How Workbenches Add To Your Garage Storage

As you go about your annual spring cleaning, it’s time to tackle the garage. The cluttered mess often means a weekend chore, but you can keep the garage looking stellar with a little organization. Get back to parking your car in the garage where it belongs with the use of storage cabinets and workbenches.

Dedicated Workspace

The mechanic in your life probably enjoys working on the car much more than you do. Inevitably they cannot find a tool they need. Giving them garage workbenches and storage makes working on the cars or other projects that much easier. Their tools are within easy reach. Plus, if they can find the tool they need, they are less likely to insist on a replacement. Fewer trips to the auto parts store mean more time working. The project finishes faster and you have more time for other things. The dedicated workspace makes working in the garage more enjoyable.

Green and White Press Drill on Table

[Photo courtesy of Lisa Fotios/]

Declutter Seamlessly

Decluttering the garage makes moving around the space easier. Workbenches with storage built-in let you store the tools for a specific project right at hand. Additional storage provides cabinets, drawers, shelves and pegboards for other items from gardening tools to a ratchet set. Everything has a place in an organized garage leaving fewer things to trip over on the floor.

Safer Storage

Add a garage cabinet with a lock on it for items you don’t want the kids to have access to such as paint or pesticides. Locking the cabinet regularly ensures little hands can safely play in the garage. Install a lock on the drawer on the workbench itself to keep specific items from being moved out of the workbench itself.

Black Classic Car Inside the Garage

[Photo courtesy of Mikes Photos/]

Increased Functionality

A garage workbench makes working in the garage more functional. If you enjoy gardening, you can use the flat surface to paint a new pot and store potting soil, pruners and shovels. A workbench on caster wheels moves around, so your tools are right where you need them. An attached pegboard is a great place to store loose tools that are hard to store in cabinets such as gardening tools. Attach a surge protector for electricity right at your fingertips for power tools.

Whether you choose a simple workbench for a nice flat work surface or one with all the bells and whistles, your garage benefits from the increased organization, functionality and safety. A workbench can be an aid whether you’re a regular mechanic, gardener or woodworker. Include a workbench in your next garage organization system.

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Adding Café Curtains for Beautiful Kitchens

A big picture window in your kitchen can give you and your family wonderful lighting and a refreshing view of your garden. You also need less heating or cooling while you are cooking or preparing meals because kitchen windows can let natural light and warm sunshine in. You also get fresh and cool air. With all these benefits that your kitchen windows offer, it is only ideal to find the perfect curtain style and color for it. Many homeowners buy cheap kitchen curtains but most are not sure which styles to go for.

For kitchen windows, one of the most preferred types of curtain are the café curtain styles. A curtain made from light net material is a wonderful option for the kitchen especially during those warm and toasty summer days. These styles of window sets are quite popular in French cafes and home interior decorators brought it into residences.

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[Photo courtesy of Republica/]

Designers suggest hanging curtain in the middle part of the window to achieve chic café ambiance on your kitchen. It should leave the upper part of the window exposed, but it will still depend on what you want. You can hang the curtain from different heights to create different effects and for you to control natural lighting. You may also tie your curtains to the window’s side to let more air and natural light in.

Kitchens are the perfect place to recreate that French café air because it can be a casual and informal place for dining. When hung in the right places, these curtains can create a lovely mood and effect. However, you must still consider the colors and styles of the fabric you are going to use. It should complement the overall design of the kitchen not stand out like a sore thumb simply because of its contrasting color or design. Go for light materials, net and Jardinière material can make small kitchens look more spacious and airy. You may also work on layering net materials over colorful patterns during the colder season.

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How to Add a Games Room to Your Home

There are times as a family that you might like to spend time playing games together. It can be a great way to have fun together and spend some valuable family time. However, having the space and the equipment to play pool or darts, can be difficult in the house itself, so you might want to consider creating a games room in your home. Before you begin, there are a few things you need to consider.

Choosing the Location

Before you start, you need to think about where your games room will be. There are a few common locations that a lot of people use, one is the cellar and the other the attic. The reason these are usually preferred is that they are often space that is not used, so you are gaining additional space without sacrificing any existing rooms. As another alternative, you can always build an outside shed to act as the games room. It will need to be big enough to fit everything in, and you will need the space in the garden.

