A Guide to Finding Discounted Bedroom Accessories: Top Tips

Everyone has had that thought after a long, hard day at work or a late night out with your friends where you can’t wait to get into your bed. Whether it is the idea of lying down on a clean, fresh sheet or snuggling up to your duvet, there is not a soul out there who doesn’t relish the thought of returning to the comfort of their bed after a long day.

Getting your bedroom up to scratch is something which requires plenty of thought, but does it have to mean the destruction of your wallet?

It’s not just for comfort that we purchase bedding, though it is a big factor. Homeowners look for a duvet cover that will match the theme or colour of its environment and pay close attention to aesthetics while doing so. One question to continually ask yourself when on the hunt for top bedroom accessories is whether or not you can afford them and our top tips to finding discounted bedroom accessories is sure to give you plenty of food for thought.

Nursery, Room Girl, Child Decoration, White Walls

[Photo courtesy of La-Belle-Galerie/pixabay.com]

Let the bedroom grow with your child

Children grow up fast so their Disney themed duvet cover may no longer seem as ‘cool’ as it did when they were infants. For this reason you should update bedding and furnishings regularly whilst keeping everything within the confines of your budget.

If you’re worried about spending too much then only include characters or themes on bedding with lampshades or other accessories kept plain for a classic, timeless look. An extreme bedding makeover may seem like something which will impact your wallet heavily but there are plenty of affordable bed sets that consist of all the bedding essentials you need.

Use what you have

For those who really want to watch their pennies, the best advice is to avoid buying new. When it comes to giving accessories such as lights or even bedroom furniture a makeover, sometimes you can get away with using what you’ve already got. A fresh coat of paint, a new lampshade or even new handles on your chest of drawers can make all the difference so why not try and renovate existing features before splashing the cash on something brand new.

Go online

When searching for affordable bedding or bedroom accessories, high street stores can prove a handy resource but online services are even more beneficial. Head online to check out the latest sales and offers from both independent retailers and larger brands.

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From House To Family Home: Preparing For A New Arrival

Most people think that getting their house ready for kids is as simple as creating a nursery. While it’s true that you will need to take some time to get your baby’s new room all ready, there are also a few other aspects of your home that you will need to sort out. All of this preparation is key in turning your house into a comfortable family home. Not sure how to get your house ready for kids? Here are some things that you will need to do before your first little bundle of joy arrives!

Interior, Living Room, Living Room Interior, Living

[Photo courtesy of bedrck/pixabay.com]

Don’t Forget The Changing Station

Okay, so you new baby’s nursery is all ready! It’s got a crib, cute decor, and a good selection of toys. But have you also remembered to add a changing station in there? This small area is a dedicated place where you can change the baby’s nappies. Most parents forget about adding one to their nursery, which is unfortunate as it can quickly become the most important part of the entire room. To prepare your changing station, you can add either a changing table or mat. Make sure you have opened nappies and wipes close by at all times as well. When you are changing your baby, there will be a lot of mess and having all your cleaning materials opened and ready to go will be a godsend! So make sure you aren’t completely focused on your baby’s sleeping arrangements; you also need to change them too, remember!

Nursery Decoration, Teddy, Shelf, Baby, Newborn, Books

[Photo courtesy of KathrinPie/pixabay.com]

Pack The Freezer

This point is most important for the first few months of your baby, but if you remember to keep your freezer well stocked while you have children, it can really help you out when you have little time to prepare meals! Be sure to pack your freezer with lots of portions of meals such as lasagnes and stews. That way, you can simply take out as many portions as you need for dinner, defrost them, and reheat. You will have little time to prepare freshly home-cooked meals once the baby arrives, but stocking your freezer can help you stick to a healthy diet and not have to rely on ready meals all the time!

Create A Child-Friendly Garden

When you are trying to make your house into a family friendly home, it is also important to head out into the garden and make sure that it is safe for children. One of the main things to do is to make sure there are no poisonous plants out there. Young children will be exploring every inch of the garden once they are able to walk. To make sure they don’t put anything poisonous in their mouth while your back is turned, de-weed your garden and only add safe plants. If there are any water features or ponds in your garden, you should cover these with a net so that your kids won’t fall into them. It is also a good idea to dig up any hard flooring, such as stone patios or wooden decking. These could be dangerous if your kids are running around on them, so it’s worth replacing them with soft lawn. If your kids fall over on a lawn, they won’t hurt themselves quite so much!

Children, Games, Family, Child, Happy, Girl, Smiles

[Photo courtesy of sof_sof_0000/pixabay.com]

Safeguard Your Kitchen

Imagine momentarily leaving your toddler in the kitchen for a brief minute and returning to find they’ve emptied out all the lower-level cupboards and spread cereal all over the floor. This may sound like a complete nightmare, but it very often turns into reality. I’m sure that most parents have had to clean up after their kids have made a major mess in their kitchen! Thankfully, there is one way you can prevent this from happening. You just need to make sure your kitchen is fully childproof. And one of the best ways of doing so is equipping all the cupboards and drawers that are within reach with childproof locks. You can find these in most baby stores as well as online.

