Maximizing Your Living Space: A Guide to Smart Home Improvement

In the fast-paced world we live in, creating a comfortable and functional living space is more important than ever. Home improvement projects that focus on optimizing space not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also contribute to a more organized and stress-free lifestyle. This article explores various strategies and ideas to help you make the most out of your living space through thoughtful home improvements.

Free Sofa Chairs in Living Room Stock Photo

[Photo courtesy of Vika Glitter/]

  1. Declutter and Organize: Before embarking on any home improvement project, start by decluttering your space. Rid your home of unnecessary items and organize belongings efficiently. Consider installing built-in storage solutions like shelves, cabinets, and closets to keep your possessions neatly tucked away, creating a sense of order and openness.
  2. Multi-Functional Furniture: Invest in furniture that serves multiple purposes. For example, a sofa bed in the living room can transform the space into a guest room when needed. Additionally, ottomans with hidden storage, foldable tables, and modular furniture allow for flexibility in how you use your space, making it adaptable to various activities.
  3. Open Floor Plans: Knock down unnecessary walls to create an open floor plan that connects different living areas. This not only enhances the flow of natural light but also provides a sense of spaciousness. Consult with a professional to ensure that the changes adhere to structural requirements.
  4. Lighting Matters: Proper lighting can significantly impact the perception of space. Maximize natural light by using sheer curtains or blinds and strategically placing mirrors to reflect light throughout the room. Consider installing recessed lighting or pendant lights to illuminate darker corners and visually expand the space.
  5. Outdoor Integration: Extend your living space by incorporating outdoor areas. Create a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces with sliding glass doors or large windows. Design a functional outdoor space with comfortable seating, lighting, and greenery to make it an extension of your home.
  6. Smart Storage Solutions: Utilize underutilized spaces by incorporating smart storage solutions. Staircase drawers, under-bed storage, and wall-mounted shelves are excellent options to maximize storage without sacrificing floor space. Customized storage solutions can be tailored to fit specific areas, optimizing every nook and cranny.
  7. Color Palette and Design: Opt for a light and neutral color palette to create an airy and open atmosphere. Consider using mirrors strategically to bounce light and make spaces appear larger. Additionally, choose furniture and decor that complement the overall design, maintaining a cohesive and visually appealing look.
  8. Tech Integration: Embrace smart home technology to streamline your living space. Invest in space-saving gadgets like smart thermostats, automated blinds, and compact entertainment systems. This not only enhances convenience but also contributes to a modern and efficient home.

Maximizing your living space through strategic home improvements is a rewarding endeavor that can significantly enhance your overall quality of life. By decluttering, incorporating multi-functional furniture, embracing open floor plans, optimizing lighting, integrating outdoor spaces, utilizing smart storage solutions, selecting a thoughtful color palette, and integrating technology, you can create a home that feels spacious, organized, and tailored to your unique needs. Start your journey towards a more efficient and inviting living space today.

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Why Homemakers are Crazy over Sheer Drapes

Most homemakers today are adorning their homes with a sheer window treatment because of its functionality and aesthetic appeal. The design of sheer coverings is associated with wealth and class. Even log and country homes in a rural setting look more beautiful when embellished with a sheer drapery panel.

The fabric itself is one reason why drapes of this style are elegant, light yet strong to block the glaring UV rays. Some sheer drapes are accentuated with generous amount of trims, laces and accessories that make them look expensive and luxurious.

sheer drapes

[Photo courtesy of]

Drapes do not only enhance the appearance of your home, they are an excellent barrier towards stalkers who use your windows to see what you are doing inside. Not only that, they offer natural insulation because the fabric which is usually made of voile, silk or faux satin has lined finish that sets off the light from harming your interior.

If you live in the countryside, the sheer drape can provide you a breathtaking view of the greenery woods and the blue skies. While you are protected from strangers and elemental, you can enjoy fresh air because the softness of the fabric allows the sea breeze and the morning dew to get inside the house.

Its simplicity makes it a perfect window embellishment for a provincial abode that makes it an ideal setting for a romantic interlude. This is perhaps the reason why sheer drapes are so popular in modern homes. They look more beautiful if you adorn on top of them some layers of curtains or a scarf. Make sure their colors are not contradicting.

Aside from giving a fashion statement to your window, the sheer drape is a reflection of your fine taste. They can turn your living room into a perfect venue for informal gathering and the dining area for sharing your culinary expertise. When you are faced with economic difficulties, the drape is a perfect decorating alternative if your budget is limited. If you are planning to change your curtain, this one is worth considering.

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Super Simple Interior Design Ideas

When people hear the term interior design, their minds often jump to hugely complicated projects that are going to take up a great deal of time and effort. But this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. Sometimes, the best home improvement jobs are simple and don’t require too much from you in terms of commitment. When you own a place, it is always something of a work in progress so these jobs can really end up making all the difference.