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[Photo courtesy of manbob86/]

Clearing and Cleaning

The chances are that the room you choose will need to be decluttered and cleaned before you can start converting it. It can be a good excuse to have a clear out of some rubbish and old things you no longer use. You might even be able to sell some of the things you have to fund the new games room. After you have decluttered, you want to clean up and replace anything that is old or damaged. The flooring should be durable, but if this is going to be a games room for watching sports as well, then a floor that easy to clean could be a bonus.

Creating the Space

The space you have in the room depends on what types of games you be using. You want there to be enough space so that you can play pool or darts with enough space so that others aren’t hurt. You also want there to be comfy chairs that you can all sit down and play games. You can have a TV set up on the wall so that you can watch sport or research truths for truth or dare games. If you can, try to choose furniture that will be easy to move, this will give you more scope to adapt the room to other games.

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[Photo courtesy of StockSnap/]

Adding Extras

As well as the obvious things you need in a games room, you might want to add some other things as well. One thing that can be useful is a drinks fridge. You can keep alcohol and soft drinks in there, and it will save you having to carry things to the room. You can also think about having a snack bar as well if you have the room.

Having a games room doesn’t just mean that you can have family games, it can also be a place for your kids and their friends to hang out.

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Repeat After Me: The Outside Counts!

Every single day we hear how appearances aren’t important and it’s what is on the inside that counts. The thing is, when it comes to selling your home, it’s really all about the appearance! Selling a house is no easy job, and while there was a lot of work that you put into your efforts to buy a house and do it up, the same level of effort has to be given when you want to sell it, as well. First impressions could make the deal, or it could break it into smithereens, and if you’re not paying attention to your exteriors, you could lose an entire deal.

The interior of the home is the most concentrated on part of a house sale. You know that people are going to be wandering from room to room, making judgements and imagining their own furniture and decoration in the place that you’ve spent years working hard to make look beautiful. It doesn’t work for books – you would never judge one by its cover – but when it comes to your house, how much attention have you really paid to the outside? Taking yourself across the street to just take a moment and look at your home is important. Are the garage doors looking tired and chipped? Are the light fittings outside dirty? Do the windows need to be cleaned? Are there any bright flowers looking nice outside? All of these questions need answering, and it could make the difference between whether your home is ready for viewing. The last thing that you want to do is to put your home on the market looking less than presentable, and while you may not have cared whether you have a garage door that’s a little stiff and doesn’t work, and you may not have cared what colour flowers are planted outside, other people will. Think about it; the most beautiful box of chocolates will be the first off the shelf, because it looks appealing and people can imagine biting into a luxuriously smooth sweet. You need to make your home the chocolate box that appeals to the people who look at it. You can’t imagine the house to look good, you have to make it happen so that your home sale can go through quickly.

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[Photo courtesy of Caliber Roofs/]

A potential buyer can take eight seconds to decide whether they could buy a home. Even if they could make changes to the exterior to suit them, they shouldn’t have to, and they’ll be thinking just that when they view your house. If you booked to view two houses and one had a beautifully laid out front lawn, a tidy driveway and daisies dotted around the grassy area, and the other was overgrown with weeds, had debris all over the drive and the only flowers were wild ones strangling the daisies, which would you pick? We know, we’d go for the tidy one, too. The moral here is that while someone could make changes and tidy a house up, they’d rather move into one where the owner has shown that they care about the house itself. If your house doesn’t have the right curb appeal, the only message that you will be sending is that you really couldn’t care less whether your house sells or not.

For most people, improving their curb appeal won’t add value to the house, but that’s not what you are aiming for here. The whole point of curb appeal is to attract buyers, and while that won’t necessarily add value, it will get you that sale that you so desperately want. Getting potential buyers excited and in the right, positive frame of mind before they even step into your house is important, as that could be all you need to entice them around the house and get them to make an offer. You need to set up your property on the outside as carefully as you would on the inside. So, if you’ve already added flowers to vases across the house, washed and pressed the curtains so that they hang in neat pleats, and shampooed all the carpets so that they look as good as new, you need to read these ways you can improve your curb appeal.

