How Did You Ever Live without One: Hiring a Housekeeper 101

In today’s world, it is not uncommon for multiple members of a household to keep busy careers, volunteer positions, or even multiple jobs. More and more, even high school kids are saving up for university or earning some spending money by taking after-school and weekend jobs, and while that’s great for their character, it means households can be pretty crunched when it comes to chores. With both partners working, sometimes your cleaning can fall by the wayside, or the bulk of the cleaning responsibilities falls to one partner, creating an unequal balance. This can lead to building up resentment, exhaustion, and other problems that don’t need to get in the way of a happy home life. However, there is an easy solution to this problem, and that comes in the form of a professional housekeeper. Hiring someone trustworthy to clean the house while everyone is away can be a difficult task, but fortunately, there are services out there that simplify the process. Below are some important things to look for when you go online to find a housekeeper.

Targeted Search

The service you use should provide a targeted search where clients and families can narrow down their specific criteria. Maybe a family only wants a housekeeper once a month, maybe they only want the most difficult chores done, like cleaning the carpet or the curtains, or maybe they want someone who arrives regularly to do basic cleanups like the dishes and the bathroom. A good online service will have multiple options available that can be tailored to a client’s specific needs, narrowing down your search from the get-go.

Free Woman Fixing Pillows on a Bed Stock Photo

[Photo courtesy of cottonbro studio/]

Notes on User Profiles

Online community boards should provide the client with a straightforward feature to attach their own personal notes to a profile, helping them save time by storing all of their notes from interviews and follow ups with their profile. Too many services that don’t allow this simple feature will leave you scratching your head trying to remember which notes apply to which profile when you go to follow up to contact someone for the job. You won’t have to worry about mixing up candidates or confusing your notes with must-have features like this one.

Favorite Lists

Another feature that makes sorting potential hires even easier is creating favorite lists, available on If you’ve ever wished you could save the profiles of your top candidates to call in case your go-to professional is unavailable, favorite lists will quickly become your new favorite feature. Finding a great cleaning professional can take some time, and clients should be able to bookmark candidates that would potentially be a good fit so that they can come back to the website later without having to search for those individuals again. It’s one of the ways that newer, tailor-made online services like are making it easier to find help.

Customer Support

Another feature to watch for is a strong customer service: any quality online platform should have customer service numbers and contacts available to users so that you know you can use their service confidently and securely.

Identity Protected Phone Calls

Another great featured, another offered by, is identity protected phone calls, which means that your phone number is hidden when you contact a potential hire for a phone interview, meaning your contact information is protected until you’ve decided who to hire. There are a dozen other tips to consider when you’re hiring a housekeeper, but these are some of the things that can save you a lot of time and headaches in your search.

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Essential Cleaning Checklist

Deep cleaning your house should not just be limited to spring or whenever you have a clear out. The best way to keep your home in good condition is to make sure you regularly clean tough areas. Additionally, keeping your home sanitary is the best way to keep your family healthy. We don’t usually think about it, but there are germs and bacteria living right under your nose that could be causing you untold misery. To make sure you don’t miss any spots, and to make your home summer-ready, here is an essential deep cleaning checklist for your home.

Hidden mold

Double-glazed windows are excellent for saving you money on your energy bills, but unfortunately they make it easier for moisture and mold to sneak into your home. If there are any areas that smell particularly musty, you should not hesitate in calling in a mold specialist. Watch out for symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, dry eyes, or rashes.


[Photo courtesy of Nick Youngson/]

If an area of mold is less than ten square feet, then you can attempt to clean it yourself. Just make sure you’re wearing safety goggles, non-porous gloves, and a particle mask when cleaning. Check out DIY sites for more detailed guidelines on how to get rid of mold.

