Regular House Cleaning – More Benefits than You Can Point a Broom At!

Just a passing mention of the phrase ‘house cleaning’ is enough to elicit a chorus of groans, but are you aware of how many benefits there are to living in a clean and tidy home?

There are actually more benefits to having a clean and tidy home than most of us are aware (especially if you have young children), so take note of the following benefits to having a clean home and you may find yourself looking at house cleaning in an entirely new light!

Allergy Reduction

This is one of the top benefits to residing in a clean and tidy home, one that’s free of dust, mites and other microscopic particles that have a tendency to aggravate existing allergies, not to mention bring on allergies in those not yet affected.

Pots, Plants, Cactus, Succulent, Shelf, Window, Garden

[Photo courtesy of milivanily/]

Regular vacuuming is a must, as is opening up the windows and doors to air the house. Another way to reduce the microscopic particles circulating about in your home is to clean the fly screens regularly, as fly screens collect dust more than most of us realise. As the breeze blows through these screens and into our homes, it stands to reason that’s where a great deal of those microscopic particles come from.

Less Fear of Entertaining

Many of us are quite reluctant to entertain family and friends because we’re worried about what they will think of our homes – think about it for a second or two and you’ll realise just how true that statement is.

Fortunately, house cleaning services made easy are readily available, so you can have your home cleaned regularly (or even just on occasion when you’re too busy to do it yourself) and you’ll never have to worry about entertaining in a messy home ever again!

Bathroom, Bath, Tub, Toilet, Bathtub, Towel, Clean

[Photo courtesy of stevepb/]

Less Mould

Like dust and other airborne microscopic particles, mould can wreak havoc with our respiratory health, plus it looks unsightly and can prove very difficult to remove if something isn’t done about it before it makes itself at home.

Regular cleaning, whether you do it yourself or have an experienced local cleaning company take care of it, prevents mould from building up and helps to keep your family healthy.

Less Maintenance and Repairs

This is an aspect of regular house cleaning that many of us overlook, but it’s an important one because the cost of home maintenance and repairs quickly adds up and becomes quite an expense.

Adding what is known as a ‘deep cleaning’ task to your cleaning routine every week will help to keep your household appliances in better working order. What’s more, by regularly cleaning your home you’ll also have a better idea of what needs repairing and maintaining. It’s always better (and less expensive) to have something seen to sooner rather than later.

Whether you choose to have a local cleaning company take care of the cleaning for you (this is an excellent option if you lead a busy lifestyle) or you choose to clean your home yourself, don’t overlook the many benefits associated with regular house cleaning.

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Essential Steps To Take When Remodelling And Upgrading Your Home

Not everybody will be able to buy that dream home straightaway. Luckily, you won’t have to! You can easily remodel and rebuild your home once you’ve moved in. Home improvement projects are more popular than ever, and there’s a reason for that. They allow people to live out their wildest property dreams that they couldn’t achieve with that first mortgage.

So, if you’re considering remodeling your home, or upgrading a room, look no further. Here are the essential steps you will have to take on your journey!

Step 1: Visualize and plan

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[Image courtesy Joy Oil Co Ltd/]

Simply put, dream! Imagine what the finished product will look like and what you want it to look like. Go down to the library and look at magazines and books for inspiration. Look online at various home remodeling ideas and decide what you want your house to become. There are a ton of different avenues you could take your remodeling, so have a firm vision in place early on. Hire an architect or designer if necessary You can’t simply change your mind halfway through, or when it’s finished!

Step 2: Assess the electricals, plumbing, and wiring

If you’re tweaking and changing a large chunk of your home, then you’ll need some work done on the essentials. Your plumbing, electricals, and wiring may need moving, extending or removing, so speak to a professional. That electrical science you learned in school doesn’t count here!

Wiring is very easy to get wrong or make a hash of. If you’re struggling for help, you should possibly find out more from Again, this goes hand in hand with step one. If you decide you want an electrical outlet in a certain place, this should be chosen early on, not halfway through the build.

Step 3: Apply for a loan

Once you have all the costs laid out and plans in place, it’s time to finance your endeavor. It might be worth applying for a loan that’s between 5-15 percent more than your projected budget. This way, if your build goes over costs, you’ll have enough money to cover yourself. You don’t want to have a near-finished job then run out of money.

