Organization helps create alternate eco-friendly employment for rural women by teaching them how to work with natural fibers and snail farming.

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Putting Fun Back In the Kitchen: How Kitchen Appliances Affect Your Home

The kitchen should be an enjoyable space that inspires you to cook. In recent years, the kitchen has developed into a space which is used not only for cooking, but also for eating and entertaining. As we spend more time in the kitchen, it’s becoming more important to us that it should be an aesthetically pleasing environment. Creating such a space not only requires a lick of paint and some desirable furniture, but a change to your appliances, too.

Here, we take a look at a few appliances and consider how they can improve your home life.

Washing machine

We used to do our best to keep appliances like the washing machine away from the kitchen. They were large, noisy and unsightly; while their introduction to the home was welcome, we weren’t keen to be reminded of them.

Today, it is a different story. Washing machines not only look sleek, but they are far less intrusive than ever before in terms of size, shape and sound. The result is that we can gladly incorporate the machine into our kitchen environment to make life a little easier.

Green and Orange Vegetables on Black Frying Pan

[Photo courtesy of Ela Haney/]


The kind of cooker you choose for your kitchen is, of course, a matter of personal choice. With so many to choose from, it’s now possible to tailor our cookers to our cooking style. This means making decisions on looks, size and power options. If you’re unsure of what might suit you, it’s worth researching belling cookers to understand what each style of cooker can offer you and your kitchen.


If you’re using your kitchen as a space for entertaining, the last thing you want after dinner is a pile of washing up. Dishwashers can transform a kitchen, allowing us to tidy away the dirty dishes immediately, without that lingering feeling that we’ve got something to do.

Fridge freezer

One effect of the changing way in which we use our kitchens, is that the rooms are getting bigger. As such, more of us are opting to include large American style fridge freezer combinations into the room. Not only are these stylish, but they can offer us plenty of cooling space, not to mention the host of smart features included on top-of-the-range models.

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Tackling an Overgrown Garden in 6 Simple Steps

Tending to a garden can be a rewarding experience, as a well-kept garden always works well to improve the overall appearance of a house. However, it is also true that keeping a garden looking neat and tidy can be an extremely time-consuming task (and time is something that not many of us have to spare). It does not take much for a garden to start looking overgrown, and if action is not taken, things can very easily get out of hand. In many cases, the problem is deciding where to start from. If your garden is showing signs of neglect, these simple steps can help you get it back to looking its best.

Back to the Basics

Take a walk around the garden and make a note of everything that might look out of place. This includes any plants, flowers, or shrubs that have grown too far outside their original shape. Get your pruning scissors out and start cutting back. Keep an eye on the state of overgrown plants though, as in some cases they might have been starved to a point in which they will never grow back. If this is the case, simply dig them out and focus on starting with a blank soil canvas.


[Photo courtesy of Creative Vix/]

Know your Weeds

Again, you need to assess the damage caused by weeds before deciding your next step. If the soil looks like it has been completely invaded by weeds, it is time to take some serious action and invest in a good-quality chemical weed killer. Also, identify the type of weeds that seem to predominate. Bindweed, docks, horsetail, and nettles can be notoriously difficult to get rid of, so don’t be surprised if it takes a few tries before you can eliminate them completely. If the situation is not too bad, avoid chemical weed killers and opt for mulching instead (see next section).

By this point, you might have a large amount of garden waste in your property. It is useful to hire a man and van service to clear your garden and give you more time to focus on getting it back into shape. Specialized man and van companies like Anyjunk can also provide mini-skips and skip bags, which you can keep until your garden makeover is complete.


Mulch has two main functions: aesthetic (as it can rapidly improve the unkempt appearance of a garden) and functional (because it can be used to treat gardens that have been overrun by weeds). To deprive weeds from light and stop them from reproducing, you will need to add a mulch layer of at least 2 inches. Whenever possible, go for an organic mulch, as it will give your garden soil additional levels of moisture and nutrients.

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[Photo courtesy of Markus Spiske/]

Plan and Design

You can now start planning how you want your garden to look like. Think about the garden boundaries, repairing or cleaning hard surfaces like steps or paths, and fixing, discarding, or adding structural elements such as pergolas, gazebos, sheds, beds, or arches. Also, decide on whether you want a purely ornamental garden, something more functional, or a bit of both. Do you want/need trees, shrubs, vegetables, or flowers? If you usually don’t have much time to tend to the garden, keep it basic and easy to care for.

Shape It!

The job is almost done and it is now time to give shape to your garden. Use techniques like edging or framing to add structure and to keep things under control. You can also consider adding garden ornaments, like sculptures, furniture, or fountains. The trick is to be creative and to make sure that your garden reflects the style of your home.