Water damage

If your plumbing has ruptured recently, your focus was primarily on getting the pipes fixed. However, once that problem is solved, you need to repair the damage that the water caused to your walls and floors. Leaving it untreated could lead to more mold, and therefore more health problems. It could also lead to property damage; whether it is metal, wood, or cement, these materials will all eventually be damaged when exposed to water. Contact ServiceMaster to get the damage fixed as quickly as possible.


Wash your windows on a cloudy day, once a month, so the sun doesn’t dry the cleanser before you can wipe it off, and start on the shady side of the house. A simple way to spot streaks is to wash with horizontal strokes on one side and with vertical strokes on the other, this way you will know which side has the streaks. Wait for a sunny day to dust the windows because the sunlight will reveal where the particles have settled. You should also clean the window tracks with a Q-tip to get rid of the dirt, grime, and dead bugs that have gathered there.


It takes more than just clearing out the expired and smelly food to keep the refrigerator clean and  germ-free. Liquids that spill onto the shelves and trays collects mold, therefore posing a danger to your fresh food. The biggest culprits are the vegetable drawers; they are often forgotten until a vegetable starts to rot. Take the drawers out of the fridge and clean them with warm water and baking soda. While they’re drying on the side, wipe down the rest of the fridge with antibacterial wipes. Make sure you also clean the coils at the back.

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How to Make Your Home Summer-Ready

Well, we’ve waited for what feels like forever but the summer in very nearly here! After being huddled away from the cold, feeling cozy and warm, it’s time to start getting out into the world and enjoying the sunshine. But one thing that’s important to consider is whether or not your home is actually ready for the summertime. You might think that the only important things are getting your summer body and your summer wardrobe, but you’re going to need different things from your home depending on the season, and it’s much better to sort them out before the summer is fully underway and the heat is too intense.

Let there be light

During the winter months, there’s nothing like a warm, cozy home. Sitting on the couch reading a book by lamplight on a cold night is one of life’s most simple and wonderful pleasures. However, something that might have felt warm and cozy in December is likely to feel dark, stuffy and miserable in the summer. It’s time to make the most of the longer days and start letting in more and more natural light. Throw open your curtains! Arrange your rooms to spread the light as much as possible!

Bring in some air

It’s amazing how fast a home can go from being pleasantly warm to stifling and unbearably hot. The moment you start to feel that way it’s time to open all of your windows wide. In fact, you should open up all of your windows at least a couple of times a week. It will help improve the airflow inside the house and prevent a dank, sweaty atmosphere from setting in.

Get ready for outdoor fun

One part of your home that probably ends up neglected far more than any other during the winter months is your yard. It’s far too cold and wet to go outside, so it ends up going unused and becoming overgrown. Once the sun comes out the first thing to do is to bust out the lawnmower. Then, once the yard is usable again, you can find ways to make it fun, whether it’s by setting up a place for having picnics, or this amazing lounge pool with seats! There’s no better way to spend the summertime than enjoying it in your yard with family and friends.

Change colours

Why not make a big change in your home to match the changing of the seasons? Maybe the colors of the rooms could do with a little revamping? What might have seemed nice and cozy before might make the place seem a little drab and dark now that the sun is shining? Why not go for some bright, vibrant colors to match the weather? Yellows and light blues are fantastic for bringing a sense of life and vibrancy to any home, especially when the sunshine hits them. The right color can make a room feel bigger and brighter all at once.

Luckily, very few of these things will take that much effort, and you’ll be basking in the summer sun and relaxing with a drink before you know it.

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Time For You To Spring Into Action? Get Your Deep Clean Started Now

While the theory of a ‘spring clean’ seems, at first, quite old fashioned. In reality, there’s quite a lot of benefits to having a proper tidy up. Spring cleaning also means finally getting around to those more mundane household chores like giving your skirting boards, ceilings and even window sills a good wash!

