4 Forgotten Areas Of Your Home That Are Crying Out To Be Cleaned

We all strive to keep our homes as clean as possible. Normally, this means giving it a good little clean as often as we can. However, our ‘good little clean’ might not be making our homes as clean as we think. Most of the time, we just clean the parts of our house that are most visible to other people and us. You know what I’m talking about, the surfaces that are visibly dusty and the floors that are clearly dirty. Rarely will we go that extra mile and clean parts of our home that aren’t as easily visible.

As a result, we end up with a much dirtier home than we think. Now, you may be thinking, why does this matter? If we can’t see the dirt that obviously, surely we can just keep on ignoring it, right? Well, the problem is, sooner or later all the lack of cleaning will add up. You can only ignore something for so long before it starts forcing itself upon you and making you take notice.

All those areas of your home that you neglect will become dirtier and messier to the point where they become a huge problem. Then, you have to deal with the stress of cleaning up the problem, which will be a lot harder that it would if you just dealt with it in the first place.

Today, we’re going to look at some of these forgotten areas in your home that are crying out to be cleaned. Read some of the advice, and you’ll know how to deal with the problems before they get out of control.

Black Shower Head Switched on

[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/pexels.com]


The first area of your home is the shower/bathroom. I’ve grouped two things together here because not everyone has a shower, but they still neglect the same sort of area in their home. You see, people with a shower will not clean it as properly as needed. In fact, most people rarely clean their shower and the area around their shower at all. I’m mainly talking about the walls near your shower or anywhere that gets splashed by water. If you don’t have a shower, then I’m just talking about areas in your bathroom that get splashed, and you neglect to clean.

Why do we neglect to clean wet areas? Mainly because they’re wet, so they don’t look dirty at all. There’s no visible dirt, what’s the worst that can happen? Unfortunately, this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in your home. Fail to clean wet areas, and it will lead to mould forming. Then, you no longer have clean walls, but horrible black mould appears that can be harmful to your health as well as looking ugly. To make matters worse, the mould is really hard to clean completely. It’s an almost impossible task for a regular person like you or I, you’d need to get a professional in.

Mould is particularly problematic for people with tiled walls in their bathroom. This is because it gets in the grout between each tile, making it even harder to clean. If you keep forgetting about this area of your home, then you’re just asking for problems. So, what you need to do is prevent mould from occurring. It’s so so so so incredibly easy to do this, honestly. Getting rid of mould is so difficult, but preventing it couldn’t be simpler. All you have to do is dry any areas of your bathroom/shower that have been sprayed with water. Get a cloth and clean the wetness so no water is left and the surface is dry. You can even get some bathroom sprays that help kill germs which may be useful too. When the surfaces are dry, this means there are no conditions for mould spores to grow. I won’t get too scientific here, but mould grows when there are damp conditions, hence excessive growth in shower/bathroom areas. Anyway, science lesson over, add this to your cleaning checklist and prevent the spread of mould in your home.

Rain Gutter, Gutter, Roof, Cobweb, Network, Drip

[Photo courtesy of felixulllli/pixabay.com]


Our gutters are often one of the most forgotten areas of our home. The simple fact is, we don’t pay them much attention at all. They sit up on our roof, and we rarely glance up there to take a look at the situation. Not only that, but they can be difficult to look at and check too. You need to get on a ladder, and it’s all pretty stressful.

So, we choose to ignore them and never clean them. Why is this a problem? Well, gutters can get clogged up full of so much debris and junk it’s not even funny. Birds can try and make nests in your gutters and bring up leaves and sticks which stay there and cause blockages. Plus, moss and weeds can grow in the gutters too, which again can cause blockages. Then, when these blockages get worse and worse, they end up causing major problems for your home drainage system. As a result, you may need to get a plumber in to sort things out, which can cost a lot of money.

All of this can be avoided if you just paid your gutters more attention. You don’t need to head out on your ladder every day, or even every week! This is something that can be done once a month or once every two months. Plus, if you’re not keen on cleaning the gutters as you’re scared of heights or just worried you’ll do things wrong and hurt yourself, there are services you can pay for. There’s no excuse, you need to stop neglecting your gutters before they become a massive problem. Also, if you keep them nice and clean, it will make the outside of your house look a lot better too. It’s a massive win-win situation for you.