Dining, Entertaining, Lifestyle, Kitchen, Living

[Photo courtesy of Connoman/pixabay.com]

Rid Your Home Of Pests

All parents want their home to be as clean as possible. A clean house is one that is free from any germs and bad bacteria that can cause various infections and illnesses. There is one main sign that your house may not be quite as clean as you want it to be. And that is if there are signs of pests or vermin living on the property. For example, if you find some rat or mouse droppings somewhere in your house, you might have a vermin problem that you need to deal with. Similarly, you could find signs in your kitchen of an ant infestation. Don’t panic if you think you do have some unwelcome housemates living with you; you can always call in a pest exterminator. You can find the contact details of your nearest exterminator online on their website.

Find More Storage Space

Think you and your partner already have a lot of things? Well, you can expect that to almost double once the baby arrives! Even though your baby will be tiny, they will need a lot of things! Most parents buy lots of clothes in various sizes. This is because babies grow so quickly, so it is very useful having plenty of spare clothes ready for them to wear once they grow. Because of this, you will need to have a lot of storage in your house for your kids. You can, of course, add lots of cupboards and chests of drawers to the nursery. But it is also a good idea adding some storage elsewhere. For instance, you could invest in beds that have drawers in the base. If you need to buy some more furniture for storage, you can always find it fairly cheaply on sites such as eBay and Craigslist.

Towels, Dresser, Cupboards, Room, Decor

[Photo courtesy of StockSnap/pixabay.com]

Add Some Color

These days, most of the big interior styles and trends are all about very chic decor choices. For instance, the most popular color shades at the minute are cool silvers and bright creams. These sure do look great, but they aren’t exactly the most child-friendly colors. Once you have kids in your house, you will want it to be as bright as possible for them, and the best way of doing that is adding some color to your decor. You can still do this with a stylish interior design that is based on silvers and creams, though. You just need to add colorful pieces of furniture and artwork. These great injections of color will really help to make your house feel like a cozy family home!

Smooth Your Edges

One of the main causes of accidents around the home for children is sharp edges and corners. You will find that toddlers will walk around without really looking where they are going, and could end up knocking into the edges of tables and shelves. If these edges are particularly straight, they could end up feeling very sharp. To make sure your kids don’t hurt themselves too much, it could be worth smoothing the edges slightly with some sandpaper. Alternatively, you could always treat yourself to some new, round-edged furniture!

As you can see, getting your house ready for the arrival of children requires quite a bit of work on your part. But it will all be very worth it in the end! It will help your home feel a lot more comfortable than it once was, and you and your family will be very happy indeed! So what are you waiting for?

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The Tallest Tower: Make Your Loft A Girly Haven

It’s in every story. The prince climbs up the to the tallest tower of the castle to rescue the princess and they live happily ever after. Well, your little girl may not need to be rescued by a handsome prince, but she absolutely does need a room at the top of the tower that is just for her! Having a daughter is like having a whirlwind tornado that has pink and glitter all over it. Sure, you get the girls out there who prefer to go for a more neutral look, but given the chance, most little girls will have a unicorn themed bedroom, complete with real life unicorn, please.

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[Photo courtesy of Sarang/wikipedia.org]


For older girls, privacy is so key and so sharing with younger siblings isn’t always the easiest thing for them to do. Sometimes, lack of space causes there to be a room share which can then cause friction and solving this problem isn’t easy. If you’re lucky enough to own a home with a loft space that’s currently covered in boxes and could possibly use a shout to termite control, then you do have a solution ready!

A loft conversion is a big job but if it would mean your tween daughter having her own space she can call her haven, it could be very worth it! It’s a big job, so what should you remember when converting your loft into the princess tower it could be? It all depends on the structure of your roof.

  • Have someone come out and measure up the loft for you, including the headspace, to get a good idea if you could even begin your planning to convert the space into a bedroom.
  • Get a quote for the reinforcement of the floor. You’ll need to change it over so you actually have somewhere to put a bed and furniture.
  • How much space do you have for skylight installation? You’ll need to make sure you have enough room to allow for natural light. Sometimes you can so a dormer loft installation over the ‘room in roof’ loft conversion, which is more expensive but doesn’t require you to make any dramatic changes to the roof.
  • Gather quotes for electric, heating and lighting installation as well as a staircase being put in.

Stylish Girly Bathroom Decor - Girly Girl Bathroom Ideas

[Photo courtesy of webdesignonlineschools.com]


Like we said, it’s a big job. Once it’s completed, your daughter could add her own touch for the decoration. Make it a project you can do together and sit down and decide colours, posters, light shades and bedding. You want her to have her input to the bedroom; after all, it’s her space. A project of this size may require planning permission and you should also get some advice from the fire station nearby as they can fit fire alarms for you in the extra room you’ve just acquired.

