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Soundproofing the Floor

Today is general election day in Korea so most of the locals has no work, early this morning I was awaken when the family  living in the second floor came home. It sounds like the father is drunk, he shouted and then he started punching the metal door of  the electric meter’s. I have heard her wife and daughter trying to stop him while they are opening the main door, when they reached their apartment room I can hear the loud foot steps on our ceiling. It sounds like the father keeps banging anything, based on my analysis the father was picked up by her wife and daughter in one of the hof around the town and he maybe didn’t like it.

Now I know why soundproofing the floor is a must when you are living in apartment doors, it is to avoid disturbances when you are sleeping.  As what I have read soundproofing floors is not a complicated idea. You just need something between the hard flooring and the rest of the house to absorb noise.

What is Sunroom?

My classmate’s friends are always up to date with her social life abroad, just recently she posted about enjoying their time in a sunroom. Sunroom is an exterior part of the house where mostly homeowner’s enjoy their time during the day or night, sometimes  it also provide as venue for party or special occasions because it can provide excellent atmosphere.

Porch, Sunroom, Indoors, Winter Garden

[Image courtesy of KCDM/]

There are some houses who have modern home exteriors because some homeowner’s believed that excellent sunrooms can improve the quality of their home.  If you don’t know yet home remodeling is one of the useful investment because our home can lives a good impression on who we are, and remodeling is the first impression which decides the value of  our homes.

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Rugs For Home

Mostly we just old clothes or towel as rugs, it is cheaper than buying rugs every time they become useless and too dirty to wash. There are times no matter how you washed the rugs the brown stain can’t be removed anymore anyway you can make your home stylish by using rugs that will complement the color of your living room. Rugs is the firs thing your visitor can see when he enter in your living room.

Like most things we used  rugs come in wide range of designs, shapes and color combinations.  Choosing rugs always depends on your budget, taste and style.  You should remember that the primary colors of the rug should complement the wall, furniture, and furnishing colors of your house to create harmonious relationship.

How To Choose Bathroom Tiles

Most homeowners spend money for the beautification of their home and   bathroom is just one of the avenue of investment, choosing the right tiles for your bathroom can add value and pleasing environment.

One of the he important thing to consider when choosing bathroom tiles is to ensure that the tiles will blend in perfectly with the other furniture in your bathroom like the bath tub, sink and toilet. Adding glass tiling too can make your bathroom attractive and beautiful, you can also add accessories that will also blend with each other like towel sets, soap dishes, mirrors and towel holders.

Cream Couch

It is town fiesta today in my hometown and I am looking forward for festival pictures from my sister.  I am sure she had a lot pictures to share, dunno if they are already tired of me asking for pictures every time they went online. The funny thing they seldom ask for my new pictures it seems they are already tired looking at my ugly face,. haha

Anyway I saw a cream couch in the garbage area a while ago when we passed by the place when we went to the gym, if  it is not too big and heavy I am going to carry it here in our apartment so I can sit while blogging.

Gardening at Home

This is what I missed here. I can’t even plant a single plant unlike when I am still in Philippines I have a small backyard garden with string beans, ladies finger, sweet potato and eggplant. I cultivated them and do weeding when I have nothing else to do.

Photo not Mine

The picture above is not mine, my classmate’s seedlings on their green house. It seems she is having a lot of fun, at least she won’t missed the things she always do in our hometown, yeah she just migrated in the US month ago.

Window Curtains

We’re not able to sleep well last night. It is too bright inside our room, the garage light is on and our neighbor’s light is also on all night until morning, dunno what are they doing. We already plan to buy window blinds for our window but thinking that the landlord will not like it if we put hole or tear his wallpaper it stop us from buying it.

Last night I finalized  a plan. I am going to bring curtains here in our apartment once I went home in the Philippines, we have old curtains at home that can be used here. I am just going to buy hangers that can be stick to the wooden frame of our window instead of using concrete nails in our wall.

Bamboo Blinds and Shades

One of our neighbor in the Philippines built their house in the middle of the fields, it looks  like a rest house which looks very refreshing during summer.  Most of the materials they used are bamboo shoots, coconut leaves and lumber. It is a two story house  with stairs to the second floor and  what make their house more attractive is their beautiful  flower garden on their backyard.  The only problem is too much light during day time because it is built in an open place, the curtains are not enough when it is windy, I think they should use bamboo shade on their window.  There are bamboo shades or commonly called bamboo blinds that are cheap and affordable that will match their entire decoration.

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Bleach for Vegetables and Fruits

The other day I went to the market again this time to buy kimchi for my stew. We just arrived home  from shopping our daily needs when I had a decision to cook my chicken stew  but  I found out my husband ate some of the kimchi, in short it is not enough anymore to cook my stew.

Aside from kimchi I decided to buy bleach, the bleach I have bought year ago is already empty. I hop to another supermarket to another looking for the same brand but I still end buying another brand.

I wonder what is on this bleach why it washes vegetables, fruits and fish. I wish I can read Korean huh?  Most of the bleach in the supermarket is also applicable to the images on this brand. Anyway bleach is commonly use to disinfect and clean the house,  the kitchen, bathroom and of course to remove stain on white clothes and to use it on food is new to me.

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Egg Cartons

Our neighbor which is an old woman  is collecting  cartons around the community and I think she sells them in a junk shop  afterwards. As we always buy tray of eggs every week I keep the trays and when I saw her outside I gave it to her.  I do not throw them immediately at the garbage site.

Egg carton has a lot of usage one of them is for soundproofing, I remember when we are still in college our English instructor asked us to bring egg carton for the language room, the egg carton will served as soundproofing the room. The cartoon was taped around the room that made the room so dark and cold.

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