Prying Eyes: Tips and Tricks for Improved Garden Privacy

Most homeowners would agree they don’t want their neighbours spying on them in the garden. However, due to the layout of many housing developments these days, that task can seem impossible. Still, there are lots of things anyone can do to avert those prying eyes and create a secluded outdoor sanctuary. Some of the best ideas are in this article. So, anyone who’s struggling with their neighbours at the moment should consider the tips and tricks below. When all’s said and done, most folks spend a lot of money when purchasing their properties. So, the last thing anyone wants is to end up with an open garden that doesn’t offer any privacy.

[Photo courtesy of Akuppa John Wigham/]

Plant some large trees

One of the easiest ways to keep any garden away from prying eyes involved planting some tall and bushy trees according to experts like those at The issue is that it can take many years for them to grow. For that reason, it’s sensible to search online for specialists who provide mature species to homeowners. Sure, those items will cost more than seeds, but the people get to benefit from a fully-grown evergreen that will create privacy straight away. Some of the best trees for residential gardens are:

  • Blueberry ash
  • Bunya bunya
  • Finger lime
  • Queensland lacebark

Still, there are many other species available, and the final decisions should come down to the homeowner’s preferences.

Invest in some new screen fencing

Erecting a new fence around the garden is always a wise move. Just be sure to opt for something that is at least six-feet high for the best results. It won’t stop people from looking out of their first-floor windows into the garden. However, it will stop those in neighboring homes from being able to see into the outdoor space when they’re hanging their washing out. Specialists from and similar sites say screen fencing doesn’t have to break the bank if people opt for a company that uses recycled timber. The benefits of new screen fencing include:

  • Improved privacy
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Easy maintenance

Free Wooden Gazebo Stock Photo
[Photo courtesy of Archie Binamira/]

Build a solid roof structure

Sometimes the only way to hide away from prying eyes in a modern garden is to create a solid roof structure. That move could also help people to make their outdoor spaces look unique. Think of the construct as a gazebo that isn’t going to blow away during high winds. Homeowners can use the design to create a part of their garden where it’s impossible for neighbours to see what they are doing. Anyone who enjoys sunbathing outside should consider that option. The structure won’t require any sides, and so it remains open to the elements. It’s also possible to use translucent plastic for the roof to ensure the sunshine manages to break through.

All three of those concepts should assist homeowners to create more privacy in their gardens. Of course, depending on the size and shape of the space, there are many other techniques people could try. Just use some common sense and read as many articles like this one as possible for inspiration. Also, take a look around before leaving this site today as there are some fantastic garden posts readers won’t want to miss. See you next time!

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Tackling an Overgrown Garden in 6 Simple Steps

Tending to a garden can be a rewarding experience, as a well-kept garden always works well to improve the overall appearance of a house. However, it is also true that keeping a garden looking neat and tidy can be an extremely time-consuming task (and time is something that not many of us have to spare). It does not take much for a garden to start looking overgrown, and if action is not taken, things can very easily get out of hand. In many cases, the problem is deciding where to start from. If your garden is showing signs of neglect, these simple steps can help you get it back to looking its best.

Back to the Basics

Take a walk around the garden and make a note of everything that might look out of place. This includes any plants, flowers, or shrubs that have grown too far outside their original shape. Get your pruning scissors out and start cutting back. Keep an eye on the state of overgrown plants though, as in some cases they might have been starved to a point in which they will never grow back. If this is the case, simply dig them out and focus on starting with a blank soil canvas.


[Photo courtesy of Creative Vix/]

Know your Weeds

Again, you need to assess the damage caused by weeds before deciding your next step. If the soil looks like it has been completely invaded by weeds, it is time to take some serious action and invest in a good-quality chemical weed killer. Also, identify the type of weeds that seem to predominate. Bindweed, docks, horsetail, and nettles can be notoriously difficult to get rid of, so don’t be surprised if it takes a few tries before you can eliminate them completely. If the situation is not too bad, avoid chemical weed killers and opt for mulching instead (see next section).