[Photo courtesy of Justin Henry/]

Paint The Front Door

Your front entrance hall has already been repainted and decorated to look fresh and beautiful, but what about your actual door? The rust across the letterbox and the door handle are not appealing to buyers. They want to see some care, so getting the front door sanded down and repainted to match the tone of the house is important. Peeling paint that has been weather-beaten does not invite a buyer to want to buy, it tells someone that you haven’t shown your home due care and attention. The best thing you could do for your front door is to go bold with the colour. You could go for an electric blue or yellow like these doors here and really make people give your house a second glance. It also shows a little of your personality off, compared to the more neutral interior that you are trying to sell.

Door Furniture Matters

If you have a modern build, then heavy Victorian letterbox features and door knockers are not going to match and will look ridiculously out of place. Try and avoid a doorbell that plays a jingling tune other than the standard: it looks tacky and that’s something that you definitely want to avoid.

[Photo courtesy of Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of San Antonio & the Hill Country, LLC Follow

Light It UP

Outdoor lighting is going to change the overall look of your house, making it look beautiful in the evenings and stylish in the daylight. Most houses come with outdoor light fixtures near the front door, which add symmetry to the overall look. Update these if they are looking tired or out of touch with the neighbourhood. These little expenses will make a difference to the attractiveness of the home, and you want that to happen so that you can bring in the right buyers. If you really want to impress, make most of your lighting hidden and motion sensitive, so that when people walk up your front path their way is lit for them. Good lighting is mostly hidden and impressive when it switches on.

Tidy Up

The pathway that leads up to the front door should be clear of debris and look smart. If the path is uneven, invest in getting it levelled and tidied. You should be able to make an entrance from the beginning of the drive to the front door, which means tidying the flower borders and making sure bushes are trimmed back. Cars and kids’ bicycles should be parked out of the way and if they have to be out, not left halfway across the drive. Newly painted railings and a tidy porch are a must, as they have a reputation for being a bit of a dumping ground for coats and rain boots. Porches have the ability to give an air of distinction, but if yours isn’t looked after properly, the only air it’ll give off will be stinky!


These are the eyes of the home. The light comes in through them to make everything inside look beautiful, but if your windows aren’t beautiful on the outside then all you’re likely to achieve is a nice house with dirty windows. Bring in professional window cleaners for the upstairs if you must but get the windows as sparkly clean as possible before you have any viewings. You want people to want to come into the house, not feel disgusted by the outside. Rotten window frames are also not a good look, and you should be ensuring your frames are sanded back and painted before you put your home on the market. They don’t have to be white, though, you can choose to colour match the front door so that you give your home a unique look.

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[Photo courtesy of /]


Flowers aren’t just something to see. They’re brilliant to give people a chance to smell their way into your home! Lilies are an example of a flower that is very strong-smelling, and planting these in the borders along your path can give your home a gorgeous scent, drawing people in and turning heads from the pavement. It doesn’t matter how small the space is in front of your home, you can do a lot with a little greenery. Making window boxes that are uniform in colour and even having hanging baskets outside the front door can really give your house a makeover. Try and avoid creeping ivy up the walls of the house, though. They make people imagine bugs and spider webs, which isn’t what you want people thinking about when they come to the outside of your home.

Curb appeal isn’t something that you should take for granted. You want to make a good impression, and the way that you can do that is with a beautiful exterior that matches the interior. Go big and go to your new home – because now you can afford it!

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Is a Stress-free Home Move Possible?

Moving to a new house is thought to be one of the most stressful things that you can do. Yet, as so many of us are stuck renting for years, as we struggle to save a deposit and get approved for a mortgage, it’s something that we do more often. Moving to a new house never seems to get any easier, no matter how many times you do it, it still feels like a shock. But why, what makes it so stressful, and what could we do to avoid all this trauma? Let’s take a look.

Finding the Right House

The first stress of moving is actually finding a new house. This can be exceptionally challenging. Yes, there’s a lot on the market, but most of it won’t be right for you. Think about your budget, and the area you want to live in, then write a list of other requirements you may have, such as distance from schools or work, off street parking, a garden and how many bedrooms you need. Then, make another list of things that you’d like, but you are willing to compromise on. Now you are ready to start your search.