Step 4: Sign an agreement with your contractor

[Image courtesy Tim Pierce/]

If you’re having some roof work done, you want this finished before the rain or cold weather begins. So, make a note of this in your contract! If you’re having garden work done, you’ll need this done before summer so you can enjoy it! Anything and everything you feel is important, note it in a contract. That way, you’ll get the most important/expensive stuff done first, which is the best way to do it.

At this stage, you should also help your contractor identify what areas of your home you can’t touch for legal reasons. If any. If your home is listed, you need to check if you’re allowed to renovate certain parts of it. A government source such as is a way to do so.

Step 5: Check progress every single day

It’s important you keep tabs on what’s going on. You may decide you want an extra plug socket, or an extra vent in the bathroom. You may decide to add a feature wall. Whatever it is, ensure you’re happy with how your money is being spent. If you want small changes to be added, now is the time to add them!

So, if you’re after a remodeled home, and you followed these steps, you’ll be on your way to a perfect property. Happy building!

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The Five Keys To Making Your Home Earn You Some Money

Your home is the place where you live, where you and loved ones can enjoy a peaceful life and leave all your cares outside. That’s not all it is, however. It’s also an asset. The asset that’s probably worth more than any other you own. So treat as an important part of your finances and you might find it helping those finances grow. There are a lot great ways to make a great investment out of your home. Following the tips below will have you piling on the worth in no-one. Even if selling isn’t on your mind, adding value to your home never hurts.


[Image courtesy of Jeremy Levine/]

The kitchen

The kitchen is not just the part of the home where we spend a lot of our time cooking, eating and cleaning. It’s the heart of the home when it comes to selling it. There are a lot of different things you can to renovate your kitchen, depending on how much time and effort you put into it. Updating your surfaces to granite gives it a contemporary look that will offend few. Smart storage additions will give more space, always a good idea.

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[Image courtesy of Bettina M/]

The bathroom

The bathroom is the other heart of the home when it comes to selling. It should feel like a place of utmost luxury and relaxation. The bathroom is also the room that can degrade a lot faster than others if we’re not careful. Turn your nightmare bathroom into a place of total relaxation. You’ll add value to the home and love your newly kitted room as well.


[Image courtesy of Michael Coté/]

The garden

The exterior of the home is incredibly important to how much worth is attributed to it in the end. There’s a lot you can do to add value to it as well. You can use patios and landings to add more useable space to it. The right floral arrangements and gardening set-ups can give it the pizazz that really brings in the worth. Water features like pools and fountains are always a smart bet, as long as you’re willing to maintain them. If you have the space and money for it all, the services of the right backyard designers could implement them all in one design.

[Image courtesy of Literatirus/]

The conservatory

The above tips are sure to add value and selling quality to the home. However, there’s nothing quite as reliable to the value of a home than sheer space. One way to add that valuable space is by fitting it on the side of the house. Not only do conservatories add space, but they can add the selling quality in how aesthetically pleasing they are. Conservatories can be used in all kinds of ways, so adding them is rarely a bad idea.


[Image courtesy of Holland And Green Architectural Design/]

The loft

The other easy way to add a lot of space to your home, often less expensive than a conservatory, is by converting your loft. Most homes have a near floor’s worth of usable space that is going to waste as storage. Lofts can be converted into bathrooms, offices, bedrooms or whatever you like. If you could do with a bit more utility in the home, the loft could be the answer.

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3 Simple Ways To Spruce Up Your Home For Spring

With the sunshine trying to make its 2016 debut and the coldest months behind us for another year, spring is officially on its way. That means it’s time for a spring clean, but what about the finishing touches? Here are three simple ways to bring this much-loved season inside your home; no matter what the weather’s doing!

