Bring Out The Comfortable Ambiance Of Nature at Home

The presence of plants in a certain place will automatically bring out the fresh ambiance of nature. That’s the very reason why some home owners and  big establishments are really including garden landscapes in the entire architectural plan. However, there are small time companies that can’t afford these ornaments because growing and maintaining their health is quite expensive.

As the cliché “every problem has a corresponding solution” goes; the mentioned dilemma can be easily eradicated by They are just one of pioneer companies that could easily set up your greens in an instant for a corresponding price. You want to have a nature inspired and week-long conference, then they can set up your entire office or conference hall with ease.

Colorful Orchids

Their group is composed of indoor plant hire technicians in their respective uniforms who are well trained of the job. They are also holders of green card certification and are covered with insurance for public liability, workers compensation & property damage.

Getting a deal like this is one of a kind. The entire service can’t be easily found in the neighborhood if there is one; for sure it is going to be very pricy.


Good thing this kind of service came into reality these days thus giving a lot of companies and individuals to fulfill their nature-inspired workplace motif at an affordable price. The hassle of canvassing how much these plants would cost is now gone. A full service with matching maintenance can already be done with one company and all you have to do is to pay and enjoy their work.

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Advantages of Built-in Cabinets at Home

When we moved to our new apartment we are disappointed to find out that there’s no built-in cabinet to keep some of our belongings unlike the old apartment where we stayed for more than three years it has built-in cabinet with many doors where I keep most of the items I purchased on Daiso like bags, notebooks and even passport wallet which I was not able to use because I bought different pouch for travel purposes.

Built-in Cabinet

[Image not mine]

Built-in cabinets are very useful when your apartment/house has only small space for bigger furniture because it creates more space and gives a good impression.

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House Beam and Structural Planning

My mother informed me that this week we they will start constructing a beam for our house and afterwards they will stop the construction until we saved more money for slabbing or making a roof that will also serves as floor for the second floor plan of our house.

House Construction Philippines

Beams are  important structure of every home they used to support the weight over the doors, windows and other openings in your home. These beams support massive amounts of weight in some cases and are even made of steel if needed.

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Blocking my Cousin’s House

We have not much space to build a house that’s why we decided to make our house two-story but we are not going to build the second floor right away, we are going to build our house little by little. So we are planning to make the first floor first while we have money, so sooner we have to stop the construction because of financial constraints.

Constructing a House

My cousin’s house is cannot be seen anymore when they already built the kitchen wall, this is just for the first floor what more if there’s already second floor?  Sad to say we can’t do anything because our land is just limited so we have to use to the extent, anyway they where already informed before they built their house but they still build it forward and not a little backward.

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DIY Storage Shed

As they tore down our kitchen when they started doing the lay-out plan, some of our belongings were exposed and no place to keep. My father constructed a temporary shelter for them in front of our house, the sacks of cements were also placed in the shelter for safety.

Building Materials

It was just lucky that my aunt has a store in front of us so the shelter was not exposed in the street where a lot of people and cars are passing by everyday.

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Home Plans and Elevation

They started constructing our house by making higher elevation, my parents made sure that our house is elevated well to avoid water coming inside our house when there’s flood. We are near the fields and the irrigation so when there’s heavy rains the water from the canals and irrigation flooded in our backyard.

House Elevation

Creating higher elevation of your houses is very helpful when heavy rains and flood came, it will help you avoid the water from coming in and will help you to avoid cracks on your floor when summer came.

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What Is Venetian Plaster?

To achieve an Italian building exterior, the first question you need to ask yourself is this. When you buy Venetian plaster, can it be applied to the exterior of your house, and is it composed with lime, and aged over a period of time? To get true Venetian Plaster, you will not be able to just go buy it off of some store shelf. You will be able to get what the stores sell, but they don’t sell the high quality product that comes out of Italy. To get true Venetian plaster, you will need to hire a company that specializes in applying the intricate plastering technique.

Understanding Venetian Plastering Techniques

Venetian plaster is a stunning historical product that goes back many years. It has been used in several countries for centuries. This product is sometimes referred to by its Italian name, which is Marmorino. This word means “little marble”.  The plaster often contains a marble called “carrara” marble. This comes in the form of small chips, and Venetian plaster is often applied in a way so that it resembles the fine appearance of finely polished marble or sometimes even honed limestone.

Venetian Plastering

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Historical Use of Venetian Plaster

The recipe used in historic usage is slaked lime, finely ground marble, and a small portion of raw linseed oil. In some cases soap was even applied. Modern variations of Venetian plaster sometimes include silica, rheologic modifiers, and binders to give it a more pliable and smooth texture. Authentic Venetian Plaster is not a tinted compound, so beware of plaster containing the label “Tinted”, as this is not true authentic plaster. It is merely a replica that does not come close to the end result of true Venetian plaster. Never buy this plaster. You shouldn’t even be buying your own plaster anyway. If you want a true Venetian wall, then you will need a skilled plasterer that uses only the finest materials.

Knowing the Difference between True Venetian Plaster and Replications

Many people have claimed to have Venetian plaster on their walls. However, in many cases it is just replicated to look like Venetian plaster. Most people don’t know the difference, but if you compare a real Venetian plastered wall to one that is replicated, you can definitely see the difference in quality. The only way to truly know that your wall is authentic Venetian is to have the product installed by a trusted plasterer in your local area.  For example, John Anthony Plastering is a company that has done Venetian plastering for many 5 star hotels in London.  If you use a reputable company it may be more expensive but you will be able to guarantee the quality of work, materials used and that it will last longer than cheaper alternatives.

