
I don’t know if the gym owner is trying to save money or he doesn’t feel hot inside the gym. Every time we work-out the air conditioner is not running, the doors are open and two large fan are running but it is not enough for us to feel comfortable. Sometimes I felt like I am going to experience a heat stroke, so what I did is to drink a lot of cold water to ease the warm feeling.

Anyway there are times the air conditioner are on when we are in the gym almost late, before he will turn the air conditioner at seven o’clock in the evening but these past few days he don’t turn on the machine.


These past few days our kitchen sink is not working properly. The water is draining slowly, so today I fixed it by unscrewing the main pipe in the sink I cleaned the grime but when I run the water nothing is change the water is still backing up in the sink so I went further down the main drain below and  untie the the plastic on it. I tried to move the sink pipe side by side thinking it is just moved to a wrong position but it is not.

I have thought of cleaning the other pipe in the side of the sink but thinking it is not that important I didn’t do so but when my husband told me to try it I did, and I found a lot of grime on it. So cleaned it thoroughly using brush and bleach which I used in cleaning our bathroom. When I run the water, the drain works fine it seems it is really the main problem. Job well done today!

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Benefits of Hardwood Flooring

Most old houses are made of wood flooring which is good because it can last for a long period of time. They are durable but quite expensive, well it actually depends to the type  of hardwood. There are solid ones which are fully made of hardwood and there are refinishing type which is made of part wooded materials and hardwood. Example of wooded materials are fiberboard or plywood, floor refinishing is the cheap alternative of wood flooring not as durable of the solid hardwood but it can still last for a long time.

[Image from]

Hardwood floors are very homely and classy compared to tiled and cemented floors. So if you are planning to switch to hardwood flooring you should start browsing online to compare prices, you can find a lot of stores online that offer affordable hardwood flooring refinishing, they also offer installation services.

Modern Bedroom Furniture

Now a days we have many options on how to style and beautify our home especially our bedroom.  It is the place where we relax our tired body and mind, the place where we rest and sleep.   Rest assured that we want our bedroom to be comfortable, warm and cozy.

If you are planning to remodel your bedroom you should try using modern bedroom furniture to make an exquisite look, elegant and comfortable stye. Using wood furniture can be stylish, luxurious and modern they are easily available in any store and even on online shops but you have to remember on buying furniture,  the looks should complement on the furniture in your home or to the design you are planning. Don’t buy large furniture when you only have small room because it doesn’t look right, your room should look spacious rather than jammed.

[Image not Mine]

One of other things to consider also on buying  modern bedroom furniture is the  color and style of the furniture. It should match on your wall, ceiling and even flooring. Don’t buy different color or shades because your room will look like cluttered rather than appealing.

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Benefits of Puzzles to Children

On buying toys to your kids you should consider educational toys like puzzles and lego blocks. It will benefit them a lot because they don’t only enjoy playing with this educational toys they will also learn and enhanced their skills on problem solving that could be a big help when they started schooling.

[Image not Mine]

Buying toys that are just fun is not that beneficial, they can easily be destroyed  and could be a waste of money once your kid got tired of it. Unlike buying educational toys it will help them to sharpen their mind and develop their motor skills.

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Used Furniture

Seeing used furniture here is normal you can see them in the street when the owner throws them. People here always shift to different places to look for better job opportunities and most houses here are not the typical houses you see in developing countries. Houses here are usually apartment style where different families live so when they need to transfer and cannot carry all their belongings they throw them especially closets, tables, beds and even sofa sets.

Just like the other day there’s two large closet in the street I thought it is newly delivered but when I saw sticker on it I already know it is going to be thrown. If you think garbage truck will picked them as good as they are you are wrong they tore it down and when they did it we can hear the pieces of glasses being being crashed to pieces.

In some places there are stores that sells used furniture it is cheaper than buying a new one but now a days you can also find store online that sells used furniture. Buying a used one is not bad as long the quality is still good and can still be used for many years.


If you are planning to relocate abroad with your family or simply planning a retirement, you should consider living in North Carolina particularly in Wilmington.  You can spend your day in beaches, eating sea foods and be amazed with various historic plantations.  It is also home for Cape Fear Museum,  U.S.S North Carolina Battleship Memorial and Airline Gardens, as you can see Wilmington has a lot to offer from its stunning beaches  to  historic districts.

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So if you think Wilmington is the best place for you to start a new life after retirement, you have to start looking for a right   Wilmington NC real estate that could help you find a  perfect location and house of your choice.

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Air Conditioner

It is already early summer her and the temperature is becoming hot everyday. I can now went outside without wearing any sweater, some home owners are already using air conditioner for cooling and one of them is our landlord.  We know it because his air-conditioning unit is to loud when it is running,  I guess it is the reason why he decided to transfer it at the back of our unit  they are disturbed upstairs when it is on.  We don’t like the idea because the noise also disturb us at night but we can’t do anything he owns this apartment eh.

Air conditioner is  designed to extract  and dehumidify  heat from an area that’s why you will notice most establishment and houses are using air conditioner during summer season, as what I have read the cooling is done by simple refrigeration cycle.

Free energy efficiency advice from British Gas increase energy spending savings

Small changes in the workplace can make big differences to the amount of money a business pays out for their gas and electricity. Energy efficiency is not only about reducing the carbon footprint of a business but is also a key element if the way that business customers can reduce their outgoings.

By switching off lights when a room is not in use and replacing light bulbs and other light sources with energy saving alternatives to the traditional bulb, significant savings can be made.

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Turning the workplace thermostat down just one or two degrees can again make a significant difference to usage and therefore the cost of energy. It is unlikely any employee would notice such a small drop in temperature but the business would certainly notice the savings.

Switching off equipment left on standby such as photocopiers, desktop computers, printers and even the coffee machine will again save money in the workplace. A common misconception is that items left on standby use less electricity, they don’t. Equipment left on standby uses the same amount of energy as those that are fully switched on.

For further help and advice on how to become more energy efficient and save your business money, visit the British Gas website and take advantage of the energy efficiency advice that British Gas offer free to their business customers.

Wall Mount for TV

My husband and I loves to watch movies at home but there are times we don’t agree where to position his laptop. Yes we are watching on his computer because it is easier to download movies online than watching on TV channels where there’s a lot of advertisements before we could watch the next part.

We already have thought of watching the downloaded movies in the TV by using connectors and jack from his computer to the TV to have big screen but our TV divider is facing the other way from our bed so it is too complicated.  I guess we should buy a plasma TV that we could just put on our wall by using wall mount it is a lot easier we can watch TV in our bed without  arguing where to put his computer.

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