Home and Kitchen, Home Improvement October 12th, 2013 | 1 Comment »
Our kitchen is almost finished my family already installed kitchen floor cabinets few weeks ago and just this week one of the hanging cabinets in our kitchen was already made and some kitchen utensils were already on displayed.
![Hanging Kitchen Cabinet](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-TFQpLohcs8s/Ulkp8pmMw1I/AAAAAAAAOAo/w44ClLbh_C0/w800-h452-no/Hanging+Cabinet.jpg)
The first factor to consider when designing your kitchen cabinets is the actual structure of your kitchen. Measuring both the walls and cabinets are important so you can do your project correctly. My father measured the size of the extra wall before creating this cabinet, at the back of this cabinet is a stair case and the back portion can also be used to hang pictures and frames for decorations.
[ Tagged In ] Cabinet, Hanging Cabinet, Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Hanging Cabinet
Home Improvement May 6th, 2013 | No Comments »
When we moved to our new apartment we are disappointed to find out that there’s no built-in cabinet to keep some of our belongings unlike the old apartment where we stayed for more than three years it has built-in cabinet with many doors where I keep most of the items I purchased on Daiso like bags, notebooks and even passport wallet which I was not able to use because I bought different pouch for travel purposes.
![Built-in Cabinet](http://www.crown-point.com/builtins/script/images/large/built-ins12.jpg)
[Image not mine]
Built-in cabinets are very useful when your apartment/house has only small space for bigger furniture because it creates more space and gives a good impression.
[ Tagged In ] Built-in Cabinets, Cabinet, Creating Space, Disadvantages of Built-in Cabinets