Organize Kitchen Cabinets

[Photo courtesy of 148 Straith Street Staunton/]

You’d be surprised how muck and grime can get into your kitchen cabinets over a few months, let alone an entire year. This is a somewhat arduous task so you may want to set aside an afternoon where you’ll be fairly undisturbed. First, either pile whatever was in the cupboard onto the clean worktop or put down newspaper on the kitchen floor. Next, use soap and water or, if you prefer, a cleaning spray to clean inside making sure you get right into the corners as that’s where dust and dirt accumulate. If you placed wallpaper, old DIY trick, down to protect the shelf you might need to replace it as over time it’ll fade and tear.

Go Through Your Closets

[Photo courtesy of m01229/]

Keeping clothes in pristine condition not only helps to preserve colour, shape and even fabric quality but it also stops them getting ripped or torn. Take the time to assess every, and we mean every item in you and your kid’s wardrobes for any alterations needed. Have each member of your family create three piles consisting of clothes they want to keep, donate and throw away as well as any old underwear and socks they wish to get rid of. For some reason children love to keep ripped, faded and buttonless clothes so don’t push too hard if they really can’t bear to part with something. Items that can’t be donated or recycled should be bagged up ready for collection by a same day rubbish removal service.

Defrost Your Fridge Freezer

[Photo courtesy of Julien Belli/]

One of the more laborious household tasks that invariably leads to children asking for ice cream or popsicles is cleaning the freezer. Once a year it’s vital that your fridge / freezer enjoys a thorough deep clean to remove up any ice build up, maintain shelf cleanliness and toss away any spilt or loose food that’s fallen into the drawers. Defrosting and resetting your fridge also gives the system a chance to reboot, spot any temperature problems and highlight any faults with the ice machine. Don’t neglect surfaces, doors and seals plus cleaning those trays where you keep sauces and even the little light inside as it all attracts bacteria.

Clean Your Washing Machine

[Photo courtesy of Phil Long/]

While most new washing machines perform admirably, as your trusty nine-kilo appliance gets a little older your clothes may start to smell slightly. Any musty, or mildew-like smells can mean your machine itself needs washing. An excellent way to give it a thorough clean is to pop some vinegar and bicarbonate of soda onto a cloth and give it a good scrub. Be careful that when you do not to damage door seals or the drum edge as they can be quite delicate. For an extra thorough clean select a hot wash cycle, add any cleaning agents and simply wait thirty to sixty minutes.

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Tips on How to Keep Your Home Clean

A clean home is a pleasure and helps to promote personal well-being. Maintaining a clean house also boosts design inspiration for interior living space. Whether you live in small apartment, or a large house – keeping your space clean is essential to maintaining an environment where you can feel happy and at peace. Below are some tips to help you clean more effectively at home.

1. Cleaning Supplies

When basic cleaning supplies are available, it becomes easier to keep your home clean. You need not go overboard with cleaning supplies. However, be sure to include dish-washing detergent, cleanser, vinegar, mops and scrub brushes. In most cases, these go a long way in achieving a spotlessly clean interior.

2. Create a Schedule

Develop a schedule that allows you to clean your home regularly. This helps to prevent a pile-up of chores. Spread out cleaning chores, with different tasks assigned to different days. It helps to make the cleaning less of a dreaded obligation compared to cramming all tasks into one or 2 days. By sticking to your cleaning schedule, you’ll find that cleaning becomes much easier and less time-consuming.

Washing Windows, Window, Clean, Person, Human, Woman

[Photo courtesy of cocoparisienne/]

3. Clean Regularly

Whatever the size of your home, certain parts require cleaning on a regular basis – every 2 days or at least weekly. This includes the kitchen, bathroom, living room and yard. It is best to develop a schedule for regular cleaning of these areas. This should also include cleaning the appliances and fixtures in the kitchen and bathroom. Weekly cleaning of appliances such as the fridge and oven helps to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria. Weekly bathroom cleaning is vital in preventing the development of mold and mildew. Other areas such as the study room, garage and back yard may not require to be cleaned as often. A bi-weekly or monthly cleaning may work for you.

