Interesting Additions To Any Garden

If you feel that you could probably be making better use of your garden, you are not alone. In many homes, the garden often becomes the one place that gets overlooked for too long. Perhaps you have recently come to realise that you are doing this with your own garden. If so, you should start to think about what you might be able to do in order to give your garden a little something extra. The good news here is that this is relatively easy to do, as long as you know where to start. In this post, we are going to look at a few of the more fancy and interesting additions you can make to your garden in order to give it a new lease on life.

Whirlpool, Hot Tub, Garden, Summer, In The Garden

[Photo courtesy of Pezibear/]

Hot Tub

Let’s say you want your garden to be more than just a garden, but a space for fun as well. If so, there are many things you can do. One of the most common and more enjoyable is to have a hot tub installed, and this is something that a lot of people turn to when they want to have something a little extra in their garden. If you do decide on this, you should make sure that you are able to look after it properly, otherwise you might find that it can cause a number of problems in the long run. A hot tub needs a certain amount of care and attention, including iONRx hot tub treatment and much more besides. If you do this, it will last a long time, and always be a beautiful part of your garden space.

Rock Garden

Although it is now something of a classic garden idea, having a rock garden is also still one of the best. The beauty of this is that it can have a way of making the whole garden seem considerably more modern, and it is also quite easy to install yourself, even if you don’t consider yourself to be all that adept at gardening. All it takes is to take a few rocks and use your imagination, and you will want to go out of your way and find a few good plants to put in there as well. If you get this right, you will be surprised at just what a profound difference it can make to your garden on the whole. It’s worth trying if you want your outdoor space to look much more interesting in no time at all.

Children, Play, Rock, Leisure, Play Outside, Swing

[Photo courtesy of cocoparisienne/]


It might be a fairly simple thing, but having some seating in the garden can do a lot in terms of making it more interesting as a space. There is a lot to be said for the kind of seats you choose, of course, and it is worth taking your time so that you will end up with seating you are happy with. But as long as you do that, there is no reason you won’t be able to improve your garden hugely, and all with just the simple process of putting some seating there.

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3 DIY Projects For Your Big Garden

If you are lucky enough to have moved into a new house with a big garden, you may be wondering what you can put in it to create a centerpiece that everyone will notice. A large garden is such an asset to any home, now all you have to do is make the most of it!

You could add something that injects some luxury, something that looks amazing or something that provides some additional living space. Here are three ideas.

A large garden structure

Large gardens can take a large external building. You can choose to construct this out of whatever materials you wish. Stone and brick buildings can take a long time to build and do not fit into every garden. If you do not have the necessary skills, you will have to pay for someone else to build it for you and cost can mount up. It is easier to build log homes than you think when you take a course. You will be taught how to follow a DIY step-by-step guide on how to build a log cabin that covers everything from selecting logs, laying foundations, and constructing a roof.

Trees in Park

[Photo courtesy of Pixabay/]

A swimming pool

Swimming pools are a spectacular addition to any garden and, depending on your local climate, they are something that the whole family can use for many months of the year. There is a current craze for chemical-free pools which are better for you and for the environment. Keep your design simple

One of the top tips is to choose a design with a flat bottom as they are much easier to dig and to clean once it is operational. Box shaped pools are cheaper to build because liner manufacturers will box weld a liner for you. Water proofing the pool is the hardest thing to achieve so it is best to limit the number of fittings that you have because they will breach the waterproofing.

A built-in barbecue and dining area

Who doesn’t love to eat outside? When you have a large garden, you can go to town on an outdoor eating area. Start with a built-in barbecue or even your own pizza oven. These make a spectacular focal point for your dining area and are practical as well. Wood fired outdoor bread and pizza ovens are delivered in sections so all you have to do is put them together. The attractive dome shape will look great in any garden and they produce tasty pizzas and freshly baked bread for your dinner party.

Then lay a patio so that your diners do not get muddy feet when they are eating. Make it big enough to take a large dining table and still leave enough room for your guests to move around.

Lighting is a big part of creating the atmosphere at your outdoor dining area. Solar powered lights are the most environmentally friendly but you may want some electrical ones as a back-up. Tea light candles complete the look for a lovely summer dinner party that your guests will not forget.

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A Haven For Wildlife: Encouraging Birds And Animals Into Your Garden

Gardens are not just about flowers and growing food. They can be a great way to learn about wildlife; something particularly important if you have a family. And they are a great way to help maintain species of birds and animals.

Bird, Finch, Feeder, Bird Feeder, Niger Seed

[Photo courtesy of DroolingDogs/]

Regardless of your outdoor space, there are simple steps you can take to encourage birds and animals to visit or set up home in your garden.