[Photo courtesy of M.Minderhoud/wikipedia.org]

Skirting Boards

If you didn’t know, a skirting board is that little piece of wood at the bottom of your walls that runs all the way along it. A lot of people don’t even know this has a name, or what the purpose of it is. For many, it’s purely a decorative thing, but it’s also mainly used to protect the wall. Unfortunately, it’s an area of our home we forget about a lot when cleaning. This is because we don’t tend to really think about it at all. Like I said, most people don’t even know this area has a name!

The issue is, this is also an area of your home that’s prone to a lot of dirt and muck. If you fail to clean your skirting board, it can almost become unrecognizable. It will be absolutely filthy, which makes the rooms in your home look less clean than they are. Due to their location right at the base of a wall, skirting boards are magnets for dust, grime, and general debris. When left uncleaned, this dirt can properly set it and become so hard to clean. A cleaning job that should take a few minutes will take a few hours if you’re not careful.

So, you need to get on your hands and knees and start cleaning your skirting boards more often. My tip is to do this whenever you’re hoovering. You can even use a hoover attachment to clean up some dust from the skirting boards too. This way, you keep them clean and don’t let them get out of hand. The dirtier they get, the harder they are to clean, and the more they deteriorate too.

Door Knob, Metal, Close, Input, Door Handle, Old, Door

[Photo courtesy of slightly_different/pixabay.com]

Door Handles

The fourth, and final, area of your home crying out for a clean is the door handles. Think about how many dirty hands will touch your door handles every single day. Now, think about how many times you actually clean them. Scary, right?

I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure there are more germs on our hands than anywhere else on our body. So, if everyone is manhandling the door handles and they never get cleaned, it means our houses are just infested with germs. For the sake of personal hygiene, you should clean your door handles as much as possible. It really doesn’t take a lot of effort at all. You just need some antibacterial spray and a cloth to wipe them with. That’s all you need to do, and you’ll have a much cleaner and more hygienic home.

In fact, while we’re at it, you may as well throw light switches into the mix too. Again, they’re always touched and turned grubby by fingerprints, yet they’re rarely cleaned. The same rules apply here, get some spray and wipe them clean.

On that not, we’re at the end of this post. You can now see some of the forgotten areas of your home that are crying out to be cleaned. It’s not enough to simple clean everywhere that people can see. You’ll just create the illusion of a clean house when the reality is that your home is still quite filthy. Clean these forgotten areas too, and you’ll finally have a properly clean home.

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Time For You To Spring Into Action? Get Your Deep Clean Started Now

While the theory of a ‘spring clean’ seems, at first, quite old fashioned. In reality, there’s quite a lot of benefits to having a proper tidy up. Spring cleaning also means finally getting around to those more mundane household chores like giving your skirting boards, ceilings and even window sills a good wash!

Organize Kitchen Cabinets

[Photo courtesy of 148 Straith Street Staunton/flickr.com]

You’d be surprised how muck and grime can get into your kitchen cabinets over a few months, let alone an entire year. This is a somewhat arduous task so you may want to set aside an afternoon where you’ll be fairly undisturbed. First, either pile whatever was in the cupboard onto the clean worktop or put down newspaper on the kitchen floor. Next, use soap and water or, if you prefer, a cleaning spray to clean inside making sure you get right into the corners as that’s where dust and dirt accumulate. If you placed wallpaper, old DIY trick, down to protect the shelf you might need to replace it as over time it’ll fade and tear.

Go Through Your Closets

[Photo courtesy of m01229/flickr.com]

Keeping clothes in pristine condition not only helps to preserve colour, shape and even fabric quality but it also stops them getting ripped or torn. Take the time to assess every, and we mean every item in you and your kid’s wardrobes for any alterations needed. Have each member of your family create three piles consisting of clothes they want to keep, donate and throw away as well as any old underwear and socks they wish to get rid of. For some reason children love to keep ripped, faded and buttonless clothes so don’t push too hard if they really can’t bear to part with something. Items that can’t be donated or recycled should be bagged up ready for collection by a same day rubbish removal service.