4. Delegate Tasks

Involving household members in cleaning chores is an excellent idea. By delegating specific tasks to everyone, it becomes easier to keep the home clean. Young children can learn how to put away things to create a neater environment. They can also wipe surfaces of chairs, tables and counters. Older children can take responsibility for cleaning their own rooms, do the laundry, wash the dishes, vacuum and empty the garbage. Other tasks such as cleaning floors, washing the bathroom, mowing the lawn and cleaning the yard can be done by adults.

5. De-clutter

Most homes easily get cluttered due to items being left all over the place. It is best to make household members aware that each person has a role to play in home organization.  If you have small kids, obtain large boxes for them where they can place their toys and items. Teach kids how to store their items in boxes once they’re done with playing. Older children and adults must also be involved in keeping personal effects and household items in their respective storage places. Even after items have been stored accordingly, there’s always a chance that you could be storing more stuff than you need at home. Set aside one day every month or so to de-clutter your home. You could organize a garage sale to dispose of stuff you don’t need, donate to charitable causes, while some stuff may find its way into the garbage.

  • House Cleaning London. (2011)
  • House Cleaning Tips. Retrieved February 13, 2012. Professor’s House.
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The Seasons Are Changing – Make Sure Your Home’s Prepared

The effects of climate change mean we’ve just lived through the hottest August ever recorded. But summer’s soon coming to a close, weather will get colder, and leaves will soon crowd your yard as it transitions into fall. What’s more is winter isn’t too far off, and with such a hot summer, you can expect things to get extra cold by December.

You don’t just need to prepare yourself for the colder months. Your house and garden should also be well-maintained for the fall and winter seasons. There are a lot of home maintenance jobs that become particularly important during the second half of the year. You’ll likely have to work harder for the next couple of seasons since weather conditions are much harsher.

[Photo courtesy of tpsdave/]

The best time to start work is right now before the season changes. Preparing your home is advance is the smartest idea. Your home should be ready for when the wind gets stronger, and the leaves start to fall. Your home should be kept warm and protected from the elements. Here are some useful tips for preparing your home for fall and winter.

Keep Your Home Warm

While the weather is hot, open windows and breezy fans are a must to keep cool. But as the season changes, you’ll definitely want to protect your house from the cold drafts and increase in rainfall. Some people make use of electric heaters to warm their home up, but the most efficient way to do it is using an HVAC system.

For a lot of people, the same system that provides air conditioning around the house can also keep them warm. These systems are prone to problems, though. It’s important you get your HVAC system checked. Professional services can help you with HVAC maintenance, for example, you can learn about Academy Air.

Your heating system isn’t the only thing you should concern yourself with. You should keep your home insulated from the outside. Caulking any cracks or gaps in the construction of your house will prevent drafts. You will also want to ensure windows are double-glazed if they aren’t already. These are jobs many home maintenance companies can handle. Not only will they keep you warm, but they also go towards raising the value of your home.

There are plenty of other ways to keep your home warm when the weather gets cold. Things like halogen light bulbs and heavy curtains can give a room extra heat. We’re set for a cold fall and a freezing winter, so make sure you’re prepared!

Unclog Gutters

[Photo courtesy of Eric Schmuttenmaer/]

While your gutter system may not be much of a concern during the summer, it becomes particularly important after. Gutters can quickly become clogged up with leaves and debris in the fall. Make sure to clean your gutter and downspout regularly. This will help to circumvent rain properly.

Although you can call a handyman to do this, it’s possible to handle yourself. You can use a ladder and a plastic scoop to remove any debris. Another method is to use a high-pressure hose to clear it out. Using a hose is also useful for cleaning out your drainpipe of any obstructions.

There are other measures which can help improve rain flow through gutters. You may want to look into tips for cleaning and repairing gutters. Make sure they’re well-prepared before the leaves start falling in October.