Bring the outside in with a wall mural

One simple and relatively affordable way of changing the look and feel of an entire room is to invest in a wallpaper mural. As more and more manufacturers catch on to just how appealing these are to the savvy homeowner, the variety of designs on offer grows too. For a spruced-up spring room, select a sunrise, lake, garden, beach or forest design, like this one here from Be sure to pick a design that you won’t get bored of, and make sure you’ve got a spare pair of hands to help hang it. Watching the TV will feel so 2015 once you’ve got your mural to look at!

living room tips

Image source

Reconsider your seating choices

Getting the seating right in your home is no simple task. It’s pretty easy to end up with way too many options, or way too few. A good starting place is to take a step back from seeing your home as you do every day. Instead, see it from the eyes of someone visiting for the very first time. If you were invited to sit down, where would you sit? Where would you not sit?

If there is one seating area that just doesn’t appeal, get rid of it! It’s only taking up valuable space. Be bold and replace it with something a bit different; a brightly coloured deckchair, perhaps, or a high quality bean bag. The latter is an especially good option, as you can change the colour and material of the cover as the year progresses. You can visit Comfy Sacks to learn more on this. As for the rest of the home, ask yourself; is my office chair good for my back? Are the dining room table chairs getting a bit wobbly? You’ll be surprised the difference some upgrading and DIY work will achieve.

Invest in a window cleaner

Dirty windows go easily unnoticed in the darker months. However, once the sun starts peeping out from behind the clouds again, it does a great job of highlighting any grime. While you might not believe it, clean windows can let in up to 30% more light that dirty ones. If that isn’t enough to convince you, the general environment can shorten glasses lifespan. Cleaning your windows both outside and in could prevent problems in the future. Also, more light means more heat; especially useful if this winter’s heating bills came as a nasty surprise!

Once you’re done (or the window cleaner is!), consider installing some window boxes to brighten things up even more. You can head to your local garden centre if you want to get things up and running straight away. Alternatively, take a look at this handy article from The Guardian if you’ve got a bit more time on your hands and want to grow and cultivate your own.

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How to Build a Greenhouse: Planning and Construction

With spring finally upon us, we can start to think about really getting back into the garden with some regularity to. I absolutely love the sunshine, not just because it is so much warmer than the dark winter months, but also because the garden is full of color and you can start to grow your own fruit and vegetables.

There are a huge number of different vegetables that you might want to consider when filling out your patch, but before you do that it is important that you have the right equipment required to do the job. Gardening is a specialist activity and if you don’t have the correct items, it will be much more difficult to get the necessary results.

What tools are necessary requirements?

Now I like to make sure that I have every base covered, you may not necessarily feel the same, but I think it would be prudent to cover for all eventualities especially living in a country like England where you’re not sure whether you’re going to get consistent rain or sunshine throughout the summer months. If you walk into a garden center or flick through a horticultural magazine you will be able to see there are a huge number of different items available.


[Image source:]

In my opinion the main items that you’ll need include a garden hose, a shovel and trowel. The shovel and trowel will allow you to make any digs you need to, be it large or small and a hose will ensure that your fruit and veg can get the water it so dearly needs even when the sun keeps on shining.

How can you benefit from a greenhouse?

For any keen gardener a greenhouse is an absolute must. They enable you to be able to experiment a little bit more with the types of fruit and veg you can grow. The main benefit is that you can control the growing process as you are in charge of the amount of water that the plants will see.

Once the sunshine comes you can’t keep me out of my greenhouse, I just absolutely love tending to my vegetable patches. Throughout the summer you can fill out your greenhouse with a wide selection of different products.

Fruit and veg can also have health benefits

We all know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away – or so we’ve been told for many years – but growing your own fruit and veg really is very rewarding. I’m not sure whether this is scientific, but I find the taste of my own produce much better than anything I can buy at the supermarket – which might have something to do with the lack of additives! With a small initial outlay you can get yourself started in being partially self-sufficient.

Not only will this have great health benefits because you will be eating more fruit and veg, it could also quite easily save you money in the long run as the capital you would have spent on fruit and veg previously can go on something else.

Perhaps you’ll get the chance to grow something a little more left field such as borlotti beans, pumpkins or even black Russian kale. This could also help you to broaden your horizons somewhat with your cooking, as well.

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Five Must Have Kitchen Gadgets

There’s nothing quite as fun as giving a room in your house a good kit out with new equipment; it gives you the chance to be creative, to indulge in a bit of retail therapy and to recreate a space that you might well have become bored with.  One of the most enjoyable aspects of creating a new room is the little gadgets and extras that give the room its unique sense of style.  Perhaps the most fun room to kit out is the kitchen, and to get you started we’ve come up with this list of five must-have gadgets for this important room.