Defrost Your Fridge Freezer

[Photo courtesy of Julien Belli/flickr.com]

One of the more laborious household tasks that invariably leads to children asking for ice cream or popsicles is cleaning the freezer. Once a year it’s vital that your fridge / freezer enjoys a thorough deep clean to remove up any ice build up, maintain shelf cleanliness and toss away any spilt or loose food that’s fallen into the drawers. Defrosting and resetting your fridge also gives the system a chance to reboot, spot any temperature problems and highlight any faults with the ice machine. Don’t neglect surfaces, doors and seals plus cleaning those trays where you keep sauces and even the little light inside as it all attracts bacteria.

Clean Your Washing Machine

[Photo courtesy of Phil Long/flickr.com]

While most new washing machines perform admirably, as your trusty nine-kilo appliance gets a little older your clothes may start to smell slightly. Any musty, or mildew-like smells can mean your machine itself needs washing. An excellent way to give it a thorough clean is to pop some vinegar and bicarbonate of soda onto a cloth and give it a good scrub. Be careful that when you do not to damage door seals or the drum edge as they can be quite delicate. For an extra thorough clean select a hot wash cycle, add any cleaning agents and simply wait thirty to sixty minutes.

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Outdoor Surfaces Clean and Protected

Pressure washing is the most popular way to keep outdoor surfaces such as walkways, driveways, patios and decks clean. Rather than using pressure washing that can actually damage your surfaces, you can get a three-step method that softens dirt and grime with a pre-soak foam, so the pressure washing leaves the surfaces looking like new.  There are companies that can professionally clean and protect your wood or concrete.

Environmentally Friendly

The three-step process begins with special foam that is environmentally friendly. It kills mildew and mold and lifts off embedded dirt without chlorine that may bleach your wood. It will not harm children, pets or plants and is not caustic to your outdoor surfaces. The foam is sprayed on the surface first and allowed to penetrate the dirt and grime. Then, a controlled pressure wash is applied that will not damage surfaces, but will remove all the dirt. Once the surface is clean, a protective polymer mix is sprayed on the surface. It blocks UV rays, protects against rain and snow and makes the surface look new. This sealant also blocks mold and dirt from building up again, do your yard looks better longer.

Back Porch, Rear Porch, Back Patio, Rear Patio, Deck

[Photo courtesy of JamesDeMers/pixabay.com]

Wooden Decks

Wooden decks tend to fade over the years and become stained by moss or mildew. When wood is in this decayed condition, it’s not wise to have it power washed because this could gouge out chips and splinters damaging the wood that may cost a lot to repair. With the three-step process, the wood is treated carefully with the pre-soak foam and gently power washed. Once the old wood has been removed, the wood can be stained and sprayed with a sealant that will soak into the pores and protect from sunlight, rain and snow.

Garden, Porch, Table Furniture, Chairs, Home, House

[Photo courtesy of JayMantri/pixabay.com]

Power Washing

Standard power cleaning uses high pressure to blast away dirt, but it does nothing to kill mold and mildew, and it doesn’t remove deep stains. This is why the three-step method is so much better. It actually cleans the surface, so damaging-strength power washing isn’t necessary.

Outdoor surfaces serve to make outdoor living comfortable and attractive. Your house will lose curb-appeal when your siding is dull, and your driveway is covered in grease. You may not feel like having a barbecue on your deck or patio if it is covered in grime. Keeping outdoor surfaces looking like new also adds value to your home.

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Tips on How to Keep Your Home Clean

A clean home is a pleasure and helps to promote personal well-being. Maintaining a clean house also boosts design inspiration for interior living space. Whether you live in small apartment, or a large house – keeping your space clean is essential to maintaining an environment where you can feel happy and at peace. Below are some tips to help you clean more effectively at home.

1. Cleaning Supplies

When basic cleaning supplies are available, it becomes easier to keep your home clean. You need not go overboard with cleaning supplies. However, be sure to include dish-washing detergent, cleanser, vinegar, mops and scrub brushes. In most cases, these go a long way in achieving a spotlessly clean interior.

2. Create a Schedule

Develop a schedule that allows you to clean your home regularly. This helps to prevent a pile-up of chores. Spread out cleaning chores, with different tasks assigned to different days. It helps to make the cleaning less of a dreaded obligation compared to cramming all tasks into one or 2 days. By sticking to your cleaning schedule, you’ll find that cleaning becomes much easier and less time-consuming.