By this point, you might have a large amount of garden waste in your property. It is useful to hire a man and van service to clear your garden and give you more time to focus on getting it back into shape. Specialized man and van companies like Anyjunk can also provide mini-skips and skip bags, which you can keep until your garden makeover is complete.


Mulch has two main functions: aesthetic (as it can rapidly improve the unkempt appearance of a garden) and functional (because it can be used to treat gardens that have been overrun by weeds). To deprive weeds from light and stop them from reproducing, you will need to add a mulch layer of at least 2 inches. Whenever possible, go for an organic mulch, as it will give your garden soil additional levels of moisture and nutrients.

White Flower Close Up Shot

[Photo courtesy of Markus Spiske/]

Plan and Design

You can now start planning how you want your garden to look like. Think about the garden boundaries, repairing or cleaning hard surfaces like steps or paths, and fixing, discarding, or adding structural elements such as pergolas, gazebos, sheds, beds, or arches. Also, decide on whether you want a purely ornamental garden, something more functional, or a bit of both. Do you want/need trees, shrubs, vegetables, or flowers? If you usually don’t have much time to tend to the garden, keep it basic and easy to care for.

Shape It!

The job is almost done and it is now time to give shape to your garden. Use techniques like edging or framing to add structure and to keep things under control. You can also consider adding garden ornaments, like sculptures, furniture, or fountains. The trick is to be creative and to make sure that your garden reflects the style of your home.

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4 Ways To Entertain Guests In Your Garden This Summer –

 The best part about the summer is entertaining friends. Taking time to invite friends over to your home and have movie nights and fun together is one thing, but being able to invite people to a barbecue and chill out in the garden is something else. The freedom to take the party outdoors is one that so many love – and it’s one big reason that having a presentable garden is a must.

festival, flags, garden

[Photo courtesy of Stokpic/]

Daylight hours linger that bit longer in the summer months, and when you are planning to set up your backyard for entertaining your guests, you need to consider how you can use your garden to have a fun and festive summer. Check out our ideas for entertaining your guests this summer.

Grilling, Hotdogs, Hamburger, Barbecue, Grill, Bbq

[Photo courtesy of Free-Photos/]

Barbecue Time!

Everyone loves a good feast and the taste of barbecued food is exactly what makes the summer taste good. Search for articles on how to get your decking ready for the best summer barbecue, and invest in some fantastic garden furniture like these sets. You need a place for people to sit and relax, and you need a space in the garden to dine together. Set up a table of condiments and sides, and don’t forget the pest control so the flies don’t get too close!

Seating Arrangement, Garden Furniture, Still Life

[Photo courtesy of Reipen/]

Outdoor Picnic.

It doesn’t matter whether there is a specific summer occasion, there’s nothing like a picnic to bring people together. You could choose to have a potluck, where everyone brings a dish and contributes to the picnic. Usually with a picnic you cannot go wrong with finger foods and those easy to eat; fresh fruits and such. You could also set up huge cushions for people to recline on in the sunshine.

table sunlight flower backyard flowers aisle outdoors ceremony floristry garden table floral design centrepiece outdoor table table with flowers party table flower arranging

[Photo courtesy of]

Formal Party

A formal dinner party is usually held in the dining room and around an elegant table. However, when you have the space for a garden you can take the party outside into the warmth of the evening. Add these citronella candles to keep bugs and pests away from the food and the people at the table, and create a menu of light delicacies. Have a formal summer dress code and if you want to go one better, why not hire cocktail waiters to hand out the Pimms!

[Photo courtesy of Jason Gessner/]

Outdoor Cinema

There’s nothing quite as wonderful as those summer evenings when the sun gets low and the drinks are cold. Setting up lounge cushions and chairs and investing in an old movie projector like this one is a great way to entertain. Hire a popcorn maker for the night and screen favourite films onto the side of the house – a screen may be needed but it’s all in good fun!

Your summer can be filled with the best fun with friends or family, especially if there are birthdays among you. Enjoying the lazy summer nights and the blazing heat of the day can make for an exceptional time, creating memories for all to enjoy.