A top notch blender

Let’s get one thing clear here: we’re not talking about those wishy-washy, twenty quid blenders!  A real, solid blender is an absolute essential for anyone who wants to keep their meals interesting.  Everything from luxury fruit smoothies to warming winter soups can be whipped up in minutes, meaning that as well as varying your diet, you can also avoid wasting food.  Excess fruit lying around? Hello, cheap sorbet.  Too many bananas?  It’s the perfect post-run milkshake.  If you’re unsure as to what constitutes a good blender, then consider whether it can easily be picked up with one hand – if it can, then it’s probably not great in terms of quality!

A good dehydrator

Lavish?  Yes.  Get one anyway?  Yes!  A dehydrator is never going to top the list of essentials, but that’s not the point of this list.  A dehydrator is actually incredibly useful for any home that finds itself frequently wasting fresh fruit and veg.   Essentially, they’re able to turn any fresh fruit into a lovely dried snack, which is a great way to stay healthy.  Fruits like pineapple make the perfect summer snack, and when dehydrated, they keep for far longer.  Marvellous stuff.

A versatile peeler

That’s right – it’s time to ditch that rusty old beast that you’ve had since the nineties and splash out.  A good peeler will come in useful time and time again, whether you’re quickly whipping up a good mash for shepherd’s pie, or simply for ensuring your fussy little ones don’t have to eat the skins on their granny smiths.  There are a variety of models available on the market that offer a three in one experience, with different blades for veg, soft fruit and for julienne-style peeling.  Like knives, spending more on a quality model will save you a lot of effort in the long run.

A slow cooker

A slow cooker is absolute heaven for a busy home-owner.  Get down to one of your local electrical stores and buy one, right now!  As well as giving you the softest, flake-off-the-bone joints of meat you’ll ever eat, a slow cooker means you can chuck your ingredients into the cooker in the morning, go to work and then return to find a perfectly done meal with a smell that’ll have you drooling all the way down the garden path to the back door.  Whether you’re partial to curry or stew, you need a slow cooker.

An automated coffee machine

Another extravagance, maybe, but there’s something really, really wonderful about an automated coffee machine, whether it’s a Tassimo or a Lavazza, a pod or a simple espresso machine.  Whilst it might be an expensive way to enjoy your coffee, there is nothing like hearing that wonderful buzz first thing in the morning, before going outside, watching the sun come up and sipping your first brew of the day.

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Growing Orchids in the Home

A garden can turn an ordinary area into a colorful and vibrant place. My mother had been busy arranging and moving her orchids in the side of our house.  She’d asked my father to look for extra drift woods for the orchids since the old ones were already dried and eaten by termites.

Drift Woods and Orchids

My mother decided to move the orchids so the dogs of our neighbors will not jump in our walked path to sleep or eat the food of our cats.  The walked path should have steel fence but our house is far from being finished so putting the orchids in the side is an alternative solution.

Growing orchids is a source of income too, there are times that there is someone who buy the flower per piece. It cost ₱1.00 per piece for white orchids and for those with colors are ₱2.00 per piece, the flowers where used in town for special purpose.

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The Basics of Beautifying Your Barren Lawn

A dull and barren lawn could somehow influence your mood for the day. Just imagine waking up every morning and you’d be welcomed by such an unpleasing sight. Surely, you would feel lifeless as well and you might bring it at work. Seeing greens along with your newly installed driveway gravel is a great idea.

If you’re worried about not having the magical green thumb, then you can make use the majority of your humongous space into a permeable paving and just place some full grown flower beds on the sides or perhaps bushes.

permeable paving

See to it that you already know the things that you want to see in your front and back yard. Each home owner has their own preferences when it comes to garden landscaping and paving. Others would want to walk along fresh and well trimmed grasses while some would want the hard and solid ones placing all the plants on the sides.

