
Not body tissue but tissue paper that’s what we bought recently at Lotte Super as we have no more stock at home.  As usual we have to buy the cheapest tissue because it is more economical than buying an expensive one where we are just going to the trash after usage.

Tissue has a lot of usage, you can used this to cover your mouth or nose when sneezing or wiping dirt and etc.,


These past few days our apartment stinks not because we don’t clean or throw our garbage bags it is because of the drainage system. Every time we heard water coming from the top floor occupants the stinky smell follows coming from our bathroom floor, it seems the pipes are connected and because we are in the first floor we have to suffer with the smell when the water reached the drainage. It only occurs during spring and summer season.

Dunno if the drainage needs maintenance or it is probably clogged. Drains can be clogged due to accumulation of grease, dirt and or even if someone accidentally dropped any object.

Window Shades and Tints

One of the house in our neighborhood  is using dark tint on their window maybe it is for their privacy or style on beautifying their home. Window tinting  can enhanced the appearance of windows, it can add charm and good atmosphere to your window.  Tint are usually dark in color but like most other things they came in different shades based where you are going to use it.

[Image from diyhometint.com]

As what I have read there are tint that can be only used in commercial and business establishment which means they can’t be used on residential houses because of the shades of the tint, if you will noticed in most commercial establishment they are using lighter shades and if you ever saw a commercial establishment using  darker shades that’s for private and security used, I think it is the same on vehicles because most celebrity, bank and government vehicles are tinted where you can’t see who is inside but they can see you from the inside.

The government in our country has a policy not to use tinted windows and curtains on public vehicles to avoid serious crime like hold-ups, hijacking and even hostage situation.

Advantages of Using Petrol Grass Cutter

During my high school days we always have a special day where all students needs to go to school just to clean around and one of the requirements is to bring a scythe, no scythe no grade. Sometimes no scythe means grades deduction like instead you are going to get 100% you will instead get 90%, well those are the days.

On college I have noticed our school administration hired people to cut the grass occasionally when they are already full grown and instead of using scythe they’re using petrol grass cutter which is perfect for cleaning large lawns or areas.


Using petrol grass cutter is a big advantage than cutting the grass the traditional way, it save time and less work. They are also easy to use because you can navigate it on your own as it has no wire unlike the electrical one. You won’t worry anymore about electric cable and using extension you can just drag petrol lawnmower to any place you want to be cleaned and trimmed.

Like most other things petrol grass cutters are available in various brand and sizes and they come with wide range of accessories.

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Organic Fertilizer

During my high school days we have one subject that we need to choose between home making or agriculture. I choose the latter because I don’t know how to knit and sew properly.  I love planting more than holding a needle, well on our agriculture subject we have to make a plot and plant pechay (Nappa cabbage) and there’s term that our instructor will check our plot and seedlings. The final one is when our vegetables are all grown so our grades will depend on how healthy our plant was. To make sure I am going to get good grades after school, I collect animal waste from the  fields when I arrived home from school  and  loose them to pieces with black soil and bring them to school and add them to my plot. My other classmates who lives  in the town learned what I did so they also go organic. To make a story short I got good grades and I also harvested pechay that we cooked for dinner at home.

Anyway for your own information naturally occurring organic fertilizers include manure, guano, worm castings, slurry, peat, seaweed and humic acid.

Cuckoo Clock and Home

Did you know that the clock is one of the most important devices of all civilization? Without clock other things will not be possible, you can not meet a client without setting a place date and time. You would not know what time you wake up or sleep without looking at the clock and you would not know what time you’re born without the help of the clock. That’s only few reasons why clock is very important in human lives, in short clock is a gadget that we use to tell the exact time of day.

Every house, buildings, schools and any other establishment has a clock to remind everyone for break, snack time, lunch, dinner and further more time to pray. Clocks have only one uses  to tell time and wake up us in the morning using its alarm, most of these alarm clock are small and usually put in our bed side table.

Ravenna Gorge, Input, Cuckoo Clock, Black Forest

[Image courtesy of pixabairis/pixabay.com]

There are also round clocks, Cuckoo Clock and Grandfather Clock, most families only uses round clock on their home, I have seen few who uses Cuckoo and Grandfather Clock but they are not as many with the round clock.

If you don’t know yet Grandfather Clock are long case clock which are usually tall and stand alone.  They are usually pendulum-driven clock that  when the hour strikes you can hear the sound of the Common Cuckoo.   Mostly I saw these  type  of clocks on  movies and television, especially on big and old houses.

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Benefits of using home security systems

Now days where crime is everywhere we really need home security to our home especially when we are always out for work, travel or business. Home security helps not just to eliminate crimes but also to give alarm signals when there is fire, intruders and other emergencies that will cause harm to our lives and properties. We have to take note, it is for our own protection and for our love ones too, so I try to look online for the best home security we should try especially my husband and I loves to travel and we always left our home alone.

[Image houselogic.com]

I have found a lot of home security guides and products to try but when I stumbled at Home Security Team and I have found ADT in FL and ADT in CA , they really caught my attention because it is really worth trying especially you can compare prices and has a pricing options. They also have different kinds of security system to choose from. It is really worth trying, I have to tell my husband about this home security gadgets.

Anyone of you have heard or using this ADT security systems? Are you willing to recommend me and my readers the best security system we must use? What is it?

Concrete Road

The road in our barangay is almost finished, it is now cemented unlike before which is a dirt road. This new concrete road is beneficial among our local farmers where they can transport their harvest to the market easier.

Road, Construction, Concrete, Cement, Work, Machinery

[Image courtesy of skeeze/pixabay.com]

The only disadvantages of having this cemented road is it is flooded when storm or typhoon came and the field is overflowed with water.  I think the irrigation is too small to accommodate the water coming from all the fields, our barangay also is the main source of gravel and sand so it is expected that big dump trucks are coming in and out from our barangay so hopefully the concrete road will stay good as it was built.

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Home Renovation

My aunt  house is under renovation they transferred their living room to the right part of their house and they make the old living room as a bed room.  As what I know there’s someone who told them that they should transfer the bedroom to the left because it receives a lot of negative energy as it is the first thing you can see when you enter their gate and maybe that’s the reason why my cousins are always sick.

So when they saved enough money they start the renovation hoping that negative energy will disappear.

Building a Wall around the House

That’s the latest trends among our neighborhood, few of my relatives already built wall around their house. For me it feels like the people living around the community are not related and it is not a friendly neighborhood.  Anyway one of my cousin built a wall in their house because they are afraid that rebels might attacked them because her husband is a soldier and anyway I found out that building wall around the house  is not because of the unfriendly neighborhood it is because of the water. Yeah every time it rains there’s a flood around our neighborhood since they built irrigation, the water overflowed so to avoid the water destruction they decided to encircle their houses with walls.

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