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GroundBreaking on the First Day of Construction

Finally the construction of our house was started few days ago, they started it after a ground breaking prayer or what they called ground breaking ceremony when building big establishments where the Mayor of the town is invited, this is to bless the land and probably the home owners.

Ground Breaking Ceremony

As what I have read Groundbreaking is a traditional ceremony in many cultures that celebrates the first day of construction for a building or other project. Like what I have mentioned about this ceremonies are often attended by dignitaries such as politicians and businessmen. The actual shovel or spade used during the actual groundbreaking is often a special ceremonial shovel meant to be saved for subsequent display and commemorative information may be subsequently engraved on the shovel.

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4 Must Have Items for a Futuristic Home

For the technologically discerning homeowner, there is an extensive range of innovative ways to ensure that your home is as modern as possible. With the current advancements in technology, it’s becoming easier to fit out your home with amazing gadgets that once existed purely the realm of science fiction. Here are 4 of the must have items for a truly futuristic yet functional home.

Intuitive Lighting Solutions

Lighting is one of the most influential aspects in our day to day life, and it can have a huge impact on the appearance of your home. Sophisticated and intuitive lighting solutions are one of the biggest ways to modernise your living space. With everything from motion activated lights to dimmer switches and eco bulbs, there’s a lighting solution for every style and budget.

For a truly technological edge, consider the Master Plan light switch. This innovative design features a switch which resembles your floor plans, and you can control all of the lighting in your home at the touch of a button. It also shows you which lights are currently illuminated so you can control everything from one central location.

Door Bot Wi-Fi Doorbell Camera

The Door Bot is a great design due for release in mid-2013 which allows the user to see who is at their door at any time. The Door Bot uses a camera to capture footage and audio of who is waiting, and sends it to the smartphone of the registered user. The advantage of this system is that you could be at work or away from home and still able to monitor any activity at the door. The appearance is much like a phone call, with an image of who is at the door and an answer or decline option. A great example of the use of the Door Bot is to communicate with couriers or postal workers about the delivery of packages and other items.

3D Smart TV

The hub of every futuristic home is undoubtedly the smart TV. Integrating full internet access, 3D capability and crystal clear display, smart TV’s are the defining step towards an all in one entertainment system to suit every need. Leading brands such as the smart LG 3D TV include access to over 600 applications, from live weather and social media to movie streaming and more. It can also be controlled using voice commands for a truly technological touch.

Solar Window Charger

As electricity prices continue to increase, every little bit counts when it comes to saving energy. A great idea is to make sure that everyone in the family has a solar window charger. These fantastic little devices simply attach onto any glass surface, and use solar power to charge any device with a USB cable. You can even charge it while travelling in the car or attach it at work. No matter where you go, this sleek design will charge your devices without ever touching an electrical socket.

For the latest and most functional in technological design, you can’t go past these top items. Create a truly futuristic home by incorporating them into your house and discovering all the ways in which technology not only enriches your life, but simplifies it as well. From smart TV’s to solar power, these great gadgets won’t fail to impress.

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Trends in Architecture

Architecture is an industry that is usually predicated on trends. What works for a previous year may soon be considered as old or passé for the next one. The trends are usually based on people’s preferences which are dictated by the environment and the developments of various situation all over the world.

Here are some of the trends that we are seeing for this year:

Buildings to continue going GREEN:

The world has now become much more environmentally conscious. Every country has seemed to intensify their efforts to protect the environment. This effort has even spread to the way that people build their homes and offices.

For this year, we can expect that more and more architects would try to incorporate a green design. This means that they would begin using eco-friendly materials for their buildings as well as make provisions for installing systems that could help conserve waste and make efficient use of natural resources.

[Image not Mine]

Because of this we can expect more and more architectural projects to start utilizing things such as solar panels for energy, and filtration systems for storms. We could also see designs that are more compatible with natural ventilation as well as environmental light.

Some would even go to the distance of working around the natural environment instead of the traditional bulldoze everything and build on top.

Minimalist design:

Another trend that we can foresee for the year would be the rise of minimalist designs. Previously, the trend was for people to have glamorous and grandiose designs for their buildings, everything seemed to signify large and in your face aesthetics. However, people seem to be opting more towards minimized designs this year.

We can expect to have smaller scale homes with interior designs that are more focused on very little embellishments, natural finishes, and clean lines.

[Image not Mine]

Maximizing space constraints

Related to the minimalist design, an architectural trend nowadays would be to have multi-purpose spaces instead of a 1 room 1 purpose construction. We can now see guest rooms doubling as play areas or music rooms depending on the need or the situation.

This would be further enhanced by furniture that would do double duties such as couches that can convert to beds, coffee tables that can expand to become a dining table, or beds that would have storage options.

Automated systems:

Lastly, we feel that architectural design would now begin to feature more automated systems. The trend of lowered costs for automation and increased technical capability can lead to systems such as temperature, lighting, electronics, and even security, to become controllable via an application on a mobile phone or tablet. There are even some technologies which would automate adjustments based on the habits of the users.

Of course, it would be good to note that these are just trends when it comes to a building’s architecture and interior design. The actual outputs would still be dependent on the vision of the architects who would be designing the projects as well as the clients who would be actually utilizing what they have built.

Stella Harper is an architect who plans to have a burgeoning career in designing luxury homes. She mentions that she idolizes the architectural works of Steven Heyer, and uses his works as an inspiration when it’s time to come up with her own designs for her numerous clients.

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