Prepping Your Backyard for the Ultimate Garden Party

Summer is here and what better time is there to throw a little party for all of your friends and loved ones? You don’t need an occasion: the good weather and the need for a proper catch up are more than enough of a reason to get everyone together. So, for the perfect get-together, it’s time to start prepping for the ultimate garden party. Here’s everything you need for the best event of the summer.

Free Hotdogs in the Griller Stock Photo

[Photo courtesy of Gergő/]

Prepare Your Garden Space

First things first, you need to make sure that your garden is neat and tidy. Most of us neglect the space during the winter months, as we don’t get much use out of it. So it’s time to start making up for lost time! Get your gardening gloves on and start mowing the lawn, pulling weeds and tackling those long bits of grass in the corners with a strimmer. It shouldn’t take too long but face this task sooner rather than later. You want to go at your own pace, rather than rushing about hours before the guests are due to arrive.

[Photo courtesy of Christopher Craig/]


Your guests will be hungry throughout the day, so make sure you’re ready to cater to their needs. A BBQ is the best option, as it means that you won’t be stuck inside, chained to the oven while everyone else is out back enjoying themselves. Barbequing is an immersive experience. You can share cooking responsibilities and be right in the middle of the action while turning hot dogs and flipping burgers. Remember to ensure that there’s something suitable for everyone to eat with vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options for those with special dietary requirements. Make sure that there are plenty of drinks available too! The hot weather will get everyone thirsty. Squash or fresh juice is great for the kids. For adults? Make a huge bowl of punch with plenty of ice. This will keep everyone cool and refreshed.


It’s easy to forget that people will need somewhere to sit. Nobody wants to stand up all day and evening and most people will want to avoid sitting directly on the grass or decking. Invest in some high-quality outdoor furniture that can be used time and time again. This can be stored away in a shed when not in use. Throw some blankets out on the ground for little ones to sit or lie down on. Some will appreciate a little nap in the shade.


You’re going to need some entertainment. This doesn’t necessarily mean hiring out a band or magician, but some music and games will usually suffice. Invest in some good speakers that will project the sound around your garden. All you will need to do then is set up a little playlist on your iPod and plug it in, ready to go. Kids will appreciate games like twister and some adults might even join in too later in the evening! Paddling pools often go down well too, as an option to cool down in the heat of the midday sun.

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3 DIY Projects For Your Big Garden

If you are lucky enough to have moved into a new house with a big garden, you may be wondering what you can put in it to create a centerpiece that everyone will notice. A large garden is such an asset to any home, now all you have to do is make the most of it!

You could add something that injects some luxury, something that looks amazing or something that provides some additional living space. Here are three ideas.

A large garden structure

Large gardens can take a large external building. You can choose to construct this out of whatever materials you wish. Stone and brick buildings can take a long time to build and do not fit into every garden. If you do not have the necessary skills, you will have to pay for someone else to build it for you and cost can mount up. It is easier to build log homes than you think when you take a course. You will be taught how to follow a DIY step-by-step guide on how to build a log cabin that covers everything from selecting logs, laying foundations, and constructing a roof.

Trees in Park

[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

A swimming pool

Swimming pools are a spectacular addition to any garden and, depending on your local climate, they are something that the whole family can use for many months of the year. There is a current craze for chemical-free pools which are better for you and for the environment. Keep your design simple

One of the top tips is to choose a design with a flat bottom as they are much easier to dig and to clean once it is operational. Box shaped pools are cheaper to build because liner manufacturers will box weld a liner for you. Water proofing the pool is the hardest thing to achieve so it is best to limit the number of fittings that you have because they will breach the waterproofing.

A built-in barbecue and dining area

Who doesn’t love to eat outside? When you have a large garden, you can go to town on an outdoor eating area. Start with a built-in barbecue or even your own pizza oven. These make a spectacular focal point for your dining area and are practical as well. Wood fired outdoor bread and pizza ovens are delivered in sections so all you have to do is put them together. The attractive dome shape will look great in any garden and they produce tasty pizzas and freshly baked bread for your dinner party.

