Scrubbing the Floor with Coconut Husk

Cleaning and mopping is somehow a tedious thing to do when you have no desire on doing it. In our country there are still homeowners that uses coconut husk with thick outer  to scrub the floor and to achieve a shiny and squeaky clean floor.  It is commonly used when waxing the floor and it is also a good exercise, probably it is a pedometer during those old days.  A motivator to exercise more and of course clean more as every time you move your one feet on and off you are burning more fats,  so I guess using more of this is like buying pedometers in bulk .

ceiling, chandelier, comfort

[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

A clean and shiny floor is  very common those times I have remember my grandmother cleaning every day and using the coconut to  scrub the floor and when wax is added it makes the floor shiny.

To Do: Organize my Stuff

My side of bed is a mess, my things are every where. Bags, books, shoes and etc. I am planning to buy a new backpack like deuter backpack but with the current situation of my things I am sure my husband will not like it anymore. He will probably says I should stop collecting junks and being a packrat.

I have to clean this mess soon before my husband started throwing all of my belongings especially right now we are in good terms eh.  Hopefully I can do the cleaning and organizing of my personal stuff tomorrow.

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Water Fountain for the Garden

Like most homeowners I also like the idea of adding fountain in the middle of my garden as I believed the water balances different elements and can add relaxing effect to anybody. It can also add style and not just attraction on the garden,  there are many different styles and types of water fountains in the market. There are fountains for home use, public places, establishment and offices.

[Image from]

There are some fountains with unique design like angels, babies, animals, human and anything that we could ever imagine, probably some fountains has miraculous medals designed.

Home Improvement Loans

Our home is our kingdom, the place that make us comfortable and secure.  The place where we can be whoever we want in four walls of our own room.  That’s why most of us we want our home to be the best it can be, attractive and desirable for friends and even to by passers. We also improved anything around hour home as long as we have budget for it because we want things to be perfect and comfortable.

Ventimiglia, Old Town, Roofs, Homes, City, North Italy

[Image courtesy of Hans/]

Home improvement is difficult when our financial position is tight that’s why there are companies that offer home improvement loans that is available for any home remodeling that you are planning. You can fund your loans through secured loan, unsecured loan and remortgaging. If you are planning to apply for this kind of loan you should review first the advantages and disadvantages of loaning to your every day life, is it helpful or you are going to suffer on paying the money you owe.

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Organized Your Home Closet

If there’s one thing I want to be organize at home it is our closet. Most of the old clothes are still there, especially those clothes that my sister don’t wear anymore I have told her already just to giveaway those clothes, when some of the clothes are already handed to our distant cousins the closet we shared is still full of her clothes you cannot even keep a cortech Micro Tank bag because there’s really no space. I think it is also my fault because I gave her my old clothes which she don’t want to giveaway,  in this case the new closet that my mother just bought is just perfect to organize our clothes.

[Image not Mine]

Some of the example of closet organizers are hangers, garment racks, drawer organizers, storage drawers and dividers but using hanger is the most economical way to organize your closet they are also easy to use.

Finding Gold at Home

My sister informs me today that they already bought large metal bars for our house construction. They took the chance that the metal bars are at low prices this month, it was about almost one dollar difference than the price last month. It was a good move because we are not only going to save but we can also buy more metal bars with the same amount of money.

I am pretty excited already thinking that our home will be started soon, well at last we are going to have  our own home. I wonder if they can find gold Krugerrand while digging for a space to build a house columns. There are some stories that some homeowners find gold on their yard or home while undergoing renovation or simply house construction so who knows, right?

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Chlorine in Drinking Water at Home

The taste of the water in our apartment yesterday is weird and my husband cannot stop complaining about it. Last night when I took a shower I smelled the strong scent of water chlorine so I’ve told him what I found out so we both agreed that is maybe the reason why the water taste weird, at first he thought our water filter was not in good condition anymore.

[Image from]

It was believed for  a very long time that chlorine in drinking water  is safe as it  disinfects and prevent harmful diseases that could be passed through water such as dysentery.  This is popular because they are lower in cost and easy to operate for home owners.

Decorating Your Room with Posters

My sister and I has one room and one bed, it was not that big but all over our walls are posters of different boy bands, anime or beautiful  poster of surroundings, we  just love to stick any posters on our wall but of course labor law posters is not included in our lists.

[Image from]

I have read that the most important part of home  is decking up walls because an attractive poster can leave good impression, and can serve as an inspiration.  Now a days digital posters and canvasses are very popular for wall decorations there are a lot of store online that sells this type of service so if you are planning to decorate your room just browse the internet and surely you will find something that interest you.

Wall Mount TV for the Living Room

Few more months and we are almost finished in paying our loaned motorcycle and refrigerator that’s why mother is already planning what is the next item she is going to loan. She wants to get a new TV because our TV was already old and the picture quality is not good anymore. I can’t blame her because the TV was already ten years of age and have been brought to electronic shop many times already just to fix.

Design, Interior, Home, Modern, Architecture, Cook

[Image courtesy of svabic/]

I have suggested that they should buy a LED TV or flat TV that they can just hang in the wall and doesn’t need a lot of space there are plenty monitor mounts for sale so I am sure it is not going to be a problem if they buy a flat TV.

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Building Materials for House Construction

As we cannot really afford to buy building materials in lump sum my mother decided to deposit the money I have sent before to a popular lumber store in our town. My parents know the owner and my father already work on the owner’s house so they know he was trusted plus few of my relatives already did the same and they got the building materials they pay for when they need it.

This method is just being safe and making sure that your money will not be wasted,  because if the money is in your hands or bank the temptation of spending it is very strong.

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