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Got A Garage? Here’s How To Stop It Being A Security Hazard

As a homeowner, the main concern is to keep the property and safe and secure as possible. Let’s face it, your home is your castle and no one should be able to bypass its defences easily. The thing is that some abodes do have features that are not safe, such as a garage. Yes, it is perfect for parking your car and keeping it off the street, or as a place to get away from the family, but that doesn’t make it safe. The shocking truth is that thieves often use a garage as the main point of entry into a property. As the owner, it is your responsibility to ensure it isn’t burglar-friendly, and here’s how.


[Photo courtesy of Jaymantri/]

Make Repairs ASAP

Garages are often out houses that are open to the elements. As a result, it isn’t uncommon for bad weather or external factors to cause damage. Most people don’t care about it unless it is significant, so most leave the repairs until further notice. This is the biggest security error you can make because garage door repairs are essential. Not only do secure doors dispel thieves in the first place, but broken ones are easier to bypass. The key is to fix any flaw as soon as it appears to ensure that the garage is as tight as every other feature of the house.

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[Photo courtesy of]

Don’t Go Electronic

Yep, pressing a button is easier than getting out of the car and opening the garage but hand. However, it is also less secure. For starters, all it takes is for you to misplace the control and anyone can have access to the entire house. It might fall into the hands of thieves, it might be found by the neighbours, yet you can’t take the chance. More worryingly, automatic doors are hackable. It sounds silly, but burglars can connect to the system and open the doors remotely. A traditional garage with a deadbolt doesn’t have these issues.

Cover The Windows

Some garage doors have windows. To most people, windows are a harmless feature that they can take or leave. But, underneath the surface, they are an aid for criminals. Although thieves can use the garage as an entrance into the house, they will also check it for cars. If there are valuables motors inside, they won’t think twice about kicking down the doors and driving off with your vehicle. A window allows them to see what is inside and what isn’t, which is why they need covering. Alternatively, you can replace the door for one that is solid.

Don’t Forget To Close It

Sometimes, theft is not the garage’s fault – it is yours. It is amazing how many people leave the garage doors open while they are doing something else. Sure, you might be around the corner, but you will not be able to react in time. Anyone that walks past will be able to pop their head in, have a look around, and steal the valuables. The worst thing is they will be able to take their time!

Even if you are only going to be a minute, always close and lock the garage.

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4 Ways To Entertain Guests In Your Garden This Summer –

 The best part about the summer is entertaining friends. Taking time to invite friends over to your home and have movie nights and fun together is one thing, but being able to invite people to a barbecue and chill out in the garden is something else. The freedom to take the party outdoors is one that so many love – and it’s one big reason that having a presentable garden is a must.

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[Photo courtesy of Stokpic/]

Daylight hours linger that bit longer in the summer months, and when you are planning to set up your backyard for entertaining your guests, you need to consider how you can use your garden to have a fun and festive summer. Check out our ideas for entertaining your guests this summer.

Grilling, Hotdogs, Hamburger, Barbecue, Grill, Bbq

[Photo courtesy of Free-Photos/]

Barbecue Time!

Everyone loves a good feast and the taste of barbecued food is exactly what makes the summer taste good. Search for articles on how to get your decking ready for the best summer barbecue, and invest in some fantastic garden furniture like these sets. You need a place for people to sit and relax, and you need a space in the garden to dine together. Set up a table of condiments and sides, and don’t forget the pest control so the flies don’t get too close!

Seating Arrangement, Garden Furniture, Still Life

[Photo courtesy of Reipen/]

Outdoor Picnic.

It doesn’t matter whether there is a specific summer occasion, there’s nothing like a picnic to bring people together. You could choose to have a potluck, where everyone brings a dish and contributes to the picnic. Usually with a picnic you cannot go wrong with finger foods and those easy to eat; fresh fruits and such. You could also set up huge cushions for people to recline on in the sunshine.

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[Photo courtesy of]

Formal Party

A formal dinner party is usually held in the dining room and around an elegant table. However, when you have the space for a garden you can take the party outside into the warmth of the evening. Add these citronella candles to keep bugs and pests away from the food and the people at the table, and create a menu of light delicacies. Have a formal summer dress code and if you want to go one better, why not hire cocktail waiters to hand out the Pimms!

[Photo courtesy of Jason Gessner/]

Outdoor Cinema

There’s nothing quite as wonderful as those summer evenings when the sun gets low and the drinks are cold. Setting up lounge cushions and chairs and investing in an old movie projector like this one is a great way to entertain. Hire a popcorn maker for the night and screen favourite films onto the side of the house – a screen may be needed but it’s all in good fun!

Your summer can be filled with the best fun with friends or family, especially if there are birthdays among you. Enjoying the lazy summer nights and the blazing heat of the day can make for an exceptional time, creating memories for all to enjoy.