Then lay a patio so that your diners do not get muddy feet when they are eating. Make it big enough to take a large dining table and still leave enough room for your guests to move around.

Lighting is a big part of creating the atmosphere at your outdoor dining area. Solar powered lights are the most environmentally friendly but you may want some electrical ones as a back-up. Tea light candles complete the look for a lovely summer dinner party that your guests will not forget.

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Add Class and Luxury to Your Garden Today!

Not enough people appreciate a good garden. Even those that do often don’t have the time to actually work on their garden themselves. But if you even have a garden then you should consider yourself lucky! Not only are gardens adding more and more to real estate value, but they’re somewhat of a rarity for many people these days. To some, a home with a nice garden is the ultimate life goal.

[Photo courtesy of ricoeurian/]

So let’s say you’re someone who does appreciate a good garden. Let’s also say that you don’t really spend that much time on your own. What are some simple ways to spice up your garden to add some life and luxury to it? Here are some quick tips.


There’s nothing quite like walking out into a garden and hearing the faint trickle of water in the summer. It’s relaxing, luxurious, and classy. This can be attained via pretty much any water feature. But perhaps the most famous, and the most elegant, is the garden fountain.

[Photo courtesy of Elliot Brown/]

Fountains make for an amazing focal point in any garden. Putting one in the middle of your lawn could be enough to add some class to your property. You can read about professional installation at, as well as seeing just how many different designs you can get for your garden. Remember that all eyes will be drawn to it immediately;  add some beautiful flora around it for extra effect.

Stone pathway

A beautiful stone pathway encourages guests to explore your garden. It defines a walking area, so you don’t end up trodding over all your grass. While you may not care too much about flattened grass, having a given path for roaming makes the roaming all the more pleasurable.


[Photo courtesy of caryn516/]

It’s easier than you think to get one of these in. You can read more about the required landscaping at Take a walk around your garden, trying to envision a path. What route or walking style do you like best? You should also consider the other features of your garden. You could have your pathway lead to a fountain or your favourite flower beds. And once a stone pathway is set, you can decorate it further. Nothing compliments a stone pathway more than a trellis with cascading vegetation!


People love a good patio. But timber decking is even better! With elevated, high-quality wood beneath your feet, a strong deck is the best way to enjoy your garden on those sunny summer days.

[Photo courtesy of JDoorjam/]

You’ve probably seen an elegant garden deck before, so you know what kind of benefits they can bring to you. If it’s well-designed, it makes your house look amazing (and adding to its value in the process!) You can help ensure your decking meets that particular criteria by visiting and working with experts in the field. With a safe cooking area installed, you can get a classy BBQ with friends and family going. You can consider it your home’s “hub” of outdoor entertainment during the warm weather.

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Outdoor Parties: 3 Ways To Get Your Garden Ready

Do you love hosting garden parties for your friends and family during the summer months? Would you like to ensure they go off without a hitch this year? Then you need to consider some of the tips and advice on this page. You can have a fantastic time without breaking the bank if you just take some simple steps. Nothing in this article will take a long time to complete, and so you could have everything ready in less than a week. Once that’s done, you just have to set a date and send your invites. With a bit of luck, this year’s garden parties will go better than any you’ve held before.

Build a brick BBQ so you can cook outside

Before you do anything else, it’s sensible to make a BBQ so you can cook lots of food outside. The last thing you want to do is stay in the kitchen when your friends have come around to a social gathering. Thankfully, the process should only take a couple of hours, and you only need some basic materials. Thirty or forty house bricks should be enough for you to complete the structure. Of course, you can add grills and other things like that to ensure it functions in the best way possible. You’ll find guides online and videos on YouTube if you get stuck.

[Photo courtesy of Dick Knight/]

Create an outdoor shelter

You never know when the heavens will open and all your guests will get wet. For that reason, it’s sensible to build some shelter outside. If you don’t have much money to spend, you could purchase a portable gazebo or something similar. Those products are available for reasonable prices from your local home stores. Of course, those who want to go a step further have other options on the table. Patio roof awnings are an excellent choice because they’re semi-permanent. However, you don’t need to seek planning permission or anything like that. So, take a look online at some of the most relevant suppliers.