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[Photo courtesy of ArtisticOperations/]


Packing can be awful. Most of us like to start packing early so that we’ve got time to move slowly and take our time, but this can mean we’re living around boxes for a lot longer. To cut the stress, and use the opportunity to our advantage, take this chance to have a really good declutter. Instead of just packing everything up, ask yourself if you love it enough to pack and unpack again. If not, donate, sell or recycle.

Moving Day

Moving day itself can be both physically and mentally exhausting. Even if you’ve done a lot of work before the move, there’s sure to be a lot to do on the bigleftake things easier by labeling boxes, starting early and using a removalist. Then, at the end of the day, when everything is in, treat yourself to your favorite takeout.

Change of Address

One thing that many people fail to consider, which only adds to the stress of a home move is tellingleftne about your change of addresleftmay think that there are only a few people to tell, but this is unlikely to be the case. Right a list of everyone that needs your address, and everyone that you receive post from. When it comes to utility providers and other services you can usually tell them a few weeks before you move, so start as soon as you can. You can usually also let people know with a simple online form.

Yes, moving to a new house is hard work, and there is always going to be some level of stress. But, it doesn’t have to take over your life. Move bit at a time, write detailed lists of everything that you need to do, book time offleftf possible and take it a day alefte. Remember, it’ll all be worth it when you’ve settled into your lovely new home.

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Wow People With Your Home

It isn’t easy to maintain a home, and it isn’t easy to keep it nice and modern. Through one reason or another, it can actually become a little boring. But we’re here to change that for you. The home should wow your guests, both inside and out. You don’t even need to do that much! All you have to do is think outside the box and go for something you’ve never gone for before. If you’re still struggling for inspiration, read on to find out more.


A lot of people consider the inside to be the most important, so we’ll start with that first. When people first walk in, you want them to be wowed. The best way to do this is actually a lot easier than you think. Smell is the most important sense here. Have a nice candle burning, or even one of those scented plugins that releases amazing smells all day long. It isn’t necessarily about making your house look good! Then, for a bit of decoration to spruce the place up. First we’re going to suggest a whole new colour scheme. It is the only way to truly wow your guests. Think of something you’ve never gone for before. Even if it is just switching from the usual white in the hall and landing, to maybe a mink colour. It isn’t too dark, but it isn’t too light. But it does change the mood of the house. Then for the living room, we’re really loving the white and grey contrast look. Paint the walls the brightest white you can ever find. It’ll help to draw in the light as well as look good. Then for the sofas, try and get yourself some grey, to dark grey either leather or other material. It’ll contrast against the white so well. Now, we know white carpet is a nightmare, so you’re going to have to go for grey as well, but it really does look nice. Get yourself some white or black coffee tables and a TV stand and you’ve transformed the room.

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[Photo courtesy of wolfields/]


The outside is easily as important as the inside. All you need to do is wow them from the minute they enter your drive. The first step is the driveway, line it with Italian cypress trees. It is a bold statement that really does set off the driveway, and we guarantee people are going to love it. If you have a front lawn, make sure it is nicely trimmed all year round. If you want to get that extra bit of green out if it, throw down some grass seeds and fertiliser every so often. As for the back garden, you need to make it as colourful as possible. Plant some of the most vibrant colours you can find, and again, make sure the grass is lush and green.

So, after following our tips your guests truly should be wowed. All it takes is a bit of dedication to get your home looking perfect again. If you’re struggling for more ideas on the interior, just check out this link!

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Sprucing Up The Living Room For Less

Now that the winter is finally leaving us, many people are starting to think about projects they can do in the home. You may fancy getting your hands dirty in the garden, ripping out the bathroom or simply painting the walls a fresh new colour.

With it being the first few months of the year it can be difficult for us to afford larger home projects without having to take out signature loans or dip into the holiday fund. However you can still make some fresh changes to your home without having to spend the earth.


Rather than going out to the furniture store and buying a ton of new items for your home, why not have think of what you already have? Take a look at the way your living room is currently set out. Is there any way that you can move things around to create more space and light? Sometimes, simply moving the TV to the other side of the room can have a massive impact on the way your living space feels.