Roof Maintenance

Much like your gutters, your roof is another part of your house that can quickly become covered in leaves and debris. Debris from the roof can fall and contribute to clogging up gutters, so it’s best to clear them out. Algae can also accumulate on roofs. You can remove it using a scrub brush and algae cleaner.

September is also a perfect time for roof maintenance. You’ll want to check for any cracks or loose shingles and sort them out to stop the cold coming in from above your house. A lot of roof maintenance work is best left to a professional. You may want to call on the services of a roofer or handyman to make sure the top of your house is well maintained.

Prepare Your Garden

[Photo courtesy of donwhite84/]

Your garden has probably seen plenty of usage over the warmer months, but this is likely to change as the weather gets colder. Due to the harsher weather conditions, you’ll want to make sure your garden is well prepared for fall and winter.

If you have a pool or hot tub, it’ll become increasingly hard to keep them clean from autumn leaves. If you plan to keep using your pool, you’ll need to skim it daily to clean out leaves, dirt, and other falling debris. However, the best idea may be to drain them and use an efficient plastic cover to prevent them getting clogged up.

Garden furniture can also get damaged from falling leaves, rain, hail, and snow. The chances are, you’ll be using your garden tables, chairs, and loveseats less often. The best idea is to put them away in a shed or garage if they’re small enough. If not, you might want to cover them with a plastic sheet.

Changing temperatures and weather conditions can also mean your lawn needs a different approach. Lawn care services can help you with keeping your garden healthy over these months. However, it can also be the best time to do more work in your garden. Some flowers and plants are easier to grow during these months. Check out BHG’s fall lawn care secrets for getting the most out of your garden during the autumn season.

Mow the lawn and give your plants and hedges a trim before the season changes. It’s also worth investing in a leaf blower at this time. A leaf blower is one of the most useful tools you can have during fall and winter. It can be used to remove leaves from the gutter, your car, your garden, and pretty much anywhere else. There are also some lesser known uses to have more fun with your leaf blower, so it’s well worth getting one.

Clean The Chimney

If your home has a fireplace, you’ll probably be making much more use of it once summer ends. Be careful, though. Over time, chimneys can become clogged with debris and chemicals. Failing to clear these out can result in toxic emissions and even chimney fires in worse cases.

Cleaning a chimney isn’t a job you should handle yourself. It’s best to schedule a cleaning from a handyman or a dedicated chimney cleaner to get your home ready for winter and fall. If you use a wood burning fireplace, now is also the best time to stock up on firewood to make use of throughout the rest of the year.

Winter Preparation

While the autumn season can bring on some colder weather, things will get even worse in the winter. You should prepare in advance for the inevitable lower temperatures and snowfall.

If you don’t already have them, it’s worth getting a snow shovel and scraper. These will help you clean out your driveway and remove snow from your car on those snowy winter mornings. Having a cover for your car can also help. A lot of people hate having to do this every morning, which is why one person found a way to clear snow in the laziest way imaginable.

A lot of the work you carry out for the fall will benefit you all the way through winter. However, as temperatures start to get even colder, you may want to put extra work into keeping warm. An electric blanket is a good way of keeping your bed warm and cozy during the winter. A cheaper solution is to take a hot water bottle to bed. Winter is also the best time to stock up on hot chocolate, and you may also want to buy a thermos flask so you can keep your coffee warm on the way to work.

Interior Decorating

[Photo courtesy of newhouse/]

Right now is also the best time to redecorate your house with some winter interior decorating ideas. You may want to use brighter lighting and warmer colors to counteract the winter darkness. Decorations like candles are also great to have around the house during the colder months.

Redecorating now is also a good way to start energy-proofing your house. You can look into some energy saving ideas to cut down your bills in advance.

Make sure your home is warm, comfy, and looking good for the fall and winter. There’s plenty of decoration you can do yourself. However, you may also want to consider using an interior decorating service to rehaul your home completely.