Install an outdoor audio system

You’re going to want to entertain all your guests with some music. While you could traipse wires from your stereo outside, there are better solutions available. Waterproof outdoor speakers have come down in price considerably during the last few years. So, maybe you should get some and screw them to your exterior walls. You can then link your stereo and play music outside without having to work too hard. In some instances, you can get systems that use a remote control. That’s perfect because you can swap and change the music while you’re outside cooking the food.

Now you know how to get your garden ready for its next party, we hope you will make improvements this year. The best thing about building a BBQ is that you won’t have to keep buying those disposable products. The outdoor shelter will keep everyone dry, and the speakers will entertain. Sure, there are more things you could do. However, I just wanted to show you the fundamentals and point you in the right direction.

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Fine Living In The Garden

When most people think about luxury living, they imagine living rooms adorned in marble and kitchens decked out with fantastic range cookers. But the latest trend in luxury living is to move out of the house and into the garden. More and more people want to be able to enjoy their lives in the open air. It’s here that they want to entertain guests and indulge themselves in their hobbies, especially now that the summer is almost upon us.

So what can you do to live it up in your garden? Take a look at some of these ideas from the rich and famous.

Create Your Own Covered Space

Just because you’re outside, it doesn’t mean you don’t need a covered space to keep the sun at bay. As a result, it’s a good idea to invest in some sort of canopy: one that allows you to enjoy the rest of the garden while protecting you from the sun during the hottest part of the day.

[Photo courtesy of Hotel Montecatini Terme/]

These covered spaces can be equipped with pretty much whatever you like, but at a minimum, you’ll want some seating and a table in the middle. If you’ve got the budget for it, add an outdoor TV for watching sports and a fan to keep you cool when the mercury hits 90.

Give Your Pool A Makeover

Swimming pools are a staple of a luxury garden: they’re somewhere that you can cool off on those long summer days between June and September. But pools aren’t necessarily stylish, especially if you’ve had your current pool for a while. Not only can they look out of date, but they can also get run down pretty quickly, especially if you don’t regularly maintain them. Visit Sparklean Pools to learn more about vinyl liner pool repair. Updating your pool can make a massive difference to the visual appeal of your garden and help it to feel luxurious once more.

A Wonderland Getaway

The wealthy also really love to use their gardens to escape from the rigors of the day. Having somewhere they can go to relax helps them to unwind. A wonderland getaway can take on practically any form, depending on what constitutes a getaway for you, which is what makes it so exciting.

Free Gardener reading book in armchair near plants in pots Stock Photo

[Photo courtesy of Gary Barnes/pexels]

Some people like to be surrounded by flowers and slunk off to a remote corner of the garden to read a book. Others like to create communal spaces in unusual locations, using the geological features of the backyard itself. For instance, your garden might be on a slope, next to a steam or near to a rock formation. Finally, a wonderland getaway could be a physical building, like a summer house, complete with various creature comforts.

An Outdoor Chess Set

[Photo courtesy of Misaochaaan/]

Being in the garden is all about having fun. That’s why many wealthy people make games a permanent feature of their gardens. Take chess, for instance. Large, outdoor chess sets are really good if you have children or relatives who like to play. Plus, they help keep people entertained on those long summer evenings.

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Is Your Garden Ready for Spring?

With the warmer months rapidly approaching it’s no wonder most of us our turning our attentions to our beloved gardens. However the cooler months tend to mean our gardens have been somewhat neglected so it’s difficult to know where to start trimming and preening the wilderness that has taken over.

[Photo courtesy of]

So today we are discussing the simple ways we can organise and preen our gardens so they are ready for us to enjoy over the spring and summer period.

Clear Out the Debris

Sometimes the winter damage can look worse than it actually is, due to all the debris that has accumulated over the colder months. So beginning with clearing out all the debris will give you a better idea of what actually needs doing.

