Open Windows

 We don’t frequently used the air conditioner these past few days because the weather is not that hot like on certain days. We just opened our windows so the cool breeze can came in.

The only disadvantages of having open window all day is we can hear the noise outside like the children playing at the nearby school, cars, people walking and yelling in the street. I just hope it is not going to be dusty soon here inside our apartment or else I have to do general cleaning again that is too tiring to do.

Cleaning Out the Boxes

These past few days my husband is in the mood cleaning out inside our apartment like throwing boxes and other things that he thinks occupying so much space. He even found my collections of beauty products and demanded the cabinet to be clean so he can hide the printer,  we thrown set of boxes.

Instead of throwing them in the designated garbage area I left the boxes at the front gate of the our old woman neighbor so when she is going to wake up in the morning she can see them.

Beautify your Bathroom

Bathroom renovation is expensive when you don’t know how to budget your money and know the things you needed the most when doing renovation. There are times we spend more than what we need, we can avoid these if we plan and list the things we need in advance.  Color coordination is also important in doing some bathroom remodeling, the more the color coordinates to each other the more relaxing it is for the eyes and to our senses.  So you should buy accessories like yogitoes towel, mirror, bathroom cabinet in same color.

Yard Sale

One of my friend recently shared her latest find on Facebook. She bought a plastic cabinet for a cheap price of $10, the item was still good as new.  The previous owner is already moving so  he is selling the stuff that he can’t carry.

Arrow, Sign, Direction, Free Image, Garage Sale, Street

[Image courtesy of MoneyforCoffee/]

Buying through moving out sale, yard sale or garage sale is one of the best way to save and earn money.  You can save money from buying things which is cheaper than buying a brand new in the market which has the same quality of a second hand, you know there are items that are only used for days or weeks and the owner decided to sell them for an upgrade. And well you can earn because you can sell online like in eBay those items you buy.

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Our apartment is somehow cluttered. My things are scattered on the floor beside my bed because we don’t have a lot of cabinet to organize our stuff or let me say the large cabinet is already full with boxes and other important things that we thought of keeping. Living in an apartment is really not a best idea because you don’t have a cellar or basement to keep your old but important things like old  leather briefcase, kitchen utensils and other electrical appliances that you seldom used.

Basement is important part of the house, it can add  potential and you could use it as well as a favorite area of your house. You can make it as music  room or laundry area, not really the place where you are going to wash your clothes but somehow the place where you can freely iron your clothes.

Repainting Kitchen Cabinets

Repainting kitchen cabinets is the cheapest way to remodel your kitchen rather than replacing them when they are still in good condition. Repainting is not short and an easy process because the old paint should be removed but there are times though to make thing easier some home owners just paint their cabinets without removing the old paint.

Well if you think repainting is too much work, you can hire contractor to do it for you and you might as well think of replacing the cabinets when they are already in poor quality but if not repainting is one of the cheapest option you could choose.

Do it Yourself

My guess was right instead of hiring someone to fix the problem in our bathroom the landlord do it with himself. Yesterday he arrived with his tools and new shower hose and faucet for the hot water.  He started to fix the faucet first and in just matter of minutes he is able to change it to the new one, I stayed with him while he is fixing the problems in the bathroom.  I just sit or stand outside the door, at first I am in hesitation if I will accompany him or just let him work while I am surfing the internet but I just thought I am too rude to do that so I stopped surfing and talk with him up to the best I can.

The next thing he fixed is the shower hose which is leaking near the shower head, it was broken when his friend came over to fix the plugged toilet. He uses the shower hose to unplugged toilet, the landlord asked me if we dropped the shower which I replied we didn’t together with action how it was broken.

The landlord also fixed the pipe in the sink he cleaned it and he removed a lot of hair stuck in the pipe, I guess some of them are mine when I cut my hair the first time I dropped them in the sink and I was not able to removed all of them when I am done, and some of the hair was from my husband when he shaved his head and face and the other hair probably from the previous people who stayed in this apartment.

Dunno what is the landlord thinking but he also removed the pipe connected to the drain in the bathroom sink and when he removes it, it was broken  so he went out to buy a new one, I heard his car left eh.

When he arrived he is holding a new drain for the bathroom sink, it took him long time to figure out what to do because the pipe doesn’t look with the old drain and the screw was too big for his tools, so what he did is tear the old drain of the bathroom sink and changed it with the new one instead of just changing the pipe.

So when he is about to return the curly pipe behind the sink it was too long and it is curling up so he cut it but as what I know the sink is not really the problem nor the shower it was just secondary. The main problem is the drainage is over flowing when there’s water coming from other apartment so I went to Google translate to translate what I want to say in Hangul and hit Listen so he can hear it.

He changed the shower hose again to the old one and put it on the drain behind the kitchen sink and flush all the dirt, some dirt when up and it stinks a lot. After which everything was fine so he asked me to get a bag to throw the old hose and other broken bathroom materials, I said my thank you and after he went out I gave him water to drink. Just too bad are fridge is empty and we have nothing to eat because we are on juice fast diet all of our groceries are fruits and vegetables, which we have to buy that night.

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Bathroom Problems

The landlord came today with his wife and another guy to see or fix the problem in the bathroom, after they saw it they also went out immediately as what I have understand the landlord says he will be the one who fix it.

Dunno if they understand what is the problem because we also show them the broken control pipe of the hot water in the bathroom.

Leaking Hot Water Pipe

The pipe of the hot water in out bathroom is leaking, it is coming from the main control. It just started leaking without us touching it, we are about to sleep last night when it happened. I went to the kitchen to drink water and I run the water to fill -up the water filter when we heard water in the bathroom that sounds like the shower is on. I was scared at first because nobody is in the bathroom, my husband checked it so I followed with him and there we found out that the pipe control of the hot water is broken so we turned off the hot water and went to bed.

On Tuesday a plumber man will visit here as my husband co-teacher had told  him so I guess he has two things to fix the sewage and the broken control pipe of the water in the bathroom.

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Hiring a Home Helper

Now a days hiring a nanny or helper is not that safe anymore. Some people has a bad motive for the homeowners or has a bad attitude towards the kids that’s why you really need to be careful when hiring someone to entrust your child and home to somebody else’s care. Conducting an interview is a must, asking for background history or police clearance is important too because you may never know what kind of person you are hiring.

Sometimes it is better to hire someone you know or referred by someone because you can atleast make sure you have a complete information about who are you hiring, well the good thing now a days you can check anyone’s background online like for example you can check background checks here before accepting someone inside your home or an employee in your company.

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