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Lighting Is Key

The right lighting can instantly make a dull room feel so much brighter and modern. If you have an old fashioned light fitting with yellow light beaming into the space, your home will look dull and old. However simply by changing to a modern fitting such as a spotlight and using a cool toned light bulb, you will add a sense of light and space into the room.

Soft Furnishings

If you can’t afford to buy a whole new sofa for your space, don’t fret. You can update your living room easily by covering up your sofa cleverly with soft furnishings. By investing in a soft fleece throw and some brightly coloured cushions you will immediately be able to make the space feel put together.


Mirrors are your absolute best friend when it comes to decorating your home. A mirror can make a huge impact on the look and feel of your living space. No matter how small your living room is, a well placed mirror can add length and depth to your living space. It won’t cost you the earth and can add that missing element to your living room.

Paint Everything

Sometimes all you need to make your room feel brand new is a lick of paint. This weekend try buying a tin of white or pastel coloured paint and using this to revamp your walls and the ceiling. You can even paint wooden floors to add a new design feature to the room. If you have an old or tired bookshelf in your living room, a great way to change things up would be to paint the bookshelf white and then add colour to the back of the shelves. This will make the room feel instantly bigger but also give you a new design features that you will love.


Every room looks better with a plant in it. If you have some space in the living room which feels as if it is missing something, a great idea would be to add a houseplant. It will make your home feel much more lively and add some texture to your design.

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Ideas For Encouraging Your Kids To Spend More Time Outside

There are lots of improvements adults can make to their gardens to encourage their kids to spend more time outside. Now is the best time to create your plan because you have a few months to get the backyard ready for the summertime. There are some suggestions below that you might like to consider, and you can always conduct some extra research online if you need some inspiration. When all’s said and done, most kids spend too much time sat in front of the television these days. With that in mind, you need to work hard to turn that situation around.

[Photo courtesy of Jesper Sørensen/]

Create a fun play area

When it comes to creating a play area in the garden for your kids, the possibilities are endless. You could purchase swings, slides, and lots of other equipment to make the outdoor space seem exciting to the little ones. Of course, you might have to employ the services of an affordable tree arborist if you don’t have enough space at the moment. Once you remove all those unwanted trees; you can start turning your backyard into a thrilling activity hub where your loved ones can spend time with their friends. Again, if you need some extra inspiration; just look through Google images.

Start growing fruit and vegetables

Most children find mother nature fascinating, and so you could spark their imagination by growing some fruits and vegetables in your garden. Your kids will love learning about the plants and caring for them as they grow. The best thing about that idea is that, in a few month’s time; you can sit down at the dinner table and enjoy some organic produce. Put your kids in charge of watering the plants and ensure they take an active role if you want the best results. Who knows? Maybe you’ll inspire them to take up an agriculture hobby or something similar? Stranger things have happened!

[Photo courtesy of Ricardo’s Photography/]

Bring wildlife into your garden

There are lots of steps you can take if you want to bring some wildlife into your garden for the kids. Firstly, you need to secure the land to ensure your neighbour’s cats can’t get into the backyard. That should encourage more birds to land and eat from your feeders. You could also dig a small pond if you wanted to attract frogs and tadpoles. Some people choose to build chicken coops and benefit from fresh eggs every morning. The idea is just to make the backyard seem as vibrant and alive as possible.

If you put those suggestions into practice; there is a decent chance your kids will peel themselves away from the TV screen a little more often. Just be sure you spend lots of time in the garden as a family when the weather improves. Building a brick barbecue is a wise move because it will mean your family can enjoy a few meals outside during the summer. You might also think about adding some waterproof outdoor speakers, so you have some entertainment in the backyard. Just create a plan and work out your budget before the spring.

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Ideas for Homeowners Looking to Make More Space in their Property

Everyone needs space. The addition of a new family member, or a new hobby, can leave homeowners scratching their heads thinking about how they can free up space in their home.

Here are some ideas for homeowners looking to make more space in their property:

  1. Have a clear out

The first thing to do, that doesn’t cost a penny, is to take a good look at all the rooms in the house. How long has that wicker basket sat in the corner holding magazines? Do the baby books that the kids used to read 10 years ago, still sit on the bookshelf? Often, we accumulate clutter that we just don’t need. The first step to gaining more space is to take a good look at the contents of the home.

