Benefits of Cheap Yard Signs

Just tonight my sister message me in Facebook telling me that they bought a new printer for business. They are going to accept print jobs, scanned, photocopy, encoding and even making invitations. They already  attached signage in front of our house for the said business I think it would be better if they  can get cheap yard sign printing.

Most of the time when my mother has items for sale,  she wrote it on a white paper and stapled it in front of house or in tree in front of our house, like what you can see in the photo below.

Cheap yard signs that made from coroplast are very popular in  media advertising as  low cost advertising methods. So I think if they can get made a large sign in our yard they can attract more customer, they already have first customer just by mouth advertising so how much more if they have the proper sign, right?

When moving to a New House

If we started building our house we have to torn down our old house so we can use the other building materials like the galvanized iron or even lumber. It is going to be a lot of work that’s why we need to pay few labors so they can help in the construction. I have already told my mother just to throw the things we don’t need anymore like the broken dvd player, clock though I am not sure if she is going to throw the cheap trophies displayed in top of a cabinet in our living room.

I have one trophy on displayed, it was the trophy I won when I joined the Ms. Camp,  my sister’s trophy are from sports and winning Ms. Camp too.  My father’s trophy was from sports too. There’s only few trophies at home because we really don’t joined too much in competition and most of the price in the competition in our barangay is cash money because that’s what people needed the most.

Metal Door Mat

My husband and I was surprised when we went out last night to see a metal door mat in front of our apartment door.  At first my husband doesn’t know what it is for? So I’ve told him it might be for the occupants of the apartment so they can clean their boots and shoes when they went up to their floors. The landlord probably was already tired cleaning and mopping dirt in the stairs that’s why he decided to add metal door mat.

We are in the first floor so we don’t need the metal door mat it only happens that the main door is just beside our door.  My husband complaint about it to me because it was put between our doors, he said he might not see it one time and he might and get injured.

Importance of Pallet Racks

My sister told me the other day that our mother bought a new cabinet, I was not surprised already because my mother have been telling me that she wants to buy a new one. What bothers me is where they put the cabinet, we don’t have plenty of space at home. My thoughts was answered when my sister replied, the newly bought plastic cabinet was in our room they have to move the shoe rack that is made of bamboo but resembles to pallet racks outside our room.  I forgot to ask if they throw it or they just move it to our porch or somewhere inside our house.

Anyway if you have not yet heard what are pallet racks they are stands where pallets can be stored.  They are used especially in industries like factories, warehouses, retail, food storage, grains, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.  Each rack can effectively hold hundreds of pallets, depending on the size. Pallet racks are excellent for managing space within the warehouse or a store. Pallet rack systems are of many kinds: light/heavy duty, open/closed tubes, selective pallet rack systems, etc.

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Problem with the Hot Water Heater

We don’t have proper hot water at home now I have blogged before that our heater is not working properly. Our landlord came with an employee from Rinnai, a company that manufactured electrical appliances but the handyman said nothing is wrong with the heater and he suggest that we should call the gas company because he thinks the problem is the gas supply.

After few days the gas employee came in our apartment with the landlord they check the gas supply in the kitchen and they found nothing wrong with the gas so until now we don’t know what is wrong because they all said every thing is fine.

One thing is for sure though we don’t have hot water, the water is not enough for this cold season. Gladly we are going to move in the next few months so we are not going to deal with this problem anymore.

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Importance of Proper Tools and Equipment

My father is trying to save money so he can buy electric tools that he can used on his work. He is a carpenter and most of the time he needs proper tools to make his work a lot easier. There are times that the owner provides the electric tools that they need or the sometimes it was provided by their contractor.

Wrench, Spanner, Repair, Fix, Toolbox, Service, Work

[Image courtesy of stevepb/]

Proper tools and equipment is necessary for a worker to do his job quicker, unlike jet builders or roller coaster engineers, carpenters cannot download cad library online but of course they can download outline and samples of project they want to start building.

Interior Trends for 2013

Whilst the government is insisting that we are climbing out of the recession and our economic climate is becoming more and more stable, we still want some distractions to lure us away from the harsh realities of life Redecorating our home has to be one of the best – especially for someone like me who loves being creative.

2013 sees us take a less structured approach to colour. Unusual pairings are being encouraged, along with mismatching wall coverings, textiles and furniture. Even with all this in mind, there is still the taste for minimalist design.

The Buzz

If I had to list a few words that would describe the trend of 2013 they would have to be:

  • Raw
  • Fresh
  • Warm
  • Weathered
  • Decayed
  • Grounded

These six words that I would use to describe the colour palettes of 2013 are all organic and natural, another word that I would use to describe the colour palettes that are coming into fashion this coming year. As we will see that our fascination with the galaxy come into play when we look at the ‘Cosmic Dreaming’ palette, and how our world around us influences the colours we are wanting in our home this coming year as we look at the ‘Natural Ground’ palette.

[Image from]

Individual Palette Reviews

Cosmic Dreaming

It’s safe to say that whatever happens in the fashion industry also happens in the interior design industry. They go hand in hand, like two peas in a pod! Toward the end of 2012 we saw an increase in ‘cosmic’ patterns on clothing – this trend will carry on into 2013 and take the nation by storm. Inspired by the outer galaxies, palettes of otherworldly hues and colours such as greyed lilac, tonal grey, khaki green, warm purple and beige.

