Drain and Sewage Problem

I just finished mopping the floor and washing the clothes, such a busy day today.  I also  cleaned the kitchen and the sink just very lucky that I already cleaned the bathroom the other day. Speaking of the bathroom last night was a night I can’t forget, water leaked in our bathroom from the pipe that is connected with the sink it is not from our bathroom nor from the sink the dirty water is coming from other occupants or other apartment room in this building where we are staying.

[Image from englishfreestyle.com]

The water stinks like shit and I think there’s shit too. There’s big chunks of yellow particles which my thought as eggs so in order to flush them in the drain I took it with my bare hands and it was a big mistake it is soft like cake and stinks like shit. So yucky and gross, I washed my hands thoroughly with soap and use hand sanitizer with 99.99% alcohol.  I felt disturb thinking I hold someone’s shit, if my finger is not part of my body I already cut them.

I cleaned the bathroom with bleach and my husband emailed his co-teacher and one of the manager in the company about the sewage problem in our apartment and after cleaning and sending message, water floods again in our bathroom, the water is not coming from upstairs because we can’t hear it so we guess it is from the apartment room beside us. We took a video of it just in case the landlords want a proof or they can’t understand what is the problem in our apartment.

Packrat Cleaning

I felt itchy to clean my junks yesterday. I just thought its time to threw the things I don’t need anymore, my husband was surprised when he arrived home school when he saw me cleaning. He said if he is going to volunteer cleaning with me, he wants all my things to be thrown. Lol!

Anyway I end up throwing chocolates case, few cartoons and papers. The rest are all important to me, the lonely planet guide we printed for vacation, the notebooks I bought, tickets and other memorabilia’ s from our vacations.

My husband always teased me of being a packrat and he was even disgusted with the title of this blog, asking me if I am proud of being  a packrat. Oh well all I know I am sentimental every thing is important to me and need to be keep, I guess I developed being  a packrat on my childhood.

Long time ago the dump site was located in our Barangay near the river banks and one time my older cousin invited me to look for big milk cans that they are going to use for planting flowers in their garden,  while looking around the dump site I saw usable school supplies like pencil case so I picked them and end up playing with them at home.

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Buy Aphex Channel for Home and Studio

My mother and sister went online yesterday and they told me that after we purchased refrigerator, a new television is next on the list because our television is already old and not working properly sometimes.  And I am sure after television speaker and amplifier is the next one,  while browsing online I found out that  aphex channel  could be a good choice if we are going to buy amplifier because it has nice features and performance with durable, professional and versatile  sound.

The Aphex Channel is also easy to use for music studios because it has powerful features and has extraordinary single rack unit that offers 7 of Aphex’s most popular tools, using it can also avoid using or connecting other devices just to achieve a sonic sound.

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Leaking Pipe

While washing the dishes and the juicer machine I can hear water leaking in a plastic so I immediately took the piece of wood that is part of our kitchen cabinet and take a look below the kitchen sink. I am right indeed the kitchen pipe is leaking, so I wiped the water in the floor and removed the plastic I use to tied the pipe and changed it to the new one.  It was a hard thing to do because the space is not enough, all I can do is stretch my arms so I can reached the pipe.

When I told my husband that he should be the one doing the plumber job at home, he replied that it is impossible because we both know that he won’t fit in the small space.

Moving Accident

Today there’s a new family that arrives in the neighborhood with three trucks in tow, my husband happened to passed by in the area when he went home from school he says the guy looks like middle eastern man with a Korean descent or something to that effect. Everything was smoothly fine until the driver accidentally hit the nearby roof of the old house which resulted to chaos the old woman who’s the owner of the old house was too angry and keep yelling in the street. I think someone call a police because after few minutes a police car came, the patrol car was parked in front of our apartment when I went out to check what’s happening. I saw the big track with a ladder and unloading things in the top floor of the apartment so I guess the ladder or the plank hits the roof of the old house.

Moving is really very stressing I guess the moving company or the driver will shouldered the damage of the roof of the old house until now the old woman is still angry eh.

Safety at Home with Grip Strut

In our province we attached the antenna of a television in a bamboo poll  and  plant it beside the house to get clear signal or channel.  There are times  when typhoon came  the antenna is damage, if it is not broken you can see it in the ground. So when a good weather came we climb to our roof to fix our antenna using  a bamboo ladder which is just borrowed from  a relative,  bamboo ladder is commonly used in the province to reach high places when cleaning or fixing something. It is safe but sometimes it is not especially if you are using the ladder when it is wet or during rainy days, it is somehow slippery.  Well I guess it is time for us to use  ladders with grip strut because it is safe, easy to use and more convenient.

Attractive Railings

My sister uploaded new photos in Facebook  that was taken on my cousin son’s birthday. I was surprised to see that our cousin’s house was almost finished, they added porch on their house which looks very nice and attractive especially they used carved decorated metal railings. The last time I saw their house it looks very small but when I see it again on picture it looks larger than what I thought.

I hope next year we can also start our house construction my sister told me the other day that the window on my room is already gone, eaten by termites.

How to Remove Chewing Gum in the Floor

While I am busy surfing around my husband called my attention for something stuck to his feet, he found a chewing gum in the floor. We are both pointing to each other who brought inside it in our apartment, we didn’t chew gum these past few days so it means one of us accidentally stepped on a chewing gum outside.

[Image not mine]

I tried to removed  it but it is to soft to do it and it just keep sticking on my finger or into the plastic tool I am using my husband told me to get ice cubes in the fridge to make it hard, so I did and I am able to removed it from the floor.

Dusty Apartment

I didn’t expect that our apartment will be dusty when we arrived home from our vacation because all windows and doors are closed.  My husband says there’s still point of entry for the dust because the windows are not really tightly seal so instead of resting today I do some cleaning like mopping the floor and I think tomorrow I am going to clean the bathroom, I still feel dizzy from our three flights going home. I still badly need sleep and rest.

When we arrived too it is too hot inside our apartment that we can’t feel the air-conditioning is running we thought it is broken at first which added more stress to us after going home bagless, airline left our bags somewhere.

Easy Home Décor Updates

Sometimes you’d just like a change – perhaps the bedroom looks drab after a long winter and you want to refresh it or the bathroom needs a new look. There are some quick and easy ways to update any room in your home, especially with textiles such as comforters and pillows. New camo  print bedding can transform a dull bedroom with little more effort required than making the bed while some colorful toss pillows can refresh a mundane den or family room in minutes.

The bathroom can be updated and it does not necessarily mean you need to replace the bathroom vanity and faucets – there are some easy upgrades which don’t require calling a plumber. Start with the tub or shower and consider replacing the conventional shower curtain rod with a curved shower curtain rod to change the tub profile and add extra elbow room. A new shower curtain can transform the look of a bathroom plus experts recommend replacing it on an annual basis so why wait.

Introduce a new color with bath mats, towel and window treatments or create a more spa-like experience with the addition of a teak shower bench or bath mat. A towel warmer can really upgrade the entire bath and shower experience – nothing beats the feeling of a hot fluffy towel after a shower; there are free-standing towel warmers along with wall mount and counter top models designed to work in almost any bathroom configuration.

A handheld showerhead is another spa-like amenity that has real value in any home. Shampooing hair, washing pets and even cleaning the tub or shower enclosure is much easier with a handheld showerhead. They are also useful for seniors and invalids who may wish to bathe while seated.

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