Eco Benefits of London’s Roof Terraces

Roof terraces are becoming increasingly popular, mainly due to their many advantages. These roofs are visually appealing, increase social cohesion, and, most importantly, offer a range of different ecological benefits. It is an opportunity for new ecosystems to develop and thrive, it reduces pollution and it helps people to lower their carbon footprint through the insulating properties. Nowhere is the need to be eco-friendly more acute than in large cities such as London. Although various efforts and initiatives have been put in place to lower air pollution and smog, more needs to be done. The following London roof terrace examples are incredibly important in terms of achieving those eco benefits so desperately needed in high-pollution areas.

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[Photo courtesy of Joaquin Carfagna/]

London Roof Terrace Examples

  1. 1 Poultry, which is found near Bank Junction. The building itself is reasonably new, having been completed in 1998. The roof of 1 Poultry houses a restaurant and a highly intensive green roof. Various beds are included in the design, which contains shrubs and trees. Furthermore, there is a stunning pergola covered in wisteria and grapes. Crab apples have also been planted in the garden. The roof also has a grass area surrounded by clipped hedges.
  2. 107 Cheapside, which is in the same district as 1 Poultry, has taken a slightly more simplistic, smaller approach. Rather than having an accessible roof that can be enjoy by guests, it has installed a sedum blanket on the main roof for insulation purposes. Furthermore, at two lower levels, a range of planters have been installed.
  3. 10 Queen Street Place is another great London roof terrace example. This building is near Cannon Street Station, an area notorious for pollution. On the fourth floor, it has a very large roof area with views of St Paul’s cathedral. It has an intensive green roof that has been made to look like a park. It has substrates, planters, grass, timber surfaces and more. It is a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the views of London.
  4. 150 Cheapside is at the foreside of St Paul’s, and the balcony of the Stone Gallery actually overlooks the property. It has a very large sedum area and minimal plant equipment. It also has photovoltaic systems for added eco benefits. Furthermore, there is space for planters at a lower level, which is also used for entertainment.
  5. 201 Bishopgate, which is in the east part of the City of London. It is a brand new building that features not just a green roof, but also a green wall. It uses a mixture of Boston ivy and native ivy. The particular focus for this building was on biodiversity.

These are just a few of the many examples of green roofs in London. It adequately demonstrates how much can be achieved with limited space and how important these developments are in terms of creating clean living solutions. Pollution in London is incredibly high, and these roofs and walls have the ability to significantly reduce that.

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Don’t Have A Roof-Ache!

When it comes to our home, there are loads of things that can go wrong. In fact, we end up having to spend a small fortune on repairs every year. But one place which often can be forgotten about is the roof. After all, we are unlikely to look up there when we are going about our daily life. But there could be problems developing which could soon end in costly repairs. Therefore, here are some things you can do to avoid a roof-ache!

[Photo courtesy of /]

Keep an eye on your attic

For a lot of us, we tend to use our attic to store items that we can’t find homes for. In fact, it can end up being a haven of old toys, luggage, and Christmas haven. And it means we rarely go up into the attic. But to ensure you notice problems with your roof, you need to be ensuring you are checking in the attic. After all, there can be signs in the room which mean there is a problem with your roof. For one thing, if there is a lot of light coming into your attic, it could be a sign that you are missing shingles. And they will need to be replaced quickly before you end up with a leak in your home. Also, if you notice water spots on your attic walls, it’s a sign that there is a problem with your roof flashing. Therefore, keep an eye on this to ensure you notice a problem quickly.

[Photo courtesy of Katherine Bowman/]

Watch out for shingles in your yard

You also need to be careful to watch out for shingles in your yard. After all, if there are loose shingles found in your back garden, it’s likely they have come off your roof. And if you do have missing shingles, your roof is unlikely to be protected from the natural elements. So if a storm hits, you could soon find a leak in your property. Therefore, as soon as you notice shingles, it’s a good idea to contact a roofing company. That way, they can go up onto the roof and see how many is missing. They can also help you to make the decision whether you need to replace the roof. In fact, a lot of roofing companies like Anderson Contractors will give you a free quote so you can decide whether it’s something you can afford to do. And remember most roofs only last on average 15 years. So it might be time to replace it if it’s older than that!

Forward, Storm Damage, Roof, Roofing Tiles, Tile

[Photo courtesy of Jan-Mallander/]

Get an annual roof inspection

While you might forget to look at your roof, you can still keep on top of it if you get someone to come out to check it annually. After all, the roofer will check everything to make sure it’s all in top nick. And then will make any fixes that are needed to keep it in good condition. That way, you can stop any problems in their track before they get worse and cause you a small fortune. You can also schedule them to come every year so that even if you forget, you will get a reminder telling you to book it!

Remember to ensure you are covered by home insurance. That way, you can get the funds you need if something does go wrong with the roof!

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Warning! Don’t Forget To Keep On Top Of These Areas Of Your Home

We aim to ensure our home stays in good condition so that we don’t run into problems. After all, issues with your humble abode could end up costing you a small fortune. And could jeopardize your property sale in the future. But a lot of people focus on certain locations like the kitchen, and forget to look after areas which could cause you huge problems. Therefore, here are some areas you need to make sure you don’t forget to keep on top of in your home.

The loft

It’s easy to forget about the loft when you are in your home. After all, it’s not somewhere that you go into every day. In fact, some people admit to only going in their loft a handful of times during the year. But it’s so important you keep on top of taking care of your loft. For one thing, it needs a regular clean. After all, it’s so easy for dust to build up in the attic. And if left, it could cause things like pests to occur. And not only this, but you need to watch out for condensation in the loft. You need to deal with this quickly, so that you don’t end up with a damp problem in your home. And as well as this, you need to ensure there is proper insulation in the loft. That way, you can ensure the heat from your system stays in the home and keeps your family nice and warm!