Reassess Your Home Insurance And Energy Plan

Home insurance becomes particularly important as winter approaches. The worsening weather conditions lead to a greater risk of property damage. Pipes can get frozen, and hailstorms and high winds can damage your home exterior.

Because of this, it’s best to reassess your home insurance before the winter comes. Websites like Credio can help you compare home insurance companies. You should also check your energy bill. The chances are you’ll be using much more gas and electricity as temperatures cool down. Make sure you’re getting the best cover for what you pay.

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Regular House Cleaning – More Benefits than You Can Point a Broom At!

Just a passing mention of the phrase ‘house cleaning’ is enough to elicit a chorus of groans, but are you aware of how many benefits there are to living in a clean and tidy home?

There are actually more benefits to having a clean and tidy home than most of us are aware (especially if you have young children), so take note of the following benefits to having a clean home and you may find yourself looking at house cleaning in an entirely new light!

Allergy Reduction

This is one of the top benefits to residing in a clean and tidy home, one that’s free of dust, mites and other microscopic particles that have a tendency to aggravate existing allergies, not to mention bring on allergies in those not yet affected.

Pots, Plants, Cactus, Succulent, Shelf, Window, Garden

[Photo courtesy of milivanily/]

Regular vacuuming is a must, as is opening up the windows and doors to air the house. Another way to reduce the microscopic particles circulating about in your home is to clean the fly screens regularly, as fly screens collect dust more than most of us realise. As the breeze blows through these screens and into our homes, it stands to reason that’s where a great deal of those microscopic particles come from.

Less Fear of Entertaining

Many of us are quite reluctant to entertain family and friends because we’re worried about what they will think of our homes – think about it for a second or two and you’ll realise just how true that statement is.

Fortunately, house cleaning services made easy are readily available, so you can have your home cleaned regularly (or even just on occasion when you’re too busy to do it yourself) and you’ll never have to worry about entertaining in a messy home ever again!

Bathroom, Bath, Tub, Toilet, Bathtub, Towel, Clean

[Photo courtesy of stevepb/]

Less Mould

Like dust and other airborne microscopic particles, mould can wreak havoc with our respiratory health, plus it looks unsightly and can prove very difficult to remove if something isn’t done about it before it makes itself at home.

Regular cleaning, whether you do it yourself or have an experienced local cleaning company take care of it, prevents mould from building up and helps to keep your family healthy.

Less Maintenance and Repairs

This is an aspect of regular house cleaning that many of us overlook, but it’s an important one because the cost of home maintenance and repairs quickly adds up and becomes quite an expense.

Adding what is known as a ‘deep cleaning’ task to your cleaning routine every week will help to keep your household appliances in better working order. What’s more, by regularly cleaning your home you’ll also have a better idea of what needs repairing and maintaining. It’s always better (and less expensive) to have something seen to sooner rather than later.

Whether you choose to have a local cleaning company take care of the cleaning for you (this is an excellent option if you lead a busy lifestyle) or you choose to clean your home yourself, don’t overlook the many benefits associated with regular house cleaning.

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How Clean is Your House?

Is your house really untidy? Believe it or not, more people live in total chaos than you might think. Some people are so ashamed of how messy their house is, they won’t let necessary visitors past the front door. If you have kids or lots of pets, tidying up may seem a never ending task. It’s true that many of us try and give ourselves very high expectations. If you’re trying to look after a large family, there are never enough hours in the day. And what is the point of picking up all those toys when the kids are going to empty them all out again tomorrow? It can seem like an utterly thankless, and pointless task. But we all feel better when our houses are clean and tidy.

It might be unrealistic to say right, let’s get that house cleaned from top to bottom! You haven’t done it properly for some quite some time. House cleaning gurus always say that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. Take baby steps to fixing your home. It didn’t get this way and a day, and you’re not going to have it all fixed in a day, either. These things take time. Do it properly, and form better habits.