Washing Windows, Window, Clean, Person, Human, Woman

[Photo courtesy of cocoparisienne/pixabay.com]

3. Clean Regularly

Whatever the size of your home, certain parts require cleaning on a regular basis – every 2 days or at least weekly. This includes the kitchen, bathroom, living room and yard. It is best to develop a schedule for regular cleaning of these areas. This should also include cleaning the appliances and fixtures in the kitchen and bathroom. Weekly cleaning of appliances such as the fridge and oven helps to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria. Weekly bathroom cleaning is vital in preventing the development of mold and mildew. Other areas such as the study room, garage and back yard may not require to be cleaned as often. A bi-weekly or monthly cleaning may work for you.

4. Delegate Tasks

Involving household members in cleaning chores is an excellent idea. By delegating specific tasks to everyone, it becomes easier to keep the home clean. Young children can learn how to put away things to create a neater environment. They can also wipe surfaces of chairs, tables and counters. Older children can take responsibility for cleaning their own rooms, do the laundry, wash the dishes, vacuum and empty the garbage. Other tasks such as cleaning floors, washing the bathroom, mowing the lawn and cleaning the yard can be done by adults.

5. De-clutter

Most homes easily get cluttered due to items being left all over the place. It is best to make household members aware that each person has a role to play in home organization.  If you have small kids, obtain large boxes for them where they can place their toys and items. Teach kids how to store their items in boxes once they’re done with playing. Older children and adults must also be involved in keeping personal effects and household items in their respective storage places. Even after items have been stored accordingly, there’s always a chance that you could be storing more stuff than you need at home. Set aside one day every month or so to de-clutter your home. You could organize a garage sale to dispose of stuff you don’t need, donate to charitable causes, while some stuff may find its way into the garbage.

  • House Cleaning London. (2011) HouseCleaning.org
  • House Cleaning Tips. Retrieved February 13, 2012. Professor’s House.
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Regular House Cleaning – More Benefits than You Can Point a Broom At!

Just a passing mention of the phrase ‘house cleaning’ is enough to elicit a chorus of groans, but are you aware of how many benefits there are to living in a clean and tidy home?

There are actually more benefits to having a clean and tidy home than most of us are aware (especially if you have young children), so take note of the following benefits to having a clean home and you may find yourself looking at house cleaning in an entirely new light!

Allergy Reduction

This is one of the top benefits to residing in a clean and tidy home, one that’s free of dust, mites and other microscopic particles that have a tendency to aggravate existing allergies, not to mention bring on allergies in those not yet affected.

Pots, Plants, Cactus, Succulent, Shelf, Window, Garden

[Photo courtesy of milivanily/pixabay.com]

Regular vacuuming is a must, as is opening up the windows and doors to air the house. Another way to reduce the microscopic particles circulating about in your home is to clean the fly screens regularly, as fly screens collect dust more than most of us realise. As the breeze blows through these screens and into our homes, it stands to reason that’s where a great deal of those microscopic particles come from.

Less Fear of Entertaining

Many of us are quite reluctant to entertain family and friends because we’re worried about what they will think of our homes – think about it for a second or two and you’ll realise just how true that statement is.

Fortunately, house cleaning services made easy are readily available, so you can have your home cleaned regularly (or even just on occasion when you’re too busy to do it yourself) and you’ll never have to worry about entertaining in a messy home ever again!

Bathroom, Bath, Tub, Toilet, Bathtub, Towel, Clean

[Photo courtesy of stevepb/pixabay.com]

Less Mould

Like dust and other airborne microscopic particles, mould can wreak havoc with our respiratory health, plus it looks unsightly and can prove very difficult to remove if something isn’t done about it before it makes itself at home.

Regular cleaning, whether you do it yourself or have an experienced local cleaning company take care of it, prevents mould from building up and helps to keep your family healthy.

Less Maintenance and Repairs

This is an aspect of regular house cleaning that many of us overlook, but it’s an important one because the cost of home maintenance and repairs quickly adds up and becomes quite an expense.

Adding what is known as a ‘deep cleaning’ task to your cleaning routine every week will help to keep your household appliances in better working order. What’s more, by regularly cleaning your home you’ll also have a better idea of what needs repairing and maintaining. It’s always better (and less expensive) to have something seen to sooner rather than later.

Whether you choose to have a local cleaning company take care of the cleaning for you (this is an excellent option if you lead a busy lifestyle) or you choose to clean your home yourself, don’t overlook the many benefits associated with regular house cleaning.

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