A Safe, Clean and Playful Family Home

Now here is the challenge; you want to decorate your house with hip and trendy furniture, but at the same time you have to consider your young children who can hurt or cut themselves on hard materials and sharp edges – plus they will play and jump on everything that you own. This is why young families need furniture with safe shapes and soft materials that also requires low maintenance so that you don’t spend your entire day cleaning. All these requirements combined with some aesthetic design would therefore be ideal.  There is no need to compromise beautiful design for safety and functionality.

As the centre of almost every house is the living room, you should pay particular attention to how you choose your sofa. The sofa is where you will spend family time, watch the telly together and relax after a long hard day.

Firstly, think about the shape; it should be well-rounded with few angles in order to avoid any dangers for your children. Bean bags are playful and also come in trendy shapes and colours – plus they are absolutely comfy!

Secondly, as children tend to get things dirty and are often a little incautious, you should definitely think about the material of your couch.  A normal fabric cover will not be enough. The cover must be removable and washable without losing its colour. A good option is to go for a sofa made of genuine or faux leather. This kind of material is very easy to clean – you can just wipe off the dirt!

Thirdly, think about maybe creating some extra space in your house by combining different functionalities in one piece of furniture. A sofa bed, such as the Houdini Sofa Bed in a romantic red colour, is a practical solution for when you and/or your children often have friends stay the night.

For further information about safety at home, please click here.


The weather these past few days is sort of uncanny, it is going to be dark for few hours then sun will shine after it. Well the other day is different the sky is all dark, heavy rain followed by thunderstorm and guess what there’s pieces of ice too, one of the car in the garage keep on alarming as if someone is stealing it.

It is definitely a hailstorm, according to what I read hail is a form of solid precipitation that consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice, each of which is referred to as a hail stone.  Hail is possible within most thunderstorms as it is produced by thunderclouds.

I first encounter this kind of weather few years ago I am applying for a job way back then accompanied by my mother and while we are going home to my Aunt house the weather suddenly changed, loud thunderstorm and heavy rains with small ball of ice. I am quite surprised about it because I never heard about that phenomenon pardon my being ignorant, science subject is boredom to me way back then studying scientific names and etc.,

Power Tools at Home

Well recently I fixed our clogged pipe in the kitchen and it is a bit hard to do it because the space is not enough for me to moved around. I guess we need to buy festool power tools so we can dismantled the kitchen cabinets, by doing so I can easily look around the pipe, clean it and make it secure for leaking problem.

Honestly we really don’t have any house tools in our apartment all we got are utensils for everyday used that’s why when something went wrong we need to call the landlord for help which is sometimes very disturbing to do. With the present of power tools at home we don’t need to pay someone just to do simple things for us because we can do it alone.


We always passed on this narrow alley every time we went to the gym and this house is not gated yet but recently it is already gated. We can think only one reason, the owner get pissed off with the group of students making their backyard as hang-out. Yes, there are group of student is this narrow alley if they are not talking they are just sitting in the old sofa which is present around the backyard.

Yesterday when my husband arrived from work he saw four students just near the front of our door, sitting and chatting to each other. So he asked them if they live in the building and they replied no so my husband asked the girls to go home and don’t stay in front of the apartment. It seems they are out of place to hang-out dunno why they choose to hang-out in someone else house when there is park just in front of the elementary school.

Having a gate in your house is really important especially in security purposes, you can avoid thief and  trespassers.

Bunk Beds and Kids

My sister and I sleep in just one small bed so I am used to sleep in fetus position. Our mother had thought before of buying us a bunk bed so we can sleep comfortably and to prevent from hitting each other while asleep but it didn’t materialized due to financial constraints.

Anyway my older cousin had three kids already and two of them are boys I think they could make use   twin over full bunk beds for boys  for their room so they could sleep comfortably and without a problem. You know how little kids sometimes especially boys.  Bunk beds is not that dangerous as other mother thought to be, most of the bunk beds has secure border so even if the child move a lot when asleep he won’t fall from the bed, it has also a stair for easy access to the top of the bed.

Plugged Pipe and Dirty Bathroom Floor

Last night while we are busy doing something in front of computer we can heard water coming down from the top floor and then after sometime the sounds became weird and that’s where we heard a sound like  someone unplugging something.  It  only last for few minutes so we really didn’t care but my husband complaint that it stinks.  When I went to our bathroom/toilet  to pee  a surprised is waiting for me,  it stinks and the bathroom floor has chunks of grimes and etc., It seems the pipe upstairs is really plugged and they unplugged it but because the pipes are connected the residue went out from the pipe below the bathroom sink. I have no choice but to clean the bathroom at late at night.

What is Call Center

Call center industry is booming in the Philippines, recently the country surpassed India for being a top destination for business processing industry and offshore services. The call center companies provide answering service and solution provider for various businesses.

In short call center is a centralized office for receiving and transmitting a large volume of query or request from customers through telephone, computer and headset. There are two types of account in call center companies  inbound and outbound.  Inbound is where the customer initiates the call to ask for a solution or report a problem while outbound is where the call center agent made a call to sell or offer something which is often called telemarketing.

Catching Fruit Flies

If there’s another thing I don’t like during summer it is flies.  Not the type of flies that you can saw in the garbage can they are more of fruit flies. They can come in inside our apartment because our windows are partially opened  for air to come and to avoid us on using air conditioner and paying higher electricity bills.

We had a fly paper but it seems the flies are pretty smart so the last time there’s a lot of fly I used a white plastic plate and wipe it with oil and I catch the flies with it  but when we felt so tired doing it every night where they freely roam around we decided to closed our windows and run our air conditioner.

Anyway fruit flies are commonly found in fruit and they are attracted to organic and sugary materials. They are capable of breeding in trash bins, spills of soda or alcohol and even in decaying meat.  So I guess I should regularly wipe our kitchen counters and throw the trash can once it is full to prevent this fruit fly infestations.

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Spray Tanning

Life is very ironic  most Asian women prefer to have a fair complexions like the people in West while other women in the West want a brown skin.  It is a mere fact that whitening products are on demand on Asian market, these can be found in different brands and different whitening ingredients from soaps to lotions and to creams while in the other hand there’s tanning lotion for women who wants to have a brown skin and with the technology today  having a perfect tan is not a problem anymore you don’t need to do sun bathing and use ample amount of tanning lotion because there are spray tan machine that  can be bought either online or in the store around you. Most saloon owners are also using this machine to satisfy and pamper their customers with the perfect color of tan.

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Plumbing: Leaking Pipe

I am quite busy yesterday updating my windows, downloading the trial of Adobe illustrator and fixing a leaking pipe. It feels like I am the man of the house doing a plumber job around here (lol). It just so happens that I forgot to call a plumber like plumbernorthernbeaches.com.au. Anyways my husband hates holding dirty things and the main reason is he is too big to put his hands below the kitchen sink, you know Koreans are not that big so most of the things around their house is enough for a normal size to fit around.

[Old pic, us while I am fixing the pipe in our old apartment]

Anyway yesterday my husband checked the pipe below the kitchen cabinet because he said it stinks and there he  found out the pipe is leaking and he get annoyed with me.  He said he already told me not to touch the main pipe because he thinks it is not the main problem why the water is backing up in our sink. He is annoyed because I didn’t follow what he said and I still took the rubber/plastic in the main pipe.

Well I just let him talk and grin to him, with a thought what is my husband’s problem he is not the one who will fix it but he sounds  so irritated.

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