Keeping Your Home Healthy: Spring Maintenance Checks To Make

In just a few short weeks, spring will be here. It’s great that winter is finally ending, but before you jump for joy because it’ll soon be spring, it’s a good idea to give your home a ‘health’ check. Over the winter months when the weather is bad, our houses go through a lot, which is why it’s important to give them a once over come spring. It’s a good idea to check your home as soon as possible, so that if there is any damage, it can be treated asap. Else, if it’s left, it could end up leading to more severe problems.

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There are various areas of your home that you need to check, both inside and outside. That being said, the outside of your home is more important, as you’re less likely to notice any problems. If there’s an issue inside your house, the chances are you’ll spot it straight away. To give you an idea of all the most crucial areas to check, we’ve put together this useful guide. It includes all the info you need to give your home a once over, as well as how to deal with various issues.

Check your home’s foundations

The first thing that you should do is check your home’s foundations. This is the most important job, as if there is a crack or damage to them, water can seep into the concrete, causing all sorts of issues. The problems caused by damaged foundations can cost thousands to repair, so the sooner you spot any issues, the better.

Walk around your home, shining a torch on the foundations. What you want to look for is any cracks or other damage, or any areas where the concrete is darker, as this can mean that water is seeping in. To find out more about the best ways to check your home’s foundations, check out houselogic. If you notice anything unusual, don’t hang about, contact a foundations expert immediately.

Give your roof a once over

The next area that you need to check is your home’s roof. The best way to do this is by using a ladder to access it, that way you can have a good look. What you need to look out for are any tiles that are cracked or damaged, as well as any areas where there’s a tile missing. It may also be worth going inside your attic, to look for any areas where the light shines through, as this can be a sign that there’s a crack in one of the tiles.

If you notice any issues, such as a missing tile or a crack, it’s best to deal with it straight away. The good news is that if you’re a DIY pro, you can probably fix most roof problems yourself. You’ll just need a couple of replacement tiles and a nail gun to attach them. If you don’t already have a nail gun, check out TopNailerReviews to see which is the best model to go for.

Inspect paint and siding

Walk around your home, inspecting the siding and paint. What you want to look out for is siding that’s cracked or damaged and paint that’s bubbling or peeling. These are signs that during the winter, something has caused damage to your home’s protection – aka siding or paint. If there is any damage, it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. As without paint or siding to protect it, your home is more prone to the effects of the weather.

Siding can be easily replaced, so if it’s damaged, there’s no need to panic. Obviously, you can call in a professional to deal with it for you. However, it’s probably easier and cheaper to fix it yourself. As for paint that’s peeling or bubbling, the surface needs to be sanded and repainted with a specialist outdoor paint.

These are the most crucial home maintenance checks for spring. However, there are also a few others that you might want to do.

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