The roof

Another place you might forget to keep on top of is your roof. After all, it’s not an area you might look at every day. But if you aren’t keeping on top of it, small problems might be getting a lot worse. And you could end up with issues like leaks in your home. Therefore, it’s so important to make sure you keep on top of the roof. Check out the shingles to make sure none are missing. And if you think there is a problem but don’t want to get on the roof yourself, you could consider getting a contractor to do it. After all, roofing companies similar to TexasStar Roofing will do a free roof inspection and will let you know if there are any issues. You can then get this sorted before it turns into a huge problem. And remember your roof will need to be replaced every 15 years. As we said before, if you leave it longer than this, it will cause issues with leaks inside your home, and you might not be covered by an insurance policy.

Roof, Roof Gaupe, Truss, Fachwerkhaus, Old Town

[Photo courtesy of blickpixel/]

Your bathroom

You might be surprised that a lot of people forget to keep on top of their bathroom. They focus on making sure other rooms like their kitchen and lounge are okay. But if you don’t keep on top of your bathroom, you could end up with plumbing issues before long. Therefore, make sure you unblock any drains in the bathroom before it becomes a major problem. And clean the bathroom regularly so that you don’t get issues such as condensation and mold in the room.

And remember to keep on top of your garden too, especially before the freezing weather arrives!

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Don’t Forget Your Roof

If you’re thinking about updating your home to enhance its look and value, one thing you don’t want to do is leave out the roof. While the average lifespan of an average-grade asphalt shingled roof is 15 to 18 years, with a higher grade lasting even longer, once your roof reaches the 15-year mark you begin to see wear and tear. This not only can cause harm to your home’s interior with leaks or unsightly water stains but it can also mean not being able to secure a homeowner’s insurance policy. Or, at the very least, you may have to take a state offered policy until you make the necessary repairs or replace the roof.

“I want to wait until the last possible moment to get the most out of my roof.”

Think of your roof as a protective cover. It’s the first point of contact protecting your home’s interior from sun, rain, wind, hail and snow. The type of roof you may require depends in large part on where you live and the elements you experience. This can include living in extreme climates that have higher temperatures, heavy rains or significant amounts of snow that can decrease the integrity of your roof.

Roofs, Homes, Old Town, Italy, Red, Village, Old, Alley

[Photo courtesy of meineresterampe/]

Also, any objects resting on its surface, like tree limbs and leaves, can shorten its lifespan. If it’s been a while since you’ve replaced your roof, chances are good that there are probably already soft spots developing. Instead of waiting for an inside sprinkle of rain, it’s in your best interest to call a licensed contractor in the business, like the experts at ABC Roofing. They can schedule an appointment to come out and do a thorough check of your roof. You may need a few shingles replaced, or they may recommend a new roof.

How do you know it’s time to replace the roof?

Replacing your roof is costly. It’s an expense that no homeowner wants to take on without warrant. Luckily, there are several signs you can look for to help determine if it’s time to have your roof replaced. Shingles should lay flat in uniform rows. If your shingles are now turning either up or down, they are not going to perform at their best. Also, if you’ve noticed that several shingles are missing, the area now has exposure to the elements. Living in an area prone to steady wind gusts can cause your shingles to crack. Generally, one side of the roof, the side that receives the most punishment, would show visible signs of damage. A damp climate may produce moss or algae that sticks and eventually allows dampness to penetrate the surface. More obvious and severe conditions can include a sagging roof or the ability to see daylight when up in the attic.

Roof, Roofing, Flat Roof, Red, House Roof, Tile

[Photo courtesy of Hans/]

When thinking about remodeling your home, it’s easy to overlook the obvious, your roof. Most people want to gut a kitchen or bathroom or slap on a new coat of paint in a living room or bedroom. Remember, your roof is the only thing protecting that new renovation. And if it has damage, you could watch your home improvements go right out the door. Depending on the type of roof you have, it’s a good idea to have it checked periodically, especially after a significant weather event. If you are not comfortable climbing a ladder, you can call a professional and get a written assessment.

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Building a Concrete Roof for a House

The concrete slab of our house was finally done, it was expensive but worth it because we are already going to focus on minor details of the first floor of our house.  While we still don’t know yet when we can build the second floor,  the next project we are going to do is the house flooring, installing electrical wiring and working with the new toilet.

Concrete Roof

As we both know that the cement concrete is mixture of cement, sand, pebbles or crushed rock and water place on framework, allowed to dry until  becomes hard like stone. Cement concrete attained the status of a major building material in all branches of modern construction  because of its importance.

Building a concrete house or establishment requires a building permit  so if you are looking for step by step process on how to acquire one or to get a building permit in an easy way Nicholson Wright can help you in affordable rate.

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Adding Roof to your Home

My cousin’s family already started building their home, they are almost finished but they are already out of money. My cousin who’s in abroad will not send remittance anymore because she is set to go home in the next few months. The other day my mother told me that my uncle wants to lend money from us so they can buy the materials they need, they have to finish adding roof to their house so the beams will not turn rusty.

A roof is the most essential part of our house, it protect us from cold and warm weather. A good roof can also add more value to our house, a well kept interior is meaningless when the roof is leaking or defective. That’s why it is very important to build a house with durable and strong roof from Precision Roofing.

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If you have no skills on roofing there are many expert roofing contractors that can give you ideas and suggestion on how to install or take care of your roof. To own a home is such a huge investment and maintaining it properly will make it more comfortable and valuable.

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