You should also familiarize the wind patterns in your place as well as the angle of the rays of the sun. You might want to transform your lawn into a grilling space wherein you host barbeque parties or similar events. If the wind blows hard in that area, then it isn’t a perfect place to grill anything. The rays of the sun would also matter. Make sure that your fully transformed mini-nature-park lawn won’t be receiving the longest sun exposure until it sets because it won’t be suited in the afternoon wherein people would most likely relax and sit outside. Nobody would want to face the sun the entire and get sun burned.

If you don’t how to start the beautification of your yard, start looking at home magazines or perhaps search the internet on unique garden landscapes and from there you will get an idea on how you would like your yard to look like. You consult a professional landscaper or watch do-it-yourself videos if you really want to do it on your own.

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Green Landscaping Ideas

Landscaping is a great way to increase the appeal and beauty of your home. Many homeowners are taking advantage of opportunities to boost the value of their homes by using smart designs to recreate their property.  But is a beautiful yard a fair exchange for the toll it can take on the environment? By choosing Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, you can use green landscaping ideas that give you great results without the negative impact.

Cost-Effective Materials

When you are looking to conserve, choosing the right materials can be a big step in the right direction. Especially if you live in places where high temperature and a dry climate make water conservation a priority, choosing landscaping materials that cut back on your summer demand can help you go green. Stone, sand, and wood chips can be a great alternative to grass that requires frequent watering. In addition to the financial savings, these materials can help create a unique look that really makes an impression.

Green Landscaping Ideas

Plants and Irrigation

Although opting “no” on grass has already been mentioned, you can take additional steps to reduce water consumption. Selecting plants that require less water can make maintaining your flower garden or nature path less of a burden on you and the environment. Incorporating effective irrigation as a part of the scenery can be a great way to achieve two goals at the same time.


When you think about going green, you might not know how to accomplish your goal when you need outdoor lighting. It may come as a surprise to you that LEDs can help you keep energy consumption low while providing great results. Choosing LED landscape lighting from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives can actually add to the appeal of your property by making it accessible both day and night. Once the deck is installed, the pool has been filled, or the serenity garden has been completed, you cannot fully enjoy the benefits if you can’t see the results. Outdoor lighting Perspectives can offer professional lighting results for your deck, pathway, and more by offering options that don’t cause harm or stress to the environment.

Planning Ahead

As you create the design for your landscaping project, you should take a moment to consider ways to reduce unnecessary waste. Investing in the help of professionals to install plumbing, wiring, or other features that will contribute to the final results before you get close to the end can help you avoid having to go over the same areas twice.

Your landscaping project doesn’t have to hit the environment hard. With materials that help you conserve water, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives to reduce energy required for outdoor lighting, and an effective strategy to make it all come together you can expect to get the results that you want without the excess environmental costs that you don’t.


  • “Green Landscaping: Eco-Friendly Ideas”, Lecia Monsen,
  • “Landscaping Lighting Lets You Linger Longer”,
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Finding the Best Electrical Services in California

What happens to your home when your lights are busted or your heater is not running? Fixing them using some basic knowledge in electricity can be your best option. However, when the problem is more complex, it is a good idea to call an expert in electrical service Sylmar. It is important that before you hire their services, they must be versatile when it comes to repair, maintenance and installation of lights, air conditioning and cooling units.

When you look for an installer for a ceiling fan and lighting fixtures for your home or business, you have to verify their credentials and expertise. Ask your friends or relatives for referrals so you will not end up wasting your money for cheap labor. Money is not an issue here if the electric service provider is equipped with knowledge in electrical installations and repair. Poorly installed and low quality electric services will lead to faulty electrical wiring that will start a fire in your dwelling.

Electrical Services

Old installations should be replaced with a new one because they might have been rotten or eaten by rodents. For all you know, the house is gutted by fire. Getting the best electrical services Santa Monica is advisable if you live in one of California’s high end suburbs. They must be able to provide you with high quality electrical services to make your lights spectacular at night.

Try to find out if they are experts in installing lights for your pool, garden and garage considering that they must fit your landscape and home architecture. Their team of electricians must be knowledgeable in installation of hot tub power, upgrading of electrical panels, installation of attic fans, heating and air condition units, portable and standby generators and retrofits for LED lighting.

When you want to brighten up your home, always look for high quality and cost-efficient electrical services to suit your financial capability; turning the ambiance into classy and fashionable.

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