[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/]

Paint the Room in Soft, Light Colours

Whatever the size of your house, you want to get the most out of it by making the rooms seem as big as possible. A simple paint job can really make a big impact, particularly if you choose soft, light colours, as well as mirrors that reflect the natural light that comes pouring in from the doors. On the opposite side of the coin, darker colours tend to make a room feel smaller and boxed-in.

Mix Up Patterns and Textures

Whether you do the job on your own or you say to yourself “I want to find an interior designer near me”, mixing the patterns and textures in your rooms is a classic technique. There is nothing wrong with putting some old pieces of furniture alongside more modern items, as long as they don’t clash too much and they properly represent your own unique personality and style. When everything seems too uniform, it has the look of coming straight out of a catalogue rather than feeling lived-in.

Use What You Already Have

As we have mentioned already, there is no need to spend huge sums of cash buying a whole load of expensive, new items. Pretty much all of us have items that can be used to add a bit of character to your home. Just some of these include bedside tables, luggage racks, trunks and old pieces of furniture. Another idea is to hang some plates around the place as wall art. Some simple DIY tricks can look great and give you a good project to tackle.

Add a Touch of Greenery

[Photo courtesy of lum3n/]

Adding a few plants and flowers to your living spaces can add a touch of nature indoors. The great thing about plants is that they are an affordable way of bringing in some colour and texture to your home. Many houseplants don’t require a great deal of upkeep, and they also help to clean the household air. Not only this, they can also absorb pollutants and get rid of a lot of harmful gases from the air.

Soften Up Hardwood Floors with Some Rugs

[Photo courtesy of pixabay/]

Hardwood floors have a classic and elegant feel in the home, but they can end up looking a little bare without a few throw rugs. Choose a style and texture that suits you, and place them in key areas around your house without overdoing it. You could even change up the styles depending on the season if you like the idea of giving your home a different look throughout the year.

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3 Simple Ways To Spruce Up Your Home For Spring

With the sunshine trying to make its 2016 debut and the coldest months behind us for another year, spring is officially on its way. That means it’s time for a spring clean, but what about the finishing touches? Here are three simple ways to bring this much-loved season inside your home; no matter what the weather’s doing!

Bring the outside in with a wall mural

One simple and relatively affordable way of changing the look and feel of an entire room is to invest in a wallpaper mural. As more and more manufacturers catch on to just how appealing these are to the savvy homeowner, the variety of designs on offer grows too. For a spruced-up spring room, select a sunrise, lake, garden, beach or forest design, like this one here from Be sure to pick a design that you won’t get bored of, and make sure you’ve got a spare pair of hands to help hang it. Watching the TV will feel so 2015 once you’ve got your mural to look at!

living room tips

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Reconsider your seating choices

Getting the seating right in your home is no simple task. It’s pretty easy to end up with way too many options, or way too few. A good starting place is to take a step back from seeing your home as you do every day. Instead, see it from the eyes of someone visiting for the very first time. If you were invited to sit down, where would you sit? Where would you not sit?

If there is one seating area that just doesn’t appeal, get rid of it! It’s only taking up valuable space. Be bold and replace it with something a bit different; a brightly coloured deckchair, perhaps, or a high quality bean bag. The latter is an especially good option, as you can change the colour and material of the cover as the year progresses. You can visit Comfy Sacks to learn more on this. As for the rest of the home, ask yourself; is my office chair good for my back? Are the dining room table chairs getting a bit wobbly? You’ll be surprised the difference some upgrading and DIY work will achieve.

Invest in a window cleaner

Dirty windows go easily unnoticed in the darker months. However, once the sun starts peeping out from behind the clouds again, it does a great job of highlighting any grime. While you might not believe it, clean windows can let in up to 30% more light that dirty ones. If that isn’t enough to convince you, the general environment can shorten glasses lifespan. Cleaning your windows both outside and in could prevent problems in the future. Also, more light means more heat; especially useful if this winter’s heating bills came as a nasty surprise!

Once you’re done (or the window cleaner is!), consider installing some window boxes to brighten things up even more. You can head to your local garden centre if you want to get things up and running straight away. Alternatively, take a look at this handy article from The Guardian if you’ve got a bit more time on your hands and want to grow and cultivate your own.

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Color Suggestions for Decorating Small Living Rooms

Hiring an interior designer amidst the economic crunch can be too expensive these days. If you are bent on improving your living room, you can do it alone. With power tools, and DIY tips from the net, you will be able to achieve an excellent living room improvement.