Natural Ground

Every day we see the world, we witness the toll that the elements take upon objects. Everyone is drawn into the idea of living off the land and living more simply, getting your hands dirty and having a few chickens. It’s with this influence that we see colours such as ivory, heathered grey, rich brown, dark grey and warm black.

Closer Shores

There is always an instant feeling of calm and tranquility that resonates around your body when near the sea. A range of cool tones, and hues from the beach are an inspiring colour to bring that feeling of ‘spa’ into your bathroom. Remember though, it doesn’t have to end there – bring that feeling into the rest of your home for a calm and warm feeling. The colours we see from this trend are pale blue, greyed dark blue, grey with the hint of blue, dark navy and mid tonal blue.


On the total opposite hand we have the warm and sexual hues resonating from our inner being; that lust that we long to lure someone into our home. ‘Naked’ is a warm based palette consisting of colours such as vibrant orange, darkened orange, nude, blood red and deep red.


Eve explores the beautiful tones of green… the garden inspired hues. Combining colours from the birthplace of seduction, Eden creates visions of yellow green, galvanized green, mid tone blue green, greyed khaki green and fresh grass green.

Go for it!

So, get out there and indulge in all these great trends coming into gear. Make the most out of your living space by taking some time to carefully think about you, your loved ones and your lifestyle. It’s a cliché, but so very true – “turn your house into your home”!

About the author:

Mark Osborne runs Country Hardwood – a team of skilled craftsmen who specialize in Bespoke Conservatories.

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Old House and Termites

Recently my mother asked me when can I send money again so we can start building a house.  Our house is already totally worn out it seems the termites were not too happy of us living with them and they want our house for them alone. That’s a joke anyway, well I guess that’s one of the disadvantages of living near the rice field. If not termites, rats during harvesting season.

The house we are staying at is not originally from us, my deceased Uncle owns it and it was given to my family. It was just semi- concrete house, using palm tree as window and grass as roof. But with the years passed by we are able to made some changes like using galvanized iron in our roof and that cost us selling a cow.

Half of the wall is made of hollow blocks and the living room floor as cement. The last time I went home it was a mess, the floor was all cracked because of the big trucks passing on the street, yeah right we are also near the street. I have told my mother to change the linoleum but she doesn’t want to buy new one  because she said it wouldn’t help because the problem is our cracked floor.

I know my mother is not excited of having us a house but it is more of panic because my cousins are going to have their family soon and  it means we have to move further back, the house was built in a wrong spot. If my uncle or one of his kids built a house or store in front of us our house will be cut in half, our kitchen will be the only left part it would be okay if it was good enough but I think it was not.

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Learn How to Copy or Duplicate Keys

It is easy to have duplicate keys if there’s a professional around, like locksmiths. But, hiring a locksmith is not the only option you can choose although it is a tradition to avail their services whenever you are having troubles with keys and locks. It is not difficult to learn how to make duplicate keys. All you need is a little effort and time for you to be successful when making spare keys.

There are many ways on how to make a copy of keys. You may ask help from your friend or someone who is an expert in key duplication. There are some methods you have to be familiar with when learning to duplicate your keys. Don’t worry because it won’t require you to gain special skills or something that would help you execute the method. You will not also need any equipment like other locksmiths used. You will only need clay and your old keys throughout the process.

Key impressioning is the term used to define this method. It involves the use of metal file to make another copy of key. Before you use this method, you have to consider other things that might affect you in the long run. You need to know what types of locks you want access. The method can last for about ten minutes. This can save your time and money from hiring locksmiths. Moreover, it would not let you shop around for various services just to find the one that suits your needs. The process is simple and will help you get rid of machines for key duplication.

Unfortunately, this method is not advisable for all people who want to duplicate their keys. It is because it might not work for the type of lock you have there. That is the reason why it is still essential to find a real locksmith to do the duplication job because they have sufficient knowledge about keys and locks. In addition to that, they know what is suitable for your locks or keys as they know every little about keys and locks.

Keys, Open Locks, Security, Unlock, Secure, Bunch, Pile

[Image courtesy of stevepb/]

Whether you are a locksmith or just fond of trying something new, this method can greatly help you develop your skills and let you gain experiences. It could also help you get great savings. Locksmiths can help you duplicate keys, but you can copy your key in your own ways. There are tricks you can use for you to have a spare key. You can find them online. Some people share a source of the key duplication process. You can follow the instructions and procedures to make spare keys.

However, it is not advisable to all to make a copy of their keys on their own. It is still wise to find a reliable locksmith and let these professionals do the job because they know everything about keys and locks. It is okay to try, but you have to take note that the process of key duplication might just result to problems. Find a trustworthy locksmith now and have access to your locks anytime.

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Chairs for Church

Long time ago there was a large mango tree on our backyard but because of the danger it may cause during storm or typhoon they decided to cut it down. And because it was too big the wood were made as chairs for church. The men members of our church took time to made those chairs on their vacant hours or off days from work.

They made long chairs from it which is very helpful in the expansion of our church as more chairs are need for growing congregation. Until now those chairs are still in used.

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