Extension outline

  • Throw away items that are just rubbish. Homeowners with large amounts of rubbish may find it convenient to hire a skip! There are many skip hire companies that can provide skips for reasonable rates. Make sure you choose a company with green credentials.
  • Give books and old clothes to charity/friends/family.
  • Sell good quality items on ebay.
  1. Room use

Right – got rid of all the junk? In doing so, did you notice that there are rooms in your house that aren’t perhaps being overly used? For example, a family with a young child could find that a seldom used office could double as a playroom during the day, and an office at night. Or maybe a guest bedroom could double as a workout room if the spare bed was swapped for a sofa bed. For more tips on dual room use, check out this blog post from

  1. Furniture

Evaluate if existing furniture is being used effectively. It may be that some of the furniture in the home isn’t required, or could be reused in a different way. This page on Pinterest shows some great space saving furniture ideas!

  1. Make the most of outdoor space

Lesser used objects be stored in the shed or garage, freeing up cupboard space. Adding a patio heater and a cosy area close to the house, makes the patio feel more like an extension of the living room or dining room, giving the illusion of more space. Those with larger gardens could even add a garden studio or sun house to provide outdoor rooms. Getting an electrician in to run an exterior power supply is not that expensive and providing power to these outdoor rooms increases their usage potential enormously.

  1. Extend

This one’s a last resort, as it’s the most expensive option. Relaxed planning laws make it relatively straightforward to obtain planning permission for a house extension. There are also many types of house extension. Examples include loft extensions, conservatories and flat roof extensions – the only limitation is a homeowners property type, budget and preference.

Looking at the house with a fresh eye, and spending a bit of time on de-cluttering is a good start. However, the key when trying to make more space in a property, is to have a bit of imagination!

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Top Tips To Keep Burglars Away

Your home is your fortress. Make sure no one can break into your house while you’re at work or on vacation. Don’t take your home security for granted. When you buy a new house or an apartment don’t forget about security check. This information will help you in eliminating your weaknesses, thus increasing your home security level. Over time, many people forget to re-evaluate their homes for security flaws. Some people forget to fix their window locks and replace the broken bulb. These little things can compromise your safety when you least expect it.

Re-examine your home security with the following steps:

Secure your entrances

Replace your entrance door with a durable solid core metal or wooden door. Avoid having a front door with a large window, otherwise burglars would break it  in order to get inside. Prefer installing thick bolt locks on all your entrances. Many burglars kick front doors to enter houses. That’s why you need to have a reliable lock to defend your home against any burglar.

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[Photo courtesy of pixabay/]

Don’t forget to change the locks when you move to a new apartment. You never know who has a set of spare keys to your new home. This minor investment would help you avoid any major loss.

Windows and glass doors

Deadbolt locks would secure all your windows and sliding glass doors. Sliding doors provide an easy access to burglars; don’t forget to lock them every night and before you leave the house. Burglars love broken window locks. Examine all your windows and change loose or broken locks.

Spare key

Hiding your front door key under the doormat is a cliché. Every burglar would search for the key under the doormat, flower pot or on top of your door frame. These most common hiding spots caused a lot of troubles in the past.

Give your spare key to a trustworthy neighbor or a close friend who would help you when you lock yourself out and water your flowers when you’re away. Even if you think your key is hidden in a secure place, a creative burglar would always find it.

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[Photo courtesy of Tookapic/]

Take care of your garden

Trim the bushes in front of your windows. Burglars can hide behind overgrown trees and bushes; make sure that your garden plants are not blocking your windows. Avoid planting a tree in close proximity to your house. A burglar can climb the tree and enter your house through unlocked sliding door on the upper floor.

If you have a big garden, consider installing motion detectors around your house. Burglars don’t like well-lit places; they prefer hiding in the dark.

Home insurance plan

Home insurance policy would add an extra layer of security for you. Homeowners should get several homeowners insurance quotes before choosing the best option. Comparing the rates and quotes would help you evaluate your options and understand what’s best for you and your family. Keeping aware of security plans makes sense. If you have a home insurance plan you would feel more comfortable leaving your house for several weeks when you travel.

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