Living Room

[Image courtesy of Emily Henderson /]

Start the task of learning to use the color palette. It is important to note that color plays a very important role in creating neat lines and turning your home into a relaxing zone to unwind. Paint your living room with blue on the wall, moldings and cabinets; and furnish it with blue inspired chair cover and area rug. The window looks elegant if you embellish it with white and blue curtains.

Blue removes the boundaries and creating a wider space for a small living room. If you don’t like blue, you can opt for any shades of white, yellow, green and hot red. Bold colors can play tricks if you use it for your wall and don’t be afraid of what others may say about your taste. Color techniques along with your imagination can really turn wonders in your small living area.

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Planning for Minimalist Design in the Living Room

As I have blogged previously my family decided to keep the large speakers in the unfinished bedroom after I complain to them that are house is becoming loaded and scruffy.  As much as I like I wanted minimal designs to our house because our hold house has a lot of intricate displays from walls to display cabinets that is eating all the space in our living room.

Miles Keyboard

So I was relieved that what’s left at the bottom of the stairs is the electronic keyboard my mother had bought a few years ago and have not been used even a year, it only serves as a display and an adornment to our living room. If you will ask me if it is just waste of money, but my mother like to own one so much, that’s why no matter how I try to stop and disappoint her it didn’t work. Probably if she knew about the affordable roland gkc at musicians friend she will buy one to connect a guitar to any of the speakers we had, if we only have a large land we maybe build a big house with music room in it.

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Perfecting Your Home’s Interior Design

Living in a home that you actually like is one of the best pleasures a person can have. It can’t always be easy to achieve though – with expenses entailed in purchasing furniture, fixtures, and remodeling costs, the process can turn out to be burdensome and stressful.

Nevertheless, you can still have your home designed exactly the way you like even without having to spend a million dollars. To have a perfectly designed home, you just need to see to it that all the elements work together to create the effect you desire.

The following are some of the important considerations you have to make in home design:

  1. Color schemes

It’s a no-brainer – the colors of the house have a lot to do with its overall look. For an elegant-looking house, light and neutral hues are highly recommended to achieve that subtle yet classy ambience. White, cream, beige, and mauve are just some of the colors that will be effective in giving that elegant vibe without being tacky. Such shades are so versatile that they also work in modern and contemporary home design themes.

  1. Lighting

The lighting conditions in a home have quite a huge influence on its functionality, safety, and overall beauty. As such, it’s one of the aspects of interior design on which you shouldn’t hesitate to invest. Aside from the fact that sub-standard lights have caused fires in homes and corporate buildings, they also compromise safety and security. Aesthetically, the right lighting will also enhance the best highlights of a room. There are also lights that heighten the degree of comfort the room can provide to its dwellers, as well as increase productivity in offices and the home study. For high-quality and long lasting Artemide lamps – click here. Artemide lighting has been a world-class provider and manufacturer of quality light fixtures and appliances for many years now.

  1. Furniture

Choosing the right furniture for different areas of a home can be quite knotty, as you have to consider factors like price, design, and durability. The main goal in buying furniture, though, is function and not ornamentation. Sure, you should pattern your choices after your chosen theme, but this does not necessarily mean that you should pick a pretty-looking couch over a comfortable and durable one. As much as possible try to strike a balance between function and design – that way you can be assured that you are getting the value for your money.

  1. Theme

Following a specific theme for your home’s design is very important because this will be your basis in choosing all the other decors, appliances, color schemes, lighting, and fabrics that will be used to create a distinct look for your interiors. You can choose from modern, contemporary, traditional, shabby chic, and even avant-garde.

  1. Flooring

The floor constitutes one of the biggest spaces in your home; hence, the way it looks can change your home’s aesthetic value for the better or for worse. One of the most versatile floorings for home is wood – it’s not only classy, but it also looks good with other decors and furniture.

Cedric Loiselle is a highly talented writer who enjoys imparting useful information about home improvement to his readers. For lighting options, he highly recommends

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Living Room Furniture and Design Ideas

When it’s time to start redecorating your family game room, remember to choose plenty of items that are comfortable, cozy, and convenient. Never pick items just because they are cheap. Instead, opt for furniture and accessories that you just can’t get enough of.

First of all, check out corner TV stands. A corner TV stand works well to make your room seem bigger. It will keep your TV well out of the way, but still within convenient reach so you can play video games or watch movies.

Living Room Design

[Image not Mine]

Another important thing to do is to get a comfortable couch or sofa. The right couch should be big enough for you and your guests to sit comfortably while you either play games or watch shows together. Guest comfort is essential when it comes to designing the right family room.

Finally, make sure you have a great bookshelf to house your board games. Board games are a “must” for anyone who has a family room. Choose something big enough to house all of your games but that also matches your other furniture. You should keep your shelf within reach so that everyone can grab games whenever they want to. Make sure you organize your games well so that each guest can find the games they want as soon as they want them.

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