Redecorating The Exterior Of Your Home For The Autumn

Fall is just around the corner, and this means it’s time to redecorate the exterior of your home in preparation for the incoming change of mood. If you’ve been mulling it and put off decorating the exterior of your home, now is the perfect time to get moving and create an autumn inspired look. The return of cooler temperatures brings along with it the colors of brown, yellow, orange, burgundy, reds and dark greens. Festive yet, not as pastel as the colors of summer and spring, you could use the tones to make your home look imposing yet warm at the same time. It isn’t all about looking good, the practical elements of redecorating your home, will give it usability during the next months when the rain, sleet, hail, wind and snow become a part of normal life once again. Contrary to popular belief, just because you’re going to be heading into a design that’s using bolder tones and functioning style, it doesn’t mean you have fewer options that counterpart seasons with warmer weather.

[Photo courtesy of Wonderlane/]

Paint it bold

When the season changes, the exterior of your home goes through a lot. The hail and rain weathers and erodes the wood and brick little by little. You can see this happening if little paint flicks have started to come off to expose the wall underneath. This will only increase the longer you let it linger, but there is a way to make your home bolder and newer. You could paint your home in a strong, autumn wood color, of dark brown. First, clean the area, with a good soaking of hot water. Take a piece of rough leather and in circular motions, take the grime and dirt off. Seal and prime the walls ready for the paint. Make sure you put on at least two layers of paint, but as it’s the exterior, preferably three.

A place to relax outside

If you’ve ever thought that clearing, cleaning the garden and mowing the lawn was a task in your life you could do without, it’s time to seriously think about decking. The front or back gardens can be landscaped to replace the grass with a stable, flat surface that you can practically use. With a seating arrangement outside you can buy a couple of rocking chairs, sit outside with a blanket and watch the stars, come either rain or snow. To brave the cold, a good hardwood decking company should be contacted to come and survey the land. With their skills, they can work out, how much of your land is feasibly ready to be altered in favor or laying down the foundation and then decking.

[Photo courtesy of Tony Alter/]

Welcoming guests in style

When guests come to knock on your door, welcome them with simple adornments of pine cones, radiant orange, yellow and red leaves. On the front door, you can hang a fall-style wreath of dark green pine tree branches, formed into a circle or heart. Perhaps the wreath could be decorated with some fruit such as red apples, cherries and some blackberries to add in a little more color to balance out the green. Consider smaller wreaths to hang above your windows on the ground level floor. Hang some winterberry holly over the corner of your home to add in a little bit of passionate red to the mix.

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Prepping Your Backyard for the Ultimate Garden Party

Summer is here and what better time is there to throw a little party for all of your friends and loved ones? You don’t need an occasion: the good weather and the need for a proper catch up are more than enough of a reason to get everyone together. So, for the perfect get-together, it’s time to start prepping for the ultimate garden party. Here’s everything you need for the best event of the summer.

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[Photo courtesy of Gergő/]

Prepare Your Garden Space

First things first, you need to make sure that your garden is neat and tidy. Most of us neglect the space during the winter months, as we don’t get much use out of it. So it’s time to start making up for lost time! Get your gardening gloves on and start mowing the lawn, pulling weeds and tackling those long bits of grass in the corners with a strimmer. It shouldn’t take too long but face this task sooner rather than later. You want to go at your own pace, rather than rushing about hours before the guests are due to arrive.

[Photo courtesy of Christopher Craig/]


Your guests will be hungry throughout the day, so make sure you’re ready to cater to their needs. A BBQ is the best option, as it means that you won’t be stuck inside, chained to the oven while everyone else is out back enjoying themselves. Barbequing is an immersive experience. You can share cooking responsibilities and be right in the middle of the action while turning hot dogs and flipping burgers. Remember to ensure that there’s something suitable for everyone to eat with vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options for those with special dietary requirements. Make sure that there are plenty of drinks available too! The hot weather will get everyone thirsty. Squash or fresh juice is great for the kids. For adults? Make a huge bowl of punch with plenty of ice. This will keep everyone cool and refreshed.


It’s easy to forget that people will need somewhere to sit. Nobody wants to stand up all day and evening and most people will want to avoid sitting directly on the grass or decking. Invest in some high-quality outdoor furniture that can be used time and time again. This can be stored away in a shed when not in use. Throw some blankets out on the ground for little ones to sit or lie down on. Some will appreciate a little nap in the shade.


You’re going to need some entertainment. This doesn’t necessarily mean hiring out a band or magician, but some music and games will usually suffice. Invest in some good speakers that will project the sound around your garden. All you will need to do then is set up a little playlist on your iPod and plug it in, ready to go. Kids will appreciate games like twister and some adults might even join in too later in the evening! Paddling pools often go down well too, as an option to cool down in the heat of the midday sun.

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