[Photo courtesy of go_greener_oz/]

In the kitchen, start from the basics. Don’t start sorting out cupboards if you have a sinkful (or two) of dishes. Make sure you’ve done the fundamental tasks before you move on, or you’ll just end up in a bigger mess than you started. Start from the top and work down. There’s no point in giving yourself extra jobs to do. You’ll just be wasting time if you keep having to revisit the same areas.

If you’re a bit lazy when it comes to changing sheets, then you might want to give your mattresses a quick once over.Are the all in a good clean state? Do they have bust springs or stuffing trying to escape? Another thing you should look for is bedbugs. The bug busters at say it’s a far more widespread problem than most people realise. These horrible beasties could be living in your mattress without you even knowing!

Deep cleaning your bathroom will give it some sparkle back. If you’ve got grotty grouting, though, it could make the whole room look past its best. Instead of laboriously removing and replacing the cement, why not use a grout pen. It’s a cinch to make your grout stand out for all the right reasons. It’s quick and easy and will fix up your smallest room in a jiffy! Check out tips on how to use them at

Wipe down your walls. It’s amazing how grubby your walls can look once the bright light simply of spring comes flooding through your windows. Get a bucket of warm soapy water, dampen a cloth and give them all a good wipe. Pay attention to skirting boards and light switches too, they’re a prime breeding ground for bugs and germs.

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House Cleaning Ideas, Tips and Tricks

For many people, the spring is the time of year that they choose to clean their homes and garages. This is especially the case in areas that experience winter weather that prevents people from cleaning their homes during that season. Houses can become dirty and cluttered with junk during the winter. People are indoors for the vast majority of the time, so most homes can really use a thorough cleaning once the warm weather arrives. Here are some useful spring cleaning ideas.

1. Clean your attic

For many people, their attic is where they put items that they want to to keep, but do not have space to store anywhere else in their home. Many people also store broken items in their attic that they want to fix in the future. However, most of these items get forgotten about and end up collecting dust over the course of many years. This is why it is a good idea to periodically go through the items in your attic and throw away the items you do not need. If some of the items are still usable, donate them to Goodwill or the Salvation Army so you can get a tax deduction.

House Cleaning

[Image source:]

2. Clean your deck

Your deck has been sitting outside all winter being exposed to the elements. It only makes sense that the spring will be the ideal time to get it cleaned off and looking great. Instead of going to the trouble of doing it yourself, you can contact a deck cleaning and sealing company like Renew Crew that offers this service. They use an eco-friendly process that will have your deck looking as good as the day it was built. Learn more about what they can do for you by taking a look at

3. Trim your trees

It is common for homeowners to neglect the trees in their yard. The branches of your trees may be scraping up against the side of your home. They might also be coming into contact with a neighbor’s home. If this is the case, cut these branches so they are no longer touching any part of the houses in the area. If branches are not regularly trimmed, they can scrape the paint off of your home or damage your expensive siding. You should also take this opportunity to trim any bushes or hedges that have grown too close to your home.

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Easy House Cleaning Tips

What good is a beautiful house with modern and expensive furnishings if it is dirty and unkempt. I definitely would not want to live in a filthy house not only because it looks disgusting but also because it is unsanitary. Nowadays it is better to always be on the guard for diseases that we might contract from bacteria and germs lurking in every corner of our house. As much as possible or if time permits, it is advisable to clean the house everyday. This way we are sure that nobody in our household will get sick and our house will look inviting at all times.

Custom Bin
[Image credit]

To easily get rid of trash and other unnecessary objects, I make sure that there is a trash can in every room in the house. There are a lot of companies that specialize in designing and producing different metal storage products such as shipping racks, corrugated containers, and various types of bins. Cedarside Manufacturing is one of them. Not only are their prices competitive, their service is fully customized to every client’s needs and they ship products right away. They have been manufacturing custom bins in Mississauga, Brampton, and across the Greater Toronto Area for over eight years.

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