Re-energise the Earth

The winter months tends to leave the soil in your garden packed and undernourished, so revitalising the soil is really important. Just adding compost,and fertilizer where necessary, will have the earth healthy and ready for the sunnier seasons.

Nurturing Existing Plants

For those plants that have survived the winter, you’ll need to prune in order to prepare them for the spring and summer. Deadheading flowers and extracting dead leaves will leave your plants ready to flourish and blossom.

[Photo courtesy of]

Look Up

Look at the trees in your garden and evaluate their health and positioning. It’s important to keep trees trim particularly if they are situated close to your home. Hiring a local tree service company is a good idea if you’re unsure about how to care for the trees in your garden.

New Flowers and Shrubs

Look around your garden and consider the colours and types of plants you’d like to add to get your garden looking tip-top. Some fantastic spring plants are snapdragons, pansies, lilacs and tulips. So take a trip down to your local garden centre and start planning how to breathe new life into your garden.


Once you’ve done all the cleaning, re-nourishing, potting and planting it’s easy to think the work is done. But maintenance is key in order to keep your garden in premium condition throughout the warmer months. Dust off those little hand pruners and do a weekly inspection of the dead flowers and leaves that need removing.

Inspect your flowers and plants for insects. Looking for holes or stickiness to leaves could mean an infestation so take a sample down to your local garden centre for advice on appropriate action.

Keep your garden hydrated by watering regularly. Drip irrigation pipes and soaker hoses are generally more effective at evenly distributing water around your plants that standard sprinklers, so consider investing in one of these if you don’t already have one.

Finally, have fun with it. Gardens are the wildest area of our homes and we should be free with the way we nurture and care for them. Finding new and creative ways of adding colour and diversity to your garden is such a rewarding way to spend time over the warmer months. Then of course, there’s nothing better than sitting back on a spring evening and admiring our handy work.

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Quick Garden Makeover Tips You’ll Love

With the evenings becoming lighter and the leaves finally blooming on the trees, it’s safe to say that the warmer weather is on the way. Warmer weather encourages time spent outdoors, but wait – your garden has become overgrown and full of weeds!

Colourful windmills decorate a garden near to Abingdon town centre

[Photo courtesy of Sally Allsop/]

Thankfully, there are quick solutions to the manky garden issue and that’s taking time to fix it up. There are plenty of ways to do this, even if you only have a spare hour or two at the weekends. Soon enough you’ll be able to enjoy barbecues and picnics within feet of the house with our amazing garden makeover tips:

  1. Add colour: Flowers take some time to grow after planting, everyone knows this. However, flowers aren’t the only way you can add a little pizazz to your garden. If you have a shed or any wooden garden furniture, you can give them a new lease of life with a lick of paint. Instead of spending time you may not have, have a look at some paint sprayers reviews and do the job in half the time.
  2. Outdoor décor: Similarly, with giving old, wooden furniture a lick of paint, you can add potted plant pots to your garden in bright, zany colours to add some life. Use up old leftover paints you may have laying around and add lovely patterns to your plant pots and give it a personal touch. Adding garden ornaments and fun little items to decorate can also liven up your outside space.
  3. Sort the weeds: Take an hour of your time and actually weed the garden! The most obvious solution to an overgrown space is to strip is back and it shouldn’t take too long if you use a strimmer and edger for the whole area. Once you’ve cut it all back, you’ll be able to truly assess the space you have and what you can do to make it look summer ready.
  4. Declutter: Believe it or not, like any area of the home you need to have a clear out. Get through the garden shed and throw out anything that is old and rusted. Make space for new garden tools.
  5. Involve the kids: If you have kids at home, get them involved in the garden. A paved area can always use a chalk mural and a grassed border will always be better off with a vegetable garden being planted and colourful labels attached. Children always have a magic touch on the outdoors and you can let them get so creative!
  6. Deck the garden: You may need a little longer for this one if you don’t have a deck already, but if you do all you need to do is redo the deck. Stain the deck with products like these and give it a new lease of life.

Your garden doesn’t need to take long to redo and even if you can only dedicate an hour or two at a time, you can makeover your garden to look as beautiful as you could hope it to be.

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