  1. Create A Pond

Creating a pond is the quickest and simplest way to introduce wildlife. Once your pond has been built, you can fill it with your choice of fish. There are many different varieties to choose from, depending on the areas you live in and the space available, etc. Butterfly koi are a popular choice as they are known for their beauty and stunning colors.

Ponds will attract other wildlife such as frogs and insects. It is important to monitor and clean your pond regularly to ensure it is a safe environment for fish and other animals. The plants and grasses surrounding your pond will also attract visitors.

Greenfinch, Bird, Foraging, Garden

[Photo courtesy of Oldiefan/]
  1. Garden Design

When designing and maintaining your garden, think carefully about the animals you wish to encourage. Birds like trees and bushes for nesting. If you have the available space, try creating zones. Some birds may prefer not to come close to the house, and so a quiet space towards the back of the garden may be preferable.

Frog, Water Frog, Animal, Green, Nuphar Pumila Leaf

[Photo courtesy of Couleur/]
  1. Frogs

Frogs like ponds, as mentioned, but they also like piles of leaves. When raking your garden next fall, leave a few piles of leaves in a dark area to encourage frogs. Ensure you leave some space in walls or fences for them to enter.

  1. Birds

To encourage birds into your garden, put up a bird table and several feeders. A bird bath is also important. Vary the seeds and food that you provide to attract different species. To ensure they keep coming back, feed birds daily, particularly in the winter months when food will be scarce. It’s always pleasant to watch a garden full of birds, and you’re helping them at the same time. Try setting up some nesting boxes to see if any of the birds set up residence.

  1. Insects

Insect hotels provide a safe environment for insects to hibernate in the winter months. They are made up of several compartments or suites to allow insects to choose a warm place to stay. Encouraging insects into your garden is good for them and the environment. Some like dry environments and others prefer the damp. So try to establish insect homes in several areas.

Bee, Flower, Pollen, Color, Blue, Purple, Orange

[Photo courtesy of NickRivers/]
  1. Bees

Bees are vital pollinators for our gardens but, unfortunately, their numbers are declining. Insect hotels make a safe place for solitary bees. Introduce some bee-friendly plants to your garden. Bees like flowers such as white clover, bluebells, alliums, and buddleia, etc.

Encouraging wildlife into your garden is a win-win situation. You’re providing a home and food for them to help them thrive. And you get to observe them in their natural habitat. Many will contribute to the garden by pollination, turning over soil, etc. So, it’s good for you, and it’s good for them.

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Bring Your Small Garden To Life With These Easy Steps

It can be disheartening when you purchase a property with a small backyard. Especially if you are a keen gardener, who likes to be outside in the backyard during the summer. However, a small garden doesn’t have to be a disaster. You can bring your small garden to life with these easy steps.

[Photo courtesy of  Jasper33/ en.wikipedia]

Use pots to grow a perfect fruit vegetable garden

One easy step to bring your small garden to life is you can use pots to grow a perfect vegetable garden. You don’t need to have a lot of space in your garden to put your vegetable pots. You could get a hanging pot which you can use to grow some beautiful strawberries or even some delicious tomatoes. You can grow herbs in small pots which you can dot around the garden. Your garden will be full of growing vegetables without having to use much of the space.

Get a landscaper in to utilize the space

Another easy step to bring your small garden to life is you can hire a landscaper to utilize the space properly. They will be able to help your ideas come to life in your backyard. They will be able to think of great ways to utilize the space properly, so you and your family can enjoy it for years to come. You can get a free quotation from them so that you know you can afford to have them in. It’s also an excellent way to add value to your home if you have a professional landscaper in to make your garden look fantastic.

Use the vertical space in your garden

You can also bring your small garden to life by using the vertical space in your garden. You want to get some plants which grow upwards, rather than out. A lot of people don’t use that space, but it’s an excellent way to utilize your small back garden. You can get planters which you hang anywhere in the backyard to create a vertical garden. And as this article says, you could even use a shoe organizer from your home to create a vertical garden. Don’t be afraid to try some espaliering on the walls outside to make your garden look great!

Bring in bright colored plants

Another easy step to bring your small garden to life is to add some brightly colored plants to the garden. They will make the backyard look beautiful and bigger. As this feature explains, you should put them at the front, so the rest of the garden will seem to recede, making it look longer.

Add a decking area to the garden

You can also build a decking area in your small garden. It can make the garden seem grand and beautiful. It also separates the garden into different zones, making it look deceptively bigger. It’s also an ideal area to add a table and chairs, so that you can sit outside in the sunshine!

Hopefully, these easy steps will lead to lots of compliments for your small garden!

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