Not only will you have made your daughter’s day and given her a sense of independence, you’ll have potentially stopped sibling scraps by splitting up the younger one from the older. Peace at last, indeed!

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Kids Room Ideas: Give Your Daughter The Perfect Birthday Gift In Five Easy Steps

It’s sometimes hard to know what to get for your daughter’s birthday. No matter what age she is, kids’ interests are always changing and it’s difficult to know what to get. Why not try out a brand new room decoration for her next gift? Here are some tips on how to do it…

Talk To Her First

Make sure that you communicate clearly with her about what she’d like from her new bedroom. Think about what exactly she uses her bedroom for – if she likes drawing and writing stories, then make sure she has a well-lit desk area. If your family pet sleeps in her room, make sure there’s space for its bed. Talk to her about what exactly she wants to make sure that’s what she gets.

Girls, Children, Happy, Kids, Playing, Teddy Bear

[Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures/pixabay.com]

Use It As A Bonding Experience

If you’re planning her room together, you can use it as a bonding experience. Take her out so you can choose paint colours and look at wallpaper samples together, and make a day of it by going out to lunch or dinner afterwards. If you’re planning on decorating it together, show her how to paint walls and let her play her favourite music while she helps out. Remember not to get irritated if she gets bored with decorating and wanders off – this is a gift for her, after all!

Teddy Bear, Camera, Orchids, Scene, Chair, Chalk Paint

[Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto/pixabay.com]

Get Some Unique Pieces

Make the room into a really special place by investing in some unique pieces. Check out girls’ cabin beds and consider creating a canopy with pretty, floaty material. Look around antiques stores to find some pieces that are a little different from the norm and that are made out of good quality, durable materials. These are the things that she’ll end up keeping for the rest of her life and that she’ll transfer to her own apartment one day in the future – which may seem like a million years away, but which will come around more quickly than you think.

Playroom, Childhood, Toys, Nursery, Interior

[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/pixabay.com]

Make Sure It’s Practical As Well As Pretty

It’s important to make sure that the room is as useful as it is pretty. Make sure there’s plenty of storage for clothes, toys and books – and that there’s some spare space for the new belongings that she’s bound to pick up over the next few years. Remember that kids are ever changing and that they grow up a lot more quickly than you’re expecting they will, so make sure that nothing is too permanent. She may have wanted a huge Frozen mural on the wall when she was four but she might not like it as much a few years later!

Girl, Lying, Young, Room, White, Cute, Happy, Home

[Photo courtesy of Gilmanshin/pixabay.com]

Create A Grand Unveiling

Even if your daughter’s helped with some of the decoration and given you pointers about what exactly she wants, make sure that the final unveiling of what her new room looks like is a surprise. Treat her to a really special experience – put a ribbon on the door to demonstrate that it’s a gift and try to make sure it’s ready on her actual birthday. Arrange her things in a similar way to how they were in her old room and make sure that her favourite possessions are on display.

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Ideas to Help Make the Most of Your Kids Limited Space

If you are working with a small space you need to take advantage of every little nook and cranny. This is even more important with children’s rooms. Sleeping s not the only thing that occurs in children’s rooms, there needs to be room for play and activities. The following article lists some great ways to help you get the most out of a small room, specifically a child’s rom. It’s easier than you think, it’s all about following a few simple design rules or tricks.


If you are starting from scratch you have a great opportunity. It’s all about tricking the eye with clever design. Start from a blank canvas by removing whatever is in the room. Choose a light colour. Don’t be afraid to ask your child what colour they would like and then negotiate, this is their room after all. Light colours reflect natural light and light makes spaces appear larger. It’s that simple.

Kids Bedroom

[Image not mine]


Light is the best way to make a room appear spacious. Try to take advantage of natural light as much as you can, it can be as simple as replacing your blinds to something that covers less of the window when retracted. When it comes to artificial light, don’t be afraid to have more than one light in the room. You should have at least a ceiling light and a lamp at your child’s desk. For younger children you may want to also include a night light.


The best way to make a space appear larger is to not cram it full of items. That’s where storage comes along.Clever storage will not only keep your child’s room neat but also keep them organised. They will actually know where their belongings are and you won’t have to constantly pick up after them. It’s like a dream come true. Try to think outside of the box. Shelves are good but you want all the furniture in the room to serve more than one function. You don’t want to waste space on a boring bed, go for a bed with drawers underneath it instead.


Like I just said above, you want the furniture that you choose to serve more than one function. There are great amount of different designs of beds that really utilise the space you have. For example bunk beds without the bottom bunk. This is a great way to create a study or chill out area. Go to http://www.bunkers.com.au/ to see what I am talking about. If you have enough space for a chair or bench try one that has hidden storage or shelves on the side. Look